Let’s do another day in the life post! I think I might start doing these once a month because they are so fun to put together. Even if my life is pretty boring. Ha!
4:36am: First alarm goes off.
5:30am: After five or six subsequent alarms (I use Sleep Cycle and then two backup alarms on my Clock app because I’m crazy), I finally get up and take Dutch on a short morning walk.
6:00am: Workout time! I do the “1,000 Reps” workout and make it through two rounds before wanting to pass out. The last time I attempted this workout, I only made it through one round so I deem today a huge success.
6:35am: Start getting ready for work. Waste too much time dilly-dallying and don’t have time to do my hair. Oh well! Days like these, I just throw my wet hair into a bun and call it a day. Pack my lunch. Pack my bag. Head out the door.
7:25am: Commute to work. It’s a little slow on the Interstate today, but not too awful. I am thankful for a fairly easy commute with very few traffic delays!
8:00am: Arrive at work, power up my computer, and put my food away in the fridge. Eat breakfast (cereal!) while writing this post.
8:15am: Get coffee and work on my to-do list for the day. A lot of writing to do today! Once I finish up these pages, I’ll be done with my writing for the month. Right in the nick of time!
8:30am: Tackle the first task on my to-do list, which involves proofing a coworker’s pages that he sent me last week.
10:30am: Email my edits to my coworker, take a bathroom break, and then eat my morning snack while reading a few blogs. Forget to take a photo of my morning snack, but it’s a hard-boiled egg and a cup of green grapes. Yum, yum! It’s while I’m eating said grapes that a coworker comes by to chat. After offering him some grapes, he proceeds to question if cinnamon on grapes would taste good. I had cinnamon at my desk so I offer it to him and he takes the challenge. Verdict? Not bad.
10:45am: Read over 10 pages that I wrote last week to see if I spot any errors (I do!), then send them over to my writing partner for his edits.
12:00pm: Lunchtime! I can take lunch whenever I want to, but I usually go by how I’m feeling. Today, I am hungry by noon and didn’t really feel like getting started on my writing tasks for the day before lunchtime, so I eat early. My lunch is boring (honey/dijon/lime chicken, yellow corn, applesauce with a side of three miniature candy bars), but I get to settle in with Cath and Levi while I eat. (Side note: LOVE. THIS. BOOK. Cath is just… she’s me. Rainbow Rowell has written me in character form.)
1:00pm: Back to writing – I have seven pages to knock out before the end of the day. It’ll take some serious dedication!
3:30pm: Take a break to have an afternoon snack of Teddy Grahams, and also a therapy session with Linda on Gchat. I think I also proposed marriage to her, so there is that.
3:45pm: Back to work, and I have three pages to go! I. Can. Do. This!
5:40pm: Pages done! Whew! Will need a quick read-through tomorrow, but I’ve written them. Yay! Leave work and commute home.
6:00pm: Arrive home to a giddy Dutch. We go on a long walk outside, and it actually feels… nice? There’s a breeze and everything! The heat index has been hovering around 117 degrees the last few days, so I love a tiny cool-down! Anything in the double digits feels divine.
6:15pm: Take a relaxing bubble bath. I’ve mentioned this in other “day in the life” posts, but I take bubble baths almost every day. I love ’em!
6:45pm: Start dinner. I’m making Italian baked chicken, mashed potatoes, and peas for dinner. Super easy and delicious meal! (The chicken consisted of me cleaning one chicken breast, dropping it in a plastic baggie, dumping an entire bottle of Italian salad dressing, and letting it marinate overnight. Not the most exciting meal, but incredibly simple and yummy!)
7:15pm: Dinner is cooking, so I work on this post and read a few blogs while it does its thing.
8:00pm: Finish cooking dinner. The chicken finishes first, then I mash my potatoes, and lastly quickly make a veggie dish.
8:20pm: Sit down with my mom to eat. (We usually eat different meals at different times, but she saw what I was making tonight and wanted some!) Completely forget to take a picture of my dinner, but it was yummy! We watch Masterchef while eating.
9:0opm: Turn on the Emmy’s and it’s a snoozefest. (I’m really not one for award shows!) But nothing else is on, so I watch it while playing on my phone and snuggling with Dutch. We also eat a yummy dessert!
11:00pm: Finally turn off the Emmy’s and start getting ready for bed. (Why did I stay up this late to watch that?!)
11:20pm: Lights out! This is super late for me to be going to bed. I’m usually turning off the lights by 10:00 at the absolute latest. Tomorrow’s alarm is going to hurt!
Are you a snoozer like me? When’s the last time you took a bubble bath?
I love day in the life posts! I always mean to do them but I lose track halfway through the day. Maybe I’ll give it another shot soon 🙂
Yes, I snooze. I try to keep it to a half hour. The last two weeks I’ve been going into work an hour early every day to cover vacations so I’ve been better about getting up, but I still love my snooze. I’m always torn between setting it early so I can snooze or setting it for when I really get up, because I’ve read that snoozing makes you more tired.
I love bubble baths! I don’t take them nearly as often as I should. Right now my tub needs a good cleaning and I’ve been so busy that I haven’t gotten around to it. I have to work on that this weekend because I know I will want a bath after my 18 mile run on Monday.
Definitely hit snooze, too! Unless it’s a day where I’m leaving for something fun and exciting, like a trip and then I will get up right away, no snooze button for me.
It’s been crazy hot here, too. Last night it was finally 88 in the evening and it felt lovely. Weird when that happens. Today is our last super hot day and I’m so glad.
Last time I took a bubble bath… um…. at least five months? I don’t take them very often. I should probably be better about treating myself.
I hit the snooze button as much as I can!! Really, the only reason I turn an alarm on these days is so I can wake up to turn on the baby monitor so I can hear where Isla wakes up. After I do that, I usually roll back to sleep, haha.
I very rarely have bubble baths or baths in general. I’m totally a shower-only kind of gal. I always find that I just sweat and feel gross when having a bath. The last one I had was right after I can Isla and it was an epsom salt bath to soak all my lady bits. TMI? 😉
I love day in the life posts! I cringe just at the thought of setting my alarm for 4:30AM. I’m not a snooze person, and usually wake up at 5:30. I’m not sure I’ve ever taken a bubble bath haha but it sounds nice : )
The alarm goes off for me at 5:55a, and I usually get up at the 6:18a snooze. I never ever do bubble baths, although sometimes I sit in the shower and just feel the water.
I always find day in a life posts so interesting as everyone’s days are so different. I think it’s funny that you consider noon an early time for lunch – that’s late’ish for me – but I do get into work at 6:45 so by 11 I am pretty famished!
I am not a snoozer because I can’t even sleep until my alarm goes off these days… but even before that I wasn’t a snoozer as I have to be at work so early that I usually don’t have the time to snooze. And I don’t think I have taken a bubble bath since I was a child! I don’t really like taking baths as I am usually too tall for most tubs and I feel really antsy. The last bath I took was an ice bath during marathon training which is the furthest thing from relaxing. 😉
Holy smokes girl. You had an 8am-6pm at work? Is that a usual thing?! That’s some crazy writing in one day though, wowza. Good for you 🙂 I’m still getting the hang of my routine because it changes a lot with school and exams (which were happening just as I started my new job, talk about tiring!) but I think I’m slowly finding a rhythm.
I will, however, NEVER get up before 6am. You are c-r-a-y. But in a good way of course. Good for you, getting a work-out in there!
Melissa, I work 9am to 7pm two days a week (which used to be FOUR! days a week until I begged to change my schedule) and 9am to 5pm three days a week.
I love reading Day in the Life posts! I honestly cannot even remember the last time I did one myself, I think it’s been over a year! I should do this soon.
Great job on the 1,000 rep workout! It’s a tough one. On Saturday morning I decided to do as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of it. I made it through 5.5 rounds so just ended up finishing off 6 rounds in 22 minutes. I was DRIPPING with sweat. So much so that I could barely do burpees because our floor was so wet from the sweat. Nice, right? But ya, that’s my go-to workout when I don’t have any equipment handy or want to get a good sweat on in a short amount of time!
These types of posts are so neat! Things that are every day to you are interesting to others. I should really borrow this idea and write one for myself. 🙂