Hi, friends! Happy Wednesday. π I thought it would be fun to take y’all through a typical day in my life today! I loooove these posts and think it’s fascinating getting a glimpse into someone’s regular life. I’d like to do these posts once a quarter if I can remember. Today, I’m taking you through my Tuesday, which wasn’t particularly exciting in any way, but that’s what makes it a great day to document. Enjoy!
4:45AM: My alarm goes off. I push snooze and Lila climbs on top of me for cuddles. She’s always so super snuggly in the morning and it’s my favorite thing!
4:55AM: I finally get up and find both girls lying on the bed. This almost never happens!
5:15AM: I head to the gym for a morning workout. I do 10 minutes on the elliptical and then spend the rest of my time working out on the weight machines.
6:05AM: I get home and greet the girls. I take a shower and get ready for the day while listening to my audiobook.
Second-day hair, yassss!
7:35AM: I commute to work, listening to Taylor Swift and rocking out. π
8:15AM: I get to work. After getting settled, I make a bowl of oatmeal and eat my breakfast while updating a spreadsheet for a meeting I have this morning.
8:40AM: I start editing content from two different writers. Editing content is a very big part of my job and I love it!
10:15AM: My editing task is finished so I take a break and drink my protein shake while reading blogs.
10:30AM: I answer some emails and have a short little back-and-forth with a coworker about one of our clients.
10:40AM: I’m called in for our weekly project update meeting. Since part of my job involves coordinating content for clients who are getting new websites, we spend time each week discussing those projects and making sure they’re moving along at the right pace.
11:15AM: Back at my desk and I answer some emails that came in while I was in my meeting. I also take care of some tasks based on the notes I made during my meeting.
11:30AM: Time to start writing content! This was supposed to be my priority task for today, but it kept getting pushed aside. I need to write a set of informational blog posts and I’m hoping to get five written by the end of the day.
This never-homeowner has learned so much about homeownership at this job.
12:30PM: After writing one blog, I take my lunch break. I buy a wrap, chips, and a cookie from the downstairs deli and go outside to eat with some coworkers. It isΒ super windy (16mph winds!) but warm and since it is icy cold in the office today, it feels good nonetheless. We chat about life and work and our insane love for Brooklyn 99. π
1:30PM: Back to the office. I freshen up my makeup in the bathroom and also pull up my hair because it’s a knotted mess from being pummeled by the wind for an hour. At my desk, I go through emails that came in during lunch. Nothing pressing for me to deal with, yay!
1:45PM: Alright, back to my writing task. Let’s see if I can knock out those four blogs by the end of today.
5:30PM: All done for today! I wrote all four blogs, so hooray for that! I also got sidetracked dozens of times. I had a few coworkers come up to talk to me, another coworker show me a really cute video of the raccoon he spotted outside, and I spent some time pricing out flights for a trip my mom and I are going to take some time this spring.
6:00PM: I stop at Publix to pick up dinner and a few items for tomorrow. It’s been a weird week where I had plans on Monday night and am going out on Wednesday and Thursday, so I didn’t really meal plan this week.
6:20PM: Home! The babies are happy to see me and we have a few minutes of pets before they decide that’s enough of me. π
6:40PM: I take a bubble bath and Lila comes right up to the side of the tub for pets. I can’t resist her!
7:10PM: I sort my laundry and then get a load in the washer.
7:30PM: I sit down to eat dinner, scrolling through Reddit while eating my Pub sub. Ellie jumps up on the island multiple times while I’m trying to eat and I have to keep putting her on the floor. Argh! Really need to break her of this habit.
8:00PM: Time for another Democratic debate! Whew. Since the last debate was so intense and it seems really likely Bernie is going to be the nominee, I want to watch it and see if the other candidates finally start going after him. The answer is yes (but I’m not sure how successful they were with their attacks, honestly) and the debate is really just a goddamn mess.
While I watch the debate, I multitask! I start working on this post, switch out my laundry, tidy up the apartment, and play with the cats.
9:45PM: I turn off the debate. I fold my laundry, scoop the litter boxes, and brush my teeth. I also finish up this post.
10:30PM:Β I finally crawl into bed with my book. I don’t think I’ll be reading too much tonight because I am one tired girl! Thankfully, I’m working from home tomorrow so I don’t have to wake up until 7:45. YASS!
I love these posts! It is so fun to get a glimpse of how other people spend their time! And I, too, am a huge fan of Brooklyn 99. Captain Holt forever!!!!
I love these day in the life posts, too! I am thinking I should start doing them at least once a year around Paul’s birthday to sort of memorialize what life was like at each stage! Last March feels like a blur and when I look at “year ago” pictures, he looks like such a baby! So I think I’ll try to do one this weekend.
Man you guys have had some serious wind lately! It was so windy last Friday and Saturday!!
I tried to watch the debate last night and had to turn it off. I am such a non-confrontational person and I hate yelling so it’s tough to watch. I voted early for our primary yesterday. We are part of super Tuesday but voting after work when you have a toddler is a PAIN!
Your wake up time is so early! I could never get up that early, but it’s awesome that you did it and got the gym.
YAY on getting the 5 posts written for work… that’s a lot to write in one day… great accomplishment!
I love these posts. I should do them more often myself, but sometimes my day-to-day seems so boring/repetitive. Love that you got up so early to go to the gym. High five.