1 – I spent all day publishing content to client websites, which is a mindless task that allows me to listen to podcasts. It was nice to get caught up on my feed!
2 – Taking a long, 4-hour nap. So refreshing!
3 – A reading date with Amber. We went to a nearby park, spread out our blankets, and read our books. It was a beautiful night!
4 – Spending Easter with my mom, my brother, and his family. It was fun to see the boys running around with their neighbor friends!
5 – I started using a schedule today, and I was so much more productive during the day, enough that I was able to wrap up my workday at 5:15. What a delight!
6 – Mom and I went on a fun dinner date this evening to a new-to-us restaurant. We got mac-and-cheese that was so good and an order of fries to share. We were able to sit outside far away from other people, so it felt very safe! And the people watching there was excellent. 🙂
7 – I feel so stupid today because I found out I double-paid for rent. But, hey, at least I didn’t overdraft and it wasn’t the financial catastrophe it could have been. That’s a silver lining.
8 – I got my first COVID vaccine today, hooray! The process was incredibly easy. I arrived 15 minutes ahead of schedule and was sitting down for the observation period before my appointment time. They have everything down pat there.
9 – Pizza night! I ordered cheesy bread with my pizza, which is always a good idea. Mmm!
10 – Today was fun! Mom and I had some girl time. We went shopping, got pedicures, and had shakes from Steak N Shake. I was hoping to have some pool time, too, but it started pouring as we were leaving the nail salon. Womp, womp.
11 – Lady date day with Briana. We explored the Imagine Museum, an amazing glass museum downtown, and then I found a cute zero-waste shop inside a plant store Bri wanted to go to.
12 – Making breakfast for dinner. YUM! I made chocolate chip pancakes, eggs, and sausage.
13 – Going out to dinner with my mom. I had a whole list of stuff to talk to her about, even though we had chatted on Facetime the day before, hehe.
14 – Playing with the girls at night! Eloise was being especially chatty so I figured she’d like some playtime with our collection of teaser wands. Both girls were so excited!
15 – Having a really productive, satisfying day at work. Some days, it all just clicks, you know? I love when that happens!
16 – Taking a long nap and then sitting on the couch and reading for most of the evening. Perfect Friday night!
17 – Game night with the fam! It was fun to have my brother all to himself.
18 – I had a very productive Sunday and it felt really good. I deep-cleaned my apartment, went grocery shopping, worked on a freelancing assignment, and did some blog work.
19 – A rainy Monday! I love rainy days and this one felt especially cozy.
20 – Derek Chauvin was found guilty on all three counts for the death of George Floyd. YES!
21 – Today was a really long workday as I had to publish around 50 pieces of content on WordPress sites, but it meant I could finish my audiobook and listen to a whole bunch of podcast episodes while doing it. Silver lining!
22 – Taking a really excellent midday nap. After yesterday’s crazy work day, I really needed it!
23 – Having a cupcake with dinner! I love cupcakes and I should 100% have more of them in my life.
24 – Eloise turned 3! We celebrated with wet food for breakfast, a cupcake, and presents!
25 – Sleeping in until 10 am and then having a super-productive Sunday.
26 – Dinner with my mom downtown, and we got ice cream afterward! It was a really nice night.
27 – It was a long, busy day but the highlight was being in bed by 9 p.m. to read. Day one of my new “try to get to bed by 9” schedule went well!
28 – I was in a funk for most of today. I think I am just really stressed about work. Usually, I have terrific work/life balance but that has been almost non-existent this month, and I don’t like that at all. I need to figure out how to manage my time and balance my heavy workload much better than I’ve been doing. Anyway, the highlight was eating my feelings, ha. I planned to make lemon pepper chicken but instead, decided to order pizza. A great decision.
29 – I got my second COVID shot! WOOHOO! It was another extremely easy process and I was finished in record time. That night was also our book club meeting (we met in a park again) and it was such a joy to see everyone!
30 – Today I am grateful for ibuprofen, heating pads, Gatorade, and chicken noodle soup from Panera. Those COVID vaccine side effects are no joke.
April was a weird month for us with me returning to work. I’ve been super tired but overall the adjustment has gone pretty well. We got to see my parents twice which was really nice. My mom soaked up lots of time holding Will and playing with Phil. I’m glad we’ll get to see them more often this summer!
Mmmm, chicken noodle soup. That’s something I rarely eat as I would have to make it myself due to my gluten intolerance. Or buy a GF brand but those are usually pretty disappointing!
I do love these posts, and that you find something to write down for each day. I noticed that in April you got to see your mom and brother and family a lot more – that must have been so nice! You are very, very lucky to have your family live so close, and to be able to get together with them so often. Your girls’ day with your mom sounds like it was pretty close to perfect (with the exception of the storm…). And, your perfect Friday night (relaxing, reading on couch) is pretty darn close to mine. Someone else can go out to a bar, or go to the movies. I’ll take the couch, the book, and my tea! Hope May (which is now, sigh, more than half over) has been similarly lovely.
Sounds like a pretty good April to me, friend. Lots of time with family and friends, some productive days (which I like!) and your Covid-vaccine. Yay!