1 – Woke up feeling so much better than yesterday (the last day of April, I was down for the count with side effects from my second COVID shot) and I could do a bit of work and tidy up my apartment. It’s nice to have energy!
2 – Today, I feel back to normal! Whew. Those COVID shot side effects are no joke. I was even able to get out to do a quick grocery shop. Felt great!
3 – My mom came over for dinner. She was sitting on the couch, looking around at my apartment and remarked about how cozy it is. I loved getting that compliment! I have really tried to make my space cozy and welcoming.
4 – First day using my new office chair! It is so much more comfortable than my other one. (Eloise agrees!)
5 – Making a baked potato for dinner and it was delicious! (Side note: I ended up having a baked potato for dinner, like, twice a week this month. Such an easy, delicious meal!)
6 – Starting the day with a great spin workout that left me super sweaty and feeling great. Love that feeling!
7 – Putting up my out-of-office! I have five full days off work and, as I’ve been working most weekends for the past few weeks, it’s going to feel so good to fully get away and recharge.
8 – Lila’s birthday! We celebrated with special treats and some Tacocat Creations goodies!
9 – Celebrating Mother’s Day and having Mark, Jenny, and the boys come out to breakfast with my mom and me.
10 – A Monday off! I went swimming, took a long nap, and played with Chip. It was a great day!
11 – I went to the eye doctor today! My favorite appointment. Like always, my eyesight and astigmatism got a bit worse but nothing too worrisome. They also did an X-ray of my eyeballs (or something like that) so it was cool to see what they look like from that perspective. My eyeballs are perfectly healthy, too! Woo!
12 – My last day of my little staycation. I slept in, got a great massage, and enjoyed a swim in my mom’s pool. Perfect day!
13 – A really easy day to ease back into working. I managed to write a good number of pages today, which is always something to smile about!
14 – Finding out the large lump in my armpit is just an infected cyst (and not the terminal cancer diagnosis I thought I was going to receive). Plus, I bought a new trash can and got to sleep in my own bed for the first time in four nights!
15 – Game night with the fam. Always my fave!
16 – A great nap on the couch and spending time reading on the patio.
17 – A very productive Monday where I worked on a long article (3,000 words!)
18 – Lila falling asleep next to me while I read. Love that girl!
19 – Dinner with my mom. We attempted to go to a restaurant downtown but we couldn’t find parking anywhere (life is returning!) So we want to our old fave instead: Carrabba’s!
20 – My friend’s sweet dog, Mugsy, joined us at book club tonight and he was just the cutest!
21 – Having a meeting with my director to talk about the future of our writing department and the pathways of growth that she sees for me.
22 – Chick-fil-A for breakfast (mmm!) and swimming at my mom’s.
23 – Kayaking with Bri! It was so much fun, especially because I could do it as slowly and lazily as I wanted. Plus, we had insanely gorgeous weather!
24 – Being woken up by Lila sitting right on my chest. She let me snuggle her for a good 15 minutes, which is unheard of for her.
25 – PICKING UP LUCY! Oh my heavens, this girl has completely stolen my heart.
26 – Visiting Lucy in the morning before work. I accidentally put my mom’s car keys in my purse (I drove us home when we picked up Lucy so my mom could have some bonding time with her, and forgot that I put the keys in my purse when we were coming inside), so I had to drop them off since she had a morning appointment. BEST MISTAKE EVER! I also swung by Starbucks on my way back to my apartment.
27 – The wrong order was delivered to me from Ubereats, but it ended up being way more delicious than what I ordered. And Ubereats refunded my order for me, so a win/win!
28 – Puppysitting! I got some Lucy snuggles and some one-on-one time with Chip while Lucy was sleeping in her crate. I’m really trying to give Chip as much attention as I normally do, but it’s hard!
29 – I had a really nice, relaxing morning/afternoon to myself where I made myself a big breakfast, did a workout, ran errands, and then laid on the couch and read for most of the afternoon. In the evening, I went to my mom’s for game night and Lucy fell asleep on me! So sweet.
30 – My first maskless visit to Publix in 14 months! WOOHOO! (I know not everyone feels comfortable with this, but I’m trusting the science and it’s something that feels right to me.)
31 – A very lazy Memorial Day for me that felt extra nice. And I got to spend some time with Chip and Lucy, so that was very special. 🙂
Tell me a sweet “everyday moment” of May for you!
What a great month! And I love all the pet pictures – so cute!
Lucy is so cute! I hope Chip is adjusting to being a big brother! That can be hard for humans and pets!!
Overall it seems like May was a good month for you! It was a pretty good month for us aside from allll the sickness (had 2 colds and the stomach flu during May!). Our weather started to get nicer and that always helps my mood. Although we are going to extremes now as our high tomorrow is 99! That is so not normal for MN in June!!
Phil will be taking off his mask when shopping, too. I don’t know when I will stop wearing a mask. But I’m supposed to continue to wear it per CDC guidelines since I”m immune compressed and I don’t mind wearing it. I feel more incognito or something? I don’t know. But I look forward to our teachers at the daycare not wearing them starting 7/1. Facial expressions are so important for learning, especially in the infant room! Will’s teachers say he is super smiley when they talk to him but I think he’ll be even happier when he can see their facial expressions!
So many highlights this month! Lucy! Squeeee! And I am so glad your cyst was a cyst and you finally got over your horrible vaccine response! UGH!
Isn’t that nuts were are seeing things like full parking lots again? I was in Milwaukee yesterday and it was crowded! It felt strange after it not being that way for a while!
A sweet May moment for me was my nephew hugging me and telling me he loved me every time he saw me over Memorial Day weekend.
Sounds like you had a pretty good month, staycation included!
Do you also sweat so much on the bike? God, I am dripping at the end, but I love it! 😉
So glad to hear the lump was just a cyst! Yay, and good for you for getting it checked out.
Lucy is so cute! Makes me want to get a dog!
I am not ready to lose the mask while grocery shopping, but glad you’re feeling comfortable doing that.
A sweet May moment for me was seeing my little garden grow 🙂