1 – My stepdad coming over to help me put together my spin bike. There was a piece that I just couldn’t get to slide into the right spot and he figured it out. Woohoo! I was really worried about it and so grateful he was in town when my bike arrived and could help me put it together.
2 – My first spin workout in yeeears! I woke up excited to get on the bike and was just so happy during the easy 20-minute ride.
3 – Giggling like a crazy person while scrolling through Instagram Reels on my phone. I don’t ever think I’ll make a Reel myself (never say never, I guess?), but I am so delighted by all of the funny ones from other people.
4 – A fun meeting to discuss a creative project for work that I am so excited to kick off. We brainstormed so well together and brought lots of great ideas to the table.
5 – Getting two surprise shout-outs from colleagues during our monthly company-wide meeting. I was really touched by their comments!
6 – A sleepover with Chip! (I always go over to my mom’s when she needs me to watch Chip overnight. The cats and him do not get along, haha.) He had a grand time chasing ducks around the backyard, barking at anyone who dared to walk down the sidewalk, and enjoying a bully stick while cuddling next to me.
7 – Seeing my cats when I came home from my mom’s! They were very happy to see me. 🙂
8 – Using my new planner for the first time! (I’m attempting, once again, to use a paper planner. We’ll see if this goes well, eeks.)
9 – A really excellent spin workout to start my day. I had to force myself to get on the bike today (I started my period yesterday, so I’m feeling a bit blah and tired and unmotivated as a result), but I’m so glad I did it. It felt great!
10 – A great walk outside in the sunshine (trying to get those steps in!)
11 – A fun time playing with the girls in the evening. They go nuts for this $2 wire teaser more than any other toy, and they’re always beside themselves when I bring it out to play.
12 – Getting my stimulus check!
13 – A day at the Florida Strawberry Festival with Bri. And family game night with my mom, my brother, and my nephew J.
14 – Sleeping in until 11 and then a gloriously lazy day.
15 – Taking a midday walk with my mom at her work. It was beautiful outside and lifted my spirits!
16 – Celebrating Chip’s birthday. He turned 3 and we celebrated with lots of presents and a cupcake.
Baby Chip!
17 – A productive day at work and being able to log off muuuuch earlier than I usually can. (It made my night feel so much longer! I should try to be more productive in the morning than I typically am so I’m not still working at 7pm, lol.)
18 – Getting Starbucks for breakfast. I haven’t had Starbucks in a while, so I was vastly overdue!
19 – A low-key Friday evening spent reading. I read 200+ pages today!
20 – Today was hard. I felt lonely and sad, but I forced myself to get outside and go for a walk. It was a good decision, and I also sent a Marco Polo to Mikaela during the walk, voicing my lonely feelings, which helped.
21 – Going over to my mom’s to take pictures of my Stitch Fix items. I had such great success with my first box!
22 – Doing a virtual escape room with my department at work. It was really fun and a great distraction.
23 – Laying on the couch and reading for 45 minutes after finishing work. It’s very rare that I can do that and such a treat.
24 – BOOK CLUB! What a fun evening with my favorite ladies! We met in a park, socially distanced on our own blankets, and brought our own food to eat. It was so nice to catch up with them and reminisce about book club vacations and the year that had passed.
25 – Working on a really intense work project. It required a lot of focus and using my brain in an entirely different way than I am used to. It was good for me!
26 – Finishing the intense work project! I thought I was going to have to work on it all weekend long, but I wrote it much more quickly than I imagined. Woohoo! Another positive about today was logging into Netflix to find a new season of Nailed It waiting for me. Hooray!
27 – Game night with the fam. We laughed so hard we cried and it was just so nice to have family time.
28 – Finally doing a deep clean of my car: it got a great wash, a full vacuum, and then I wiped down the interior and inside of the windows. It looks so nice now!
29 – Receiving wonderful feedback from the client about my intense work project. I was so nervous that they weren’t going to like it! My love language is positive affirmations, so receiving such positive feedback from the client was really great for my self-esteem.
30 – Looking at dachshund puppies with my mom.
31 – Meeting my new fur-sister! That’s right—my mom decided that Chip needs a sister. She was born yesterday so she is teeny-tiny and isn’t even able to open her eyes yet. It’s going to be so fun watching her grow!
I love that you are loving your bike!!!
I also love scrolling Reels and LOLing. People slam on Reels and say they are annoying but I purposefully go to them!
Oh my gosh that pic of baby Chip! That feels like yesterday! And now he will have a sibling, eek!
I loved seeing your fix and can’t wait to see your second!
A virtual escape room?! Tell me more! That sounds interesting.
Oh that little puppy! So sweet! I hope Chip likes being a big brother!! You had lots of great small moments in March. What a great way to capture each month!
I love this format and finding positive moments in every day!
OMG, Chip as a baby. So cute!! And the strawberry dish looks delicious!!
Yay for early morning spin workouts. They’re my favorite!
The virtual escape room sounds really interesting! Do you mind sharing the site? I’d love to do that with some work friends.
And, I love these posts. Do you keep track in a daily journal or anything? Or just remember based on your calendar? I’m trying to write a little something down for what happens and / or how I am feeling on a given day but – even though I have a pretty good daily routine – I’m finding it hard to remember! I guess I need to keep trying. 🙂