It’s February! January flew by in an instant and here we are, already settled into the second month of the year. Today, I’m recapping my January goals and revealing my goals for February. Let’s get started!
Recapping January goals…
Start exercising again. PASS. In January, I exercised 4-5 times a week on average and I’m really loving exercise again. I’m so happy Best Body Bootcamp is back in my life and I am fairly devastated that this will be the last round Tina does. But I’m going to enjoy these next six weeks and hopefully find great results, both on the scale and with my fitness levels. Yay, endorphins!
Meal plan on a weekly basis and only eat out three times a week. PASS-ish. I sat down every Sunday and wrote a meal plan that I usually followed, but I think I ate out around 3-5 times a week. It’s a work in progress.
Decorate the walls of my bedroom with my new floating shelves and goal board. PASS-ish. My goal board is up and it’s a good reminder of my goals and what I want to see happen this year. I keep a list of the monthly goals I set, a little counter for how much weight I’ve lost, and a checklist for workouts. It’s very motivating for me! As for my floating shelves, I was all set to put them up last weekend. I took every piece out of the box, got my tool kit ready, found where on the wall I wanted to hang them… and realized I needed a power drill. I do not own a power drill. But my brother does and I’m sure he’ll be able to help me get them up the next time he’s over. So this goal was half accomplished.
Drink 50 ounces of water every day. FAIL. I didn’t drink 50 ounces of water every day, but I did drink water daily so it’s a win for me. I don’t think I’m going to make myself drink a certain number of ounces of water every day, because as long as I’m drinking water as my main source of fluid, that’s good enough for me.
Start a writing group with a friend. PASS? My friend and I never got around to starting our writing group in January, but we’re having our first meeting on Friday so I think this is a pass, since it is happening, our schedules just never matched up for January.
Three-ish out of five ain’t too shabby! I’m very pleased with my progress this month. I think putting it up on my goal board and constantly seeing it multiple times a day kept me in line. I’m excited to see how this helps me throughout the year with my goals!
In February, I want to…
Pay off my credit cards. This all depends on when I get my tax refund since I am using it to get my credit cards paid off. I have to wait on one more W-2 to arrive in the mail, but the minute it does, I’m sitting down and getting my taxes done so I can have my refund as soon as possible. Last year, I got my refund in mid-February, so I’m fairly certain I can get this goal completed.
Organize my closet, bedside table, and bathroom. I am a minimalist wannabe, which means I tend to let things clutter up until I feel overwhelmed and annoyed every time I walk into my room or bathroom. The rest of our house is pretty well organized. (Okay, our kitchen and closets could use some TLC, but that may have to wait until next month.) I want to take February to pull out everything in my closet, bedside table, and bathroom and organize it. Toss out or donate things I don’t need and figure out better ways to organize what’s left. I love organization to my core, so I am seriously, seriously excited about tackling this!
Eat fewer sweets. This will be the biggest focus of my month since it coincides with my obsessive goal. Not only is the scale friendlier to me on the weeks I eat sweets in moderation (go figure!), but I feel so much better. Both energy-wise and just feeling proud of myself. I don’t need to eat sweets every day! A few times a week is plenty.
Eat out no more than three times a week. I. Can. Do. This! If I stick to eating at home Monday – Friday, I really think I can kick this goal out of the park.
Look for a therapist. The first step is admitting you have a problem, the second step is finding someone to help. My anxiety hasn’t been out of control, but I really would like someone to talk to about my, um, issues who can give me strategies and feedback and advice. Finding someone is going to be difficult because it’s very hard for me to open up and be honest about how I’m feeling. (I know, I know, I have no issues blabbing about my personal issues on my blog. In real life? A much, much different story.) A simple goal is to do some research and find someone I could possibly start seeing.
Do you have any goals for February?
I hope your tax refund comes as quickly as you are hoping as it would feel so good to pay off those credit cards! I usually would be filing my taxes this week but this year I have to pay someone to do them as they are so confusing between my move and dual-state filing. I tried to do them on my own and it told me I owed in both states and owed a penalty in MN. So I have been stressed about this since as I have never had to pay in so I hope that when a professional does them, I will not have to pay in!
I don’t have any specific goals for February but one thing I am trying to work on is figuring out how to mange my level of anxiety better. Between stress at work and my job search, I am just very very stressed out and anxious right now and it’s impacting my sleep and how I feel about myself overall. I am hoping that adding more running back into my workouts will help as that was my #1 stress outlet in the past.
Awesome work with working out in January! And congrats on your weight loss, so far! It seems like you’re off to a great start with this goal.
Can’t wait to hear more about the writing group!
Good job with working out so much! I didn’t do so well with working out last month. I was too focused on studying for my new job and working. 😛
I want to get my tax refund done, too. Just need one more W-2!
I get massive sweets cravings at night. It has been helping me SO MUCH to drink a big glass of water when the sweets craving first comes on. If that doesn’t work, I have a cup of tea with honey. 95% of the time that takes care of the craving. The other 5% of the time I usually let myself have something small. It also helps that I avoid buying sweets at all costs so I usually don’t have anything super sweet or bad for me in the house so if I really want something I have to make the trek out for it!
Eat less sweets is always on my list but man if my sweet tooth isn’t out of control lately, ha.
Nicely done on the January goals!
Great goals for the month! I think a goal or intention for February for me is “just be.” I’m going away with a friend to an Ashram for a yoga retreat next weekend and I am so so so looking forward to it!
You are kicking butt with your 2014 goals so far! Even if some of your January goals didn’t get completely crossed off, you are still working towards them and that’s what truly matters. We will be paying off credit cards and organizing together in February 🙂 Good luck with your goals!