Since the beginning of January, I’ve been training (half-heartedly, let’s be honest) to run a 5k at the end of March (this upcoming Saturday!) It really was a spur-of-the-moment decision to sign up for this race because I’ve been steadfast in my belief that running is not for me. At the time I signed up, I was in a very confusing place and I think I needed an escape. And this 5k was exactly the escape I needed because it’s in Savannah. (And maybe that’s the real reason I signed up – a chance to return to Savannah!)
But I plopped down the money for the race, my mom reserved the hotel, and we asked for time off from work. We were going to travel to Savannah just to run a 5k. Yep, yep, yep!
It’s been two-and-a-half months now, and I’ve been training. Somewhat. I started by using the Couch-to-5k program, but I wasn’t liking it. Then, I tried forcing myself to run as far as I could at one time and running a little bit farther each subsequent run. But that just made me hate my life. Then, I tried an interval running program where I would run for 1/4 a mile, walk 1/4 a mile, run 1/4 a mile, walk 1/4 a mile, and so on and so forth.
The interval training has been working the best for me. It pushes me, it makes me feel strong, and it’s giving me confidence that maybe race day won’t be so miserable.
I know I won’t get any sort of personal record on Saturday. I am hoping to finish in under 45 minutes, which yes, is very slow, but that feels doable for me. I am not a fast runner, nor am I a fast walker. All I am hoping is that I enjoy myself, that I try my best, and don’t beat myself up if I don’t make the 45-minute goal time.
Throughout training for a 5k, though, it has really been eye-opening for me to discover that, as much as I think I want to be a runner, it’s not something I love. Plain and simple. I never look forward to my runs, I grumble and whine during my runs, and I’m usually left wishing I had tried harder at the end of my runs. It’s just not fun for me.
To be honest, I think the reason why I want to become a runner is because it’s another thing to share with my mom. She’s the real runner in the family, my inspiring two-time marathoner. And though we have just about everything in the world in common, I think I just have to accept that we won’t have this. This hobby which means so much to her, is something that makes me miserable.
But through this realization, and through this time of training for a race, I’ve discovered that exercise should be fun. This is something we do because we want to do it. Yes, of course, it’s something we all should be doing for our health, but honestly, it’s not something we have to do. It’s optional. (A highly suggested optional thing, but optional nonetheless.) So, this optional activity should be fun. It should make us feel good. For me, running does not do that. But other workouts? Oh, yes. They get me excited, they make me feel awesome, and they are just plain fun. (Sometimes. Not everything is fun all the time.)
Here are my workout loves:
I love spinning, and I used to do it all the time when I had a gym membership. It’s such a great workout, and it pushes me way past my comfort zone. But I have a gym at my apartment, so it’s hard to cough up a monthly membership fee. That said, we have LA Fitness locations throughout St. Pete and Tampa, all of which offer cycling classes that fit perfectly with my schedule, and it’s only $30 a month. I am seriously considering membership there if only to have access to spin whenever I want.
Cardio machines at my apartment gym
My apartment gym is tiny, but it has worked for my needs for the past few years. The gym consists of free weights, weight machines, two treadmills, two ellipticals, and a stationary bike. I really love jumping on a cardio machine for a workout because I can zone out and go. (Bonus: my apartment gym has Wi-Fi, so I can watch Netflix while I work out, too.) Plus, it’s super convenient because it’s a 24/7 gym and just steps away from my apartment.
Workout DVDs
Well, not just any workout DVDs. I’m talking Jillian Michaels, my favorite being Ripped in 30. Jillian Michaels is a tough trainer, and her DVDs absolutely crush me. I struggle through them, even doing modifications, but I love them because they combine strength, cardio, and ab work into a quick 30-minute program. And there’s nothing like seeing improvements in your fitness level and/or body!
Circuit training
Pinterest is my go-to resource for finding at-home circuit training workouts to complete. I have a bunch saved on my workout board, and I think I’ve tried each of them at least once. I get bored very easily with workouts, so I constantly need to find new and interesting workouts to try. I love doing a circuit workout when I don’t feel like walking over to the gym, but I still want to get my heart pumping. And I love doing these at home because I can go at my own pace. Oh! And another great resource for circuit training is the Nike Training Club, which is an app. The workouts are a little too advanced for my fitness level, but I wanted to mention them to anyone looking to amp up their workouts.
Strength training
My favorite way to work out, hands down. I love strength training. It feels so good! It makes me feel strong and powerful and capable, and nothing beats that muscle soreness after a good strength training workout. I call it “toilet sore” because it hurts just to sit on the toilet. Ha. I really, really want to work strength training back into my normal workout regime again. I miss it so much!
So, those are my workout loves! It’s difficult to figure out what should take precedence because I’m not someone who wants to work out two hours a day, every day. For me, 30 minutes on weekdays and an hour on weekends are what I commit to because I just really treasure my time spent on the couch. 😉 I know my limits and I know how much time I’m willing to put into working out.
I’m spending this week in race training mode, but once next week rolls around, I’m switching things up dramatically! Most likely, I won’t be joining a gym anytime soon (especially because, at LA Fitness, there’s a $100 sign-up fee, ugh), but I have plenty of resources at my disposal for other workouts, like cardio machines, strength training, and workout DVDs. My plan, most likely, is to start using Ripped in 30 for weekday workouts and use my weekends for longer workouts, like 30 minutes on the elliptical and then 15-30 minutes of strength training.
That’s the whole key to this life thing, you know? Do what you love. Push yourself and try new things, but if you don’t love that new thing? Stop doing that thing. Find what you love, and embrace it. Don’t apologize for it. I am just not a runner. I can safely say I have tried to become a runner, and it just is not a workout that suits my personality or my desires. But there are workouts I do love, and I want to spend more time on those workouts than on something that doesn’t make me feel good.
What is your #1 workout love? What’s one workout program you haven’t tried yet, but want to? For me, I really want to try yoga because I’m sure it would do wonders for my mental state (ha), but I’m overweight and not very bendy, so I just feel like it would be a frustrating workout for me! (Can you tell I’m somewhat of a perfectionist? Ha.)
I absolutely love running. I used to be really into spin as well but that sorta died off after a bunch of really terrible spin teachers. I’m joining a new gym once my current membership expires at the end of April so maybe there’s still hope for spin.
I am NOT a runner at all! I tried the Couch to 5K program years ago and while it was good, that’s when I realized I had IT band issues with one of my knees, and I too didn’t enjoy anything about the running process.
I haven’t worked out in awhile (like, uh, since we moved last year and I discovered I was pregnant – unless you count walking!), but for me, yoga has been transformative. I would highly encourage you to go – yoga doesn’t care about how bendy you are or how much you weigh, it’s about honoring your body and your mind where you are that day. Vinyasa is my favorite kind (one breath per motion), but you could always start with a gentle or relaxation class to get started – I always feel so much better afterwards!
Yes to all of this! Finding something you love is definitely the key to staying motivated and continuing to exercise. I think there is some pressure out there, especially in the blogging community, to love running because it seems like SO MANY PEOPLE love running. But there are SO many other ways to stay active. I mean, look at how long the list of things you love doing is! You’ve got more than enough on that list to keep you healthy and happy!
My favorite exercise is running. I like that it is a social sport as I run with a club or with Phil so I get to combine exercise with social time. Other things I love to do are biking outside, taking classes like barre, yoga, and body bump, and strength training. I especially love the strength training workouts from the shreds I’ve done as they combine cardio and ST and are usually 30-40 minutes max, and some are 20-25 minutes. Right now I am just using a groupon deal for barre classes. I’d love to have a membership but I can’t justify the cost right now so hopefully I’ll continue to find these deals at other studios!
Strength + circuit training is my favorite. I’ve found some great videos/workouts (thank you YouTube + pinterest) that combine both of them for me and it’s just an awesome feeling. Also, yes, Jillian’s workouts are KILLER. I did the No More Trouble Zones 50 minute workout for the first time in a while yesterday and holy heck am I sore today (probably doesn’t help that I did a Tabata Strength & Cardio Circuit yesterday morning, too!).
I love the idea of running and I do love running when I do it but afterwards the knee pain I have is just not worth it. I am still learning to be ok with the fact that I can’t be a runner anymore thanks to my crap knees.
I totally agree with you that you have to find workouts you love. I ran my first half last year but it definitely isn’t something I want to do forever. That said, I just started trail running, which is TOTALLY for me because there’s no emphasis on pace, and just on doing what the terrain and your body dictates. Plus, I love being outside. But my #1 always forever love is power vinyasa yoga. I cannot always motivate myself to get to the gym, but getting to yoga is rarely a problem. I love it. And as for your statement that yoga might not be for you, I weight 65 lbs more than I do now when I started and I was not super bendy either. My practice is hardly impressive, but I love it. Yoga has a style for just about everyone and I’d totally encourage you to give it a try.
It actually took me like 3 or 4 tries to really start liking to run. And basically I just had to remember that I would never get better at something that I didn’t do. But at the time I wasn’t doing anything else that I really loved. I think if I already had a bunch of stuff I liked, and I was starting to run, it would be easier to quit because I would feel like it was taking time away from something I really love to do. I also agree with Amy about yoga — flexibility doesn’t just happen, you really have to practice at it. Your body gets better at doing the things you make it do.
I have a love/hate relationship with running. Sometimes I love it, I don’t want to do anything else… sometimes I loathe it. Interval training has just recently brought me back to running more regularly and I think it’s all about the “getting out and get moving”.
If running is not for you, that is fine. You mentioned a lot of other (more fun for you!) workouts that work just as well.
I also encourage you to try yoga. It’s really not about being thin or particularly bendy… that will come with time! Yoga is a great workout for body and mind and everybody is encouraged to do what feels good for them (no expectations, no judgment is what my yoga teacher likes to say!). You’ll see, you’ll get bendy and strong in no time!! For me it comes down to a good yoga instructor (I only took yoga at the local gym and one of the instructors is amazing, the other one is not my cup of tea! Find someone that speaks to you and don’t give up if you don’t like it the first time. Try to find a different class!).
I just REALLY love exercise and movement in general! I definitely am at my best when I sweat and move at a minimum of once a day. As you know I do really love running but it definitely wasn’t always the case and my love for it has certainly ebbed and flowed over the years. I think it’s so important to just do what feels good for our bodies and the most important thing is to move daily! Eric and I both have gym membership and at just under $100 a month for both our memberships it’s certainly not cheap but since I go to classes 3-4 times per week and he goes to the gym 5-6 days per week it’s definitely worth it for us.
I haaaate running, mostly because my body shuts down after what feels like .5 seconds of jogging. However, I could walk for hours and hours, so I do that instead. My top method of working out is dancing, because that’s what I did for 15-ish years. It makes sense to me, doesn’t feel like working out, and is so much fun.
I really want to try yoga, too, because it would help me mentally. Strength training also intrigues me because although I’m thin, I am the weakest person alive. Erik made me flex my arm muscles the other day and nothing even happened when I tried, lol. It would be nice to feel stronger!
Yes, yes, yes! I have had so many people tell me how much they hate running when I tell them I am a runner… yeah, it is NOT for everyone! And there is a chance I would not care for their exercise of choice either (I wouldn’t go on about it (talking about random people, not this post AT ALL, lol) but that is the difference, ha ha). Do what you love. That will make you keep doing it (as you know, duh, right?). I didn’t know you loved strength training! I want to hear more about that! And I hope the race was fun! 🙂
(and yeah, running is my #1 love. I want to try spin! I sometimes teach indoor cycling but we use our own bikes)