1. I had a successful massage on Saturday! The massage therapist recommended a deep tissue over the sports massage, and so I had that instead. I was really, really, really, really, really nervous about the massage. Really, really. I wasn’t so much nervous about the massage itself, but the whole getting nekkid part and some strange man rubbing his hands all over my body. Yeah. The therapist was young, around my age, and I felt at ease and comfortable around him from the minute I met him. He was easygoing and settled my nerves quickly. Thirty seconds into the massage, I realized I really should have been worried at the massage itself because GOOD GOD IT HURT. It was so painful. I didn’t go into the massage with any sort of expectations, but it was a billion times more painful than I imagined it would have been. That said, it was absolutely, 100% necessary. The therapist told me my calves were “jacked up” which was actually thrilling to hear! It means there is a reason why running is more painful on my ankles than it should be. While I spent most of Saturday and Sunday with intense muscle soreness and pain, I can feel how much looser my calves are and I know it was absolutely worth all the pain. My ankles still ache when I run, though, so I know the problem hasn’t completely fixed itself. I’m not an expert of this, but I’m guessing I’ll need another massage or two before I really start seeing the benefits. And the fact that the therapist told me he could work on my legs for another two hours after my hour was up is probably a good indication I need more of them. Yay.
2. On Sunday, my brother and my nephew came over to watch the playoff games. (Happy about Baltimore winning, not so happy about Seattle. Womp, womp.) My sister-in-law came to pick my nephew up around 5:00 so my brother and I could watch the late game alone, which was awesome. It was just the three of us as my mom was away in Orlando for the weekend. It was a really, really fun afternoon! My nephew was in the greatest mood and I found out that yes, it is entirely possible to play with a Hot Wheels racing track for three hours straight. It was just a blast to spend some quality one-on-one time with him.
3. Yesterday brought terrible news to my family. I always hesitate to write about family matters on my blog (and keep the vast majority of it off) but since you all have been through this journey with me, I feel like I should write about it. In January of last year, my grandma found out her cancer was back. She opted for a treatment that would laser the tumor out of her body and finished that in February. Yesterday, she found out the treatment didn’t work and her tumor is still there. So she is starting her THIRD round of chemotherapy treatments. It’s aggressive and it’s going to be tough but she miraculously made it through her first two and I know she has the strength and grit to make it through this one. Her doctor is hopeful, this is by no means a death sentence, and I know God is in this every step of the way. It’s still scary and it was news I wasn’t expecting. So any good thoughts and prayers you can send my grandma’s way as she battles through this once again would be greatly, greatly appreciated.
4. As some of you may have noticed, I closed comments on my Letters to My Future Husband post from Wednesday. I mainly did it because I wasn’t looking for feedback on that post. I am not feeling the same hopelessness as I felt in that letter, but also wanted to put it out there to remind myself that this is where I have been and to let myself be okay with these intensely sad emotions – even when it’s hard to be so vulnerable. And I want anyone who does feel the way I felt then to know they are not alone and it’s alright to not be 100% okay with being single. Sometimes, it does suck.
5. This weekend is going to be a busy one! My mom’s boyfriend (!!) is coming down to spend the weekend with all of us. This will be my first time meeting him and I hope I like him! My mom is deliriously happy, which makes me happy because goodness that woman deserves this more than anyone I know! He’s taking my mom and me out to dinner tonight and then he’ll be around to watch the playoff games on Saturday and Sunday, where he’ll meet my brother. Interestingly enough, his favorite football team is the San Fransisco 49ers – the team of which my brother is a diehard fan! I also have a breakfast date planned with one of my good, good friends whom I used to work with. She was basically my better half at the preschool and I miss her something fierce so it’ll be good to catch up! And, of course, lots of playoff football to watch! I am rooting for San Fransisco, Atlanta, Denver, and Houston to make it to the championship games.
Happy Friday!
I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother! But, you’re right, God is in this every step of the way. I’ll be praying for her and your family.
I hope things go well with your mom’s beau! I bet that must be equal parts nerve-wracking and exciting.
Also, when I go get a massage, I always request a female. I am just way too self-conscious and awkward with guys, much less one I don’t know touching me. Is that weird? I know a girl could be just as creepy as the whacko guy I’m imagining I may get stuck with if I were to never clarify my preference when getting a massage, but still.
I hope you have a fabulous weekend! 🙂
I got stuck with a guy as he was the only one available at the time I needed the massage and I was like, “Stephany. You are 25. You are an adult. You can handle a male masseuse.” And honestly? It was SO fine. He was professional (and married!) and put me at ease right away which is so hard for me to do. I’m now recommending him to friends and will definitely go back. And who knows? Maybe the female masseuse would have been worse!
(But I also totally get this and was scared to DEATH up until I met him!)
I’m so sorry to hear about your Grandma 🙁 I will send good thoughts your families way. I hope that you have fun with your mom and her boyfriend this weekend and I’m so glad to hear the massage helped! Massages have been life savers for me with running – I actually have one booked Tuesday for my crazy tight back muscles (being back at work and hunched over the computer has NOT been my friend) and while I know it will hurt I’m also super excited for it! Happy weekend 🙂
Thanks, Amber. We are hopeful this time around, but I still hate she has to go through this again.
I think I may need to make massages a regular part of my routine! Such a good kind of hurt. I can tell my calf muscles getting tight again so I think I’ll be due for another massage very soon. Yay?
Glad to hear you’re getting some relief for your calves! Sounds like it was definitely a good choice to go with the deep tissue massage.
So sorry to hear about your grandma, sending lots of good thoughts her way and thinking of you and your whole family.
I hope you have a wonderful time with your mom’s boyfriend! Also, I don’t even like football, but GO SEAHAWKS! 😉
The deep tissue massage was so worth all the pain! I plan on going again soon because I know my legs need a lot more work. I still have really tight calves and my ankles hurt but I hope by more proper stretching & foam rolling & by more frequent massages, it’ll help keep me loose. Otherwise, my legs were just not made for running! Massages are my last straw. 😉
How exciting! Momma has a boyfriend!!!
Sending lots of thoughts and prayers for your grandmother.
Thank you, Linda. I just hate that she has to go through all this again. It’s so unfair!
My coworker, Jay, who is also going through chemo right now (his cancer is back for a 2nd time and several treatments have failed thus far) told me to tell you he’d pray for your grandma. And of course she, as well as your family, are in my thoughts Steph.
Oh, Krysten! This made my heart happy. 🙂 Thank you for your prayers and for the prayers of your coworker. I’m so sorry he’s having a rough time of it as well. Cancer is a vicious, vicious beast.
I’m so sorry to hear about your grandma’s health! I feel for you; my family and I just found out my dad’s prostate cancer came back. 🙁
I’ll be keeping you, your grandma, and your fam in my thoughts and prayers! <3
Thank you so much, Gina. And I will keep your dad and your family in mine.
I am so sorry to hear about your grandma. 🙁 We are going through the same thing with my aunt. She is like the energizer bunny and just keeps going and going, but wow it is hard and scary to watch her go through all of this. I pray that your grandma beats this once again.
That is so exciting that your mom met someone she is excited about! I hope that you ended up liking him! I definitely thought of you and your brother on Saturday night when Phil and I watched the game!! I bet you all were excited that they won!!
Thank you, Lisa! I think you can describe my grandma the same way. She had been doing SO WELL, being able to do more things on her own and having so much energy that it sucks it’s going to stop her once again.
Oh, we were all excited about the game! They played so well and I’m going to be a nervous wreck come Sunday!