In lieu of this week’s reading recap (I only finished one book), I thought I’d take you along on a day in my life! I love doing these types of posts, and while Saturday wasn’t a super-exciting day, it was a pretty normal day in my world at this point in time.
9:45am: I’m up! With nothing pressing for me to do until the afternoon, I planned to sleep in this morning and I most definitely did. It’s uncommon for me to sleep this late, but I’m glad I was able to do so this morning since I’m not going to be able to take a nap today.
10:00am: After scrolling through my phone for some time, I finally get out of bed and feed the girls a special breakfast (wet food!) and then have a bowl of cereal. I read through a few of my email subscriptions while I eat.
10:25am: I sit down on the couch to read my book, but get a call at 10:45 from my hair salon, asking if I could come in at noon rather than 1:45 for my appointment. I say yes and then hurriedly get dressed for a quick workout. (I knew I wouldn’t want to do a sweaty workout after I got my hair done, so it had to get done beforehand.)
10:57am: Spin workout! I do a quick, 20-minute workout which seems to be my sweet spot for spin these days.
11:20am: I take a shower, blow-dry my hair quickly, and get dressed. (Yes, I washed my hair right before my hair appointment. I don’t always do this, but I’m not gonna show up with sweaty roots! Grooooss.)
11:50am: I leave home for my hair appointment! I am getting my color touched up and a trim.
1:40pm: All done with my hair appointment! I am super happy with the results. I stop by Chick-fil-A to pick up a late lunch.
2:00pm: Home sweet home. I eat lunch while reading my book.
2:20pm: I curl up on the couch for a few hours of reading. Once I hit 40% in the romance I’m reading, I switch over to my other book and read 50 pages. During this time, I also Facetime with my mom and play lots of games on my phone.
4:20pm: I run some errands. I pick up a book from the library, do a quick toiletries resupply at Target, and stop by Publix to pick up a prescription.
5:20pm: Home sweet home. I leave a long Marco Polo video for Mikaela, filling her in on my life and my weekend.
5:40pm: Back to the couch to read! This time I work through a section of White Rage (I read about 20 pages per day). Once I finish up the day’s pages, I play Candy Crush on my phone while listening to my audiobook.
6:45pm: My phone dies so I plug it in and then do what I call a “slow tidy” of my apartment that is really just an excuse to get in my steps. I’m only at 3,200 and need to get to 5,000 since it’s a workout day. I basically walk one thing at a time to its rightful place and try to get in extra steps while I do that. It’s ridiculous but it works as I’m able to get in 1,300 steps in a half hour!
7:15pm: I eat dinner (a Publix sub – I picked it up while at Publix to pick up my prescription) while watching an episode of The Crown. It’s an episode that centers around Philip who is such an annoying, melodramatic person so it’s not really enjoyable. I read The AV Club’s analysis once I’m done with the episode and couldn’t disagree MORE with the columnist’s assessment and I’m glad when all the commenters bring up the same issues I had with it.
8:20pm: I spend some time looking up flights to Chicago and building an itinerary. Mom and I have decided to visit there in August! It’s so much fun building a travel itinerary. I also Facetime with my mom to get her thoughts on how long we should spend there (3 or 4 nights) and discuss some of the things I want to do.
9:20pm: Time for my bedtime routine. I tidy up the apartment, scoop the litter boxes, brush my teeth, and then do my skincare routine. My skincare routine takes a bit longer on Saturdays because that’s when I do a face mask, which I have to sit with for at least 10 minutes.
10:20pm: I march around the apartment to get in those last hundred or so steps and then have some snuggle time with Ellie on the floor of my bedroom before climbing into bed to read.
11:00pm: I put in my earbuds and open up YouTube on my phone to listen to ASMR videos for a half-hour until I find myself falling asleep. Then, it’s lights out!
What’s something fun you did this weekend?
I’m impressed your cats will let you sleep in! Oscar would NOT let that happen! Ha! But she gets fed twice a day (we don’t let her self-regulate since she’s overweight) so she is HANGRY in the morning! And of course our kids do not let us sleep. This was a particularly AWFUL weekend of sleep as Will had a high fever from his vaccines on Friday. I got about 4-5 hours of sleep on Fri and Sat nights. Last night was better but he was up 3 times which is worse than usual. He seemed back to his happy self this morning so hopefully tonight is a better night for all of us!
I love day in the life posts as everyone’s days are so different! On top of not sleeping well, we were trapped inside for much of the weekend as it was 100 on Sat and around 95 yesterday! So FL type of weather! This is so extreme for us, especially in early June. We were able to get outside more yesterday but overall we were outside way less than usual, especially with Will have a fever for most of the weekend. 🙁
I am so so so excited you are coming to Chicago! Let me know the dates when you know so I can block my calendar <3
Yay for sleeping in and being able to fit that workout in. Your hair looks fab!!!!
I love seeing Ellie loving her Nip Mat! Khali is still loving hers!
Well you know the fun thing I did this weekend – Drag Bingo with Cats! I had a lot going on this weekend. Too much honestly. Mostly fun stuff though!
I love the day-in-the-life posts and should post one myself again (I think I’ve only done it once). Yay for sweaty spin workouts, hot showers and hair appointments. I haven’t been to a salon in almost 1,5 years! LOL
Somehow I suspect you might like it? 🙂
And I love these posts – and like Lisa, seeing how different our days are! I keep saying I should do one… and I probably will, but maybe without the actual times. I get up insanely early and go to bed insanely early. LOL. (BTW, you are not the only one who has done laps at home to get those danged steps…)