1 – Our podcast finally being available on all of the platforms. It’s so exciting to be able to see our little icon in my podcast player!
2 – Officially launching our podcast into the world with our trailer episode.
3 – A bagel and coffee from Einstein’s. So good! Before the pandemic, my company used to get us Einstein’s Bagels every Friday morning, so it felt like old times.
4 – Hanging up my jewelry organizer. I love it so much!
5 – Lila finally using the cat bed that I bought… months and months ago. I have placed this dang cat bed all over the apartment to see if there was a specific location where they would actually use it. Turns out, plopping it right in front of my TV stand is what did it.
6 – A lovely haircut with a stylist I am quickly coming to adore. She’s just so peppy and immediately puts me in a good mood.
7 – A day date with my mom! We went to get her ears re-pierced, had lunch together, and then went to a furniture store to pick out a mattress for the bed in her guest room. Modern Resale has some amazing deals on high-quality furniture.
8 – Texting with my older nephew about fantasy football. So fun!
9 – Our first full-length podcast episode released today! What a momentous day!
10 – Spending the evening at my mom’s. There were dog snuggles, TV time, and chatting with my mom.
11 – Reading a romance that gave me ALL of the happy feels (Weather Girl).
12 – A venting work call with a colleague. Much needed!
13 – Game night with my mom and my brother—the OGs! It’s hard to believe we’ve been doing these game nights for so many years now.
14 – A visit to Trader Joe’s. It was stupid busy, but I always love picking up new-to-me food options.
15 – Rereading a favorite romance… and finishing it the same day I started it!
16 – A helpful therapy appointment, digging into some of the reasons behind this loneliness I’ve been feeling lately.
17 – Finishing work early and taking a nap on the couch.
18 – Episodes of The Office.
19 – Getting Wordle in 2! Only the second time that’s happened to me.
20 – A coffee/reading date with Amber. The coffee was fantastic!
21 – Sleeping in and spending the morning reading on the couch with Chip and Lucy.
22 – A podcast brainstorming session with Bri, during which Tessie (Bri’s adorable greyhound) curled up next to me.
23 – Voting in the primary and the people I wanted to win doing so!
24 – Going into the office for the day. I got to hug a ton of coworkers I haven’t seen since March 2020!
25 – A really good night of sleep after many restless nights.
26 – A facial that included the most wonderous scalp massage.
27 – Brunch book club and our family’s fantasy football draft. We had fun!
28 – A recording day for the podcast. We started recording episodes for season 2, and I’m excited to release these episodes soon.
29 – A lunch date with Mom. The Chick-Fil-A we go to recently remodeled and one of the sections they remodeled has booths that are SO close together. So close together that we cannot sit there. So we joke that that’s the “skinny section.” We tried sitting there today and we were like, “Nope, that’s the skinny section, remember? Gotta go to the fat section.” Tehehe.
30 – A really productive work day where I felt like I was doing a million things at once, but I felt really focused and energized all day. Love that!
31 – Having dinner made by Robert! He cooks for my mom on the nights they eat in (they love eating out, hence where I get my love for eating out) and he made us delicious spaghetti with meat sauce.
Every month, I think about what a great exercise this is and vow to replicate it, but never do. Your kitties are so adorable – I love that photo of the two of them side by side!
You should! I keep a running list in my Notes app and sometimes I get a little behind, but I try to fill it out every few days. It’s a fun way to look back on the month!
Your jewelry organizer looks awesome! Where is it from?
It’s from Amazon! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B091DMZJ21?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details
That haircut is fabulous!!
I listened to the zodiac episode yesterday – I am like Bri, I am so much my sign (I’m a Taurus). It was a fun one to listen to!
Cute jewelry organizer!
I love that the Zodiac really works for you! I think that’s the beauty of personality frameworks: There are so many options and you have to find the one that works for you!
I love this format and need to remember it. It would be a fun way to remember the past month. Also I have to. check out the podcast.
I hope you enjoy the podcast, if you end up listening to it! 🙂
Aw… what a great month. I really love this idea- every day you would be on the lookout for good things. I might steal the format for a NaBloPoMo post- I’ll need all the ideas I can get for November!
i’m impressed that Lila is sleeping in her bed- I’ve never had luck with that with any of my cats!
Yesss, you should definitely do it in November! I’m already planning for Nablopomo, haha.
I listened to your podcast over the weekend. I am SOOO not an aquarius! So I have really poopoo’d the zodiac system. .I did look up my rising moon or whatever those other signs are called, and felt like those more so described me. But it still seems very random!
I love how much you see your family and how close you guys are! I used to have a really close relationship with my local brother and his kids but as they’ve gotten older and I’ve gotten busier it has really changed. Plus some other family stuff has impacted my relationship with them. Makes me sad that I don’t have that kind of family relationship, but I do have a wonderful chosen family of friends. If only my younger sister lived closer. That’s who I am closest to but she lives in AZ so we don’t see her very much.
Yeah, the Zodiac doesn’t really work for me, at least my sun sign. It doesn’t describe me AT ALL and it just feels very silly to me that our personality is dictated by when we were born. People born on the same day don’t all have the same personality!
I know you’ve had a lot of struggles and changes within your family of origin over the past few years. I’m sorry to hear that things are still very tense and not the same! 🙁
OOo I love your jewelry organizer too. Do the cats think the necklaces are toys for them?
I love your new cut and that you love your stylist!
I am excited to hear what the theme for season 2 of the podcast will be.
And wtf is up with those booths. I hate when restaurants do that!
Ellie tried getting to the necklaces once but she mainly leaves them alone. I was surprised because when I saw how low the necklaces were, I was worried the cats would try to play with them. So far, so good!
Listening to your podcast as I type this comment…you gals, while different, mesh so well and it comes through. Similar to me and my BFF, we are so different, yet our relationship is so easy. Congrats on the podcast!
I love to hear that! Thank you so much!
I’m clearly way behind on blog reading…how cute is your hair?! I love it! Finding a stylist that can really work with your hair’s texture and with your face shape is always such a process that it feels like the stars have magically aligned when it finally does happen. Now I just have to do the same with someone who actually lives by me, since everyone I know and like lives at least two hours away!
Two hours away! That is way too far to drive for a haircut. I hope you can find someone who lives closer!
Your hair is amazing! Definitely keep this stylist. 🙂
I also love the podcast, as I keep saying. And, I love the rapport that you and Bri have. You’re clearly wonderful friends and it comes through, and makes it so much fun to listen to.
I saw a few others mentioned your ties to your family… I’m so, so glad you have these strong relationships, particularly given what you shared about your estrangement from your dad. Your mom and brother just seem like awesome people, which is not surprising given they are related to you. <3
Thank you so much for the sweet comment on our podcast! I really wanted our fun and supportive friendship to shine through – none of this “frenemies” business that can come through on other podcasts.
My mom and brother ARE awesome people, you’re absolutely right! That’s why I enjoy spending so much time with them. <3
Oh that sounds like a lovely August! I love your haircut (I haven’t been to a real hairdresser in literally ages…. I just cut my own hair again a couple of weeks ago LOL).
I also love to hear about your podcast being launched… as promised, I downloaded the first couple of episodes and listened to them when I drove to my “fieldwork” location last week. It was so fun to “hear” you talk with Bri. You guys did a great job 🙂 Maybe I will even fall into a habit of listening more often… hehe.
Thank you so much for listening! That means the world, as I know podcasts aren’t really your thing!