1 – A really excellent mid-year review with my boss. She had lovely things to say about me and my progress so far this year, and that felt so, so good.
2 – Day 1 of girls’ weekend! We had a lovely night in where Bri made pizza for us and we watched fun rom-coms.
3 – Pool time with my girls, mini-golf, and learning how to cross-stitch.
4 – Visiting a cat cafe and going on a sunset cruise.
5 – Getting home from vacation early and taking a long nap with my cats. I missed them so much!
6 – An extra day off! I didn’t do much with this day off, since I was dealing with a toe injury, but I did get a lot of reading done so that was lovely.
7 – Dinner with some girlfriends. Beforehand, I was feeling a little moody and a little “woe is me, my friends don’t even like me,” which is just something that happens from time to time. But I had a wonderful time and was reminded why these ladies are in my life. <3
8 – My toe finally starting to feel better. I can even walk normally again! Yay!
9 – Finishing Superstore! It was an excellent show and I’m excited to rewatch it sometime in the future.
10 – Cuddles with Eleni during my writing date with Mikaela. She’s become a very great little sidekick to these dates.
11 – The first day of football Sunday! And my Miami Dolphins had a great win against the Patriots, which made today even sweeter.
12 – Completely failing at making a grilled cheese sandwich, but managing to salvage dinner by making breakfast for dinner!
13 – A nap on my bed with Ellie curled up next to me.
14 – Starting a really fun project for work.
15 – Homemade nachos and starting a new season of Masterchef.
16 – A super long, super restful nap after a very busy day.
17 – Shopping for fall decor with Mom!
18 – A crazy historic win for my Dolphins. My heart is still recovering from that game.
19 – Bri’s birthday! It was fun to spoil her on social media.
20 – Taking a walk before starting my workday. I really need to do this more often!
21 – A clean colonoscopy for Mom! What a relief.
22 – A lovely evening spent at book club. And getting a Dairy Queen blizzard on the way home – great decision!
23 – A really relaxing facial. I meant to do some errands afterwards, but I was feeling so relaxed that I just went home and took a nap, ha.
24 – Visiting with my Briber, who broke her ankle so bad that she needs surgery. It was nice to be able to offer her some company since she’s going to be laid up for a few months!
25 – A fun, full day spent with Mom. We went to my nephew’s birthday celebration, then got ice cream, and then went back to her house for football and the Big Brother season finale (which was the most satisfying season finale in YEEEEARS).
26 – Being able to book a last-minute Airbnb so I could safely evacuate when it looked like Hurricane Ian was headed directly to us.
27 – Being able to take the day off work to evacuate and drive to Ft. Lauderdale. Also, finding Ellie when I thought she was missing!
28 – A lazy day. I am so grateful that we weren’t expected to work during this crazy time. I put in a few hours in the morning and evening, but also let myself take a nice long nap in the afternoon.
29 – Reports from friends who returned to their homes after evacuating; very minimal damage!
30 – An easy drive home from Ft. Lauderdale. Having power when I got home. A long nap in my own bed.
Aside from the hurricane, it sounds like a pretty great month!
I can’t really complain! Even the hurricane wasn’t so bad, as I was able to safely evacuate and come home to everything as it was before I left.
These are such great summaries! What a busy month with some highs and lows (toe injury, a hurricane)…but you packed in a lot of fun stuff.
It’s always fun to relive the month through these posts. 🙂
(Sorry if this is a duplicate comment!)
Aside from the hurricane, it sounds like a great month! Here’s hoping October is even better!
Wow, what a month! I love these posts, Stephany! Keep us posted when you try grilled cheese in a pan 🙂
Yesss – I need to try grilled cheese the right way!
Mmmm a DQ blizzard sounds soooo good! That is a treat that I really really enjoy! Although that season is over here as I tend to eat them in the hot summer months!
You had a really great month with the exception of the awful hurricane! But poor Bri!!
I have had THREE DQ Blizzard’s since that first time I stopped for one in September. I haven’t had a DQ Blizzard in years and suddenly, it’s all I eat?! I’m just glad I’m not super close to one, or else I’d be having them more often!
Congratulations on your fabulous midyear!!!!
Isn’t a day off after vacation just the best? I love when I can do that and settle back in. I feel frantic when I don’t.
I am still waiting to see this fall decor! But I am also really behind on reading so maybe you posted it!
I feel so bad for Brie! I hope she is recovering well from surgery.
I am so glad work did not expect you to work during the evacuation either! I was wondering about that!
I’m going to post the fall decor in this month’s Currently post! I meant to put it in September’s Currently post, but then I forgot to take pictures!
I was really grateful we weren’t expected to work! It was such a stressful time that I really couldn’t focus.
Hooray for good mid-year reviews (why are you having them in September though? That our “end-year” review time LOL)
Sounds like you had a great month with lots of social time with friends and family. I love that for you 🙂
Ohhh, that’s a long story, haha. We’ve been waiting to get a job architecture framework finalized and we were holding off on doing mid-year reviews until then. It took FOREVER, so those reviews didn’t happen until late August/early September.
Sooo glad you evacuated and that you got to spend time with your mom and stepdad and the dogs (even if all turned out ok in the end). <3
Also? Love that you had 2 good work things this month – seems like the new position is really working out well???
The new position has been really, really wonderful! I’m enjoying it a lot and bonus: I think I’m actually pretty good at it, which helps!