1) The maintenance light is on in my car. Like a proper adult, I’ve been ignoring it, hoping it will magically go away, but it hasn’t and I’m going to have to take it in to be looked at. I thought it started blinking because I needed an oil change, but I got the oil changed and it was still blinking. So, it must be something else and I am scaaaared to find out what it is. I really hope it’s something fixable and covered under my warranty. Oh, please, oh, please.
2) I think I need to invest in an old-fashioned alarm clock. Right now, I use my phone but then I find myself scrolling through Instagram or Twitter or Facebook or Pinterest and before I know it, 15 minutes have gone by and the whole reason I was on my phone in the first place was to set my alarm! Sigh. I need an intervention. The truth is, I’m not even all that addicted to my phone. I don’t check it that much, and I usually leave it in my room or in my purse when I’m home. But in those last minutes before I need to be asleep, it’s suddenly oh! I haven’t checked Instagram today! or oh man! What is everyone saying on Twitter right now? or ooh! I remember seeing a notification on Facebook I haven’t checked. I don’t want to remove all social media apps from my phone, so I think the next best thing is to simply use an alarm clock and leave my phone in the living room or bathroom overnight.
3) This upcoming Sunday is the last one without football! My brother and I have been counting down for months, and I am so ready and excited for the 2014 season to start. Sundays without football are very sad Sundays indeed.
4) I was sore for three straight days after the workout I did on Monday. It’s been a long, long time since I have felt so sore – one of those hurt so good feelings! In the workout, you’re supposed to perform 10 sets of the 10 moves, and I only had time for two sets. And I’m not sure if I could have made it through another set, even if I did have the time! It was so hard. I’m going to work my way up to those 10 rounds, though – count on it!
5) I keep forgetting that this weekend is a three-day weekend! I honestly have no plans for Labor Day, other than sleeping, relaxing, and reading a good book. It’s going to be a super low-key, plan-less weekend and I couldn’t be happier!
Do you use an alarm clock or the one on your phone? What are your plans for the long weekend?
I did the 500 rep version of that workout and it took me about 30 minutes so I was wondering how I would ever do the 1,000 rep version. I would definitely have to do it after work as that is a LONG workout!
I use my phone as I like using my sleep ap. I also sent the alarm on my phone as a back-up, too.
This weekend is going to be fairly busy for me as we have an out-of-town wedding tomorrow, a coffee date and walking date on Sunday and a potential trip to an amusement park on Monday. Plus all the other adult things like grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning, etc. My goal is to get all my chores done by Sunday night so I can enjoy Monday to the fullest!
Yup, I use my phone as an alarm too and have the exact same problem!
Sounds like a nice, relaxing weekend for you! I’m hoping to relax a lot too, but we do have to go get a new fridge. Oh joy. 😉
I have an old school alarm clock; it’s on Knight’s side of the bed so he controls the snooze button =) If we don’t have to get up at the same time, then I’ll use my cell phone as my alarm but that rarely winds up working as I’ll hit snooze on it anyway.
So glad it’s a long weekend. I think everyone needs it =)
You know though, sometimes that light DOES go off on it’s own 🙂
I need to get a real alarm clock, too. I spend a good 15-20 minutes at night and in the morning on my phone after I turn the alarm off. I’ve been saying I want an actual clock for weeks!
This weekend I am: cleaning my apartment because it’s long overdue, running 18 miles, and cleaning out my grandma’s house. My dad is also brewing beer Saturday night with my boyfriend and my friend’s fiancé, so us ladies will probably hang out by the pool while they brew.
Have a good weekend!!
I used an alarm clock for the longest time, but when I got my smartphone I started using the alarm on it instead. I’m totally the same way though – the alarm goes off and I just lay in bed looking at social media, while I could be eating breakfast in peace before Isla wakes up.
And I hear yah on the vehicle woes. I took our truck in for a simple wiring issue (a $70 fix) and it turns out there’s bigger issues and it’s going to cost us about $500 to fix. Uggggh.
We have no plans for the long weekend. Kyle ended up picking up two overtime shifts for today and tomorrow, so I’m just hanging out with the kid and the dogs!
I am absolutely awful for scrolling through Reddit on my phone when I should be going to sleep. It would be wise for me to just leave my phone out of the bedroom altogether, but I never do. It’s a bad habit!
“Like a proper adult, I’ve been ignoring it…” Hahaha I understand that! You should check your manual – it might be a specific light (as opposed to just general maintenance), and you could have an idea going in what needs to be fixed – might save you from a pricey diagnostic test. Fingers crossed it’s nothing major!
I kept forgetting about the long weekend too! Super stoked I don’t have to go to work Monday! And YES to football! Let’s go Lions!
Haha! The maintenance light is on in my car too and I continue to ignore it. Sigh, I’m a terrible adult.
I totally hear you about the alarm clock thing. I do use an old-fashioned alarm clock as a backup to my phone, but I am so guilty of scrolling, scrolling, scrolling through my phone and forgetting what I was supposed to be doing in the first place.
Have a great weekend! xox
LABOR DAY WEEKEND! It’s my first long weekend as an office-employee. SO EXCITING? We even had a half day yesterday I was like WHAT IS THIS LEAVING HALFWAY THROUGH THE DAY THING. So wonderful!
I still use an old fashioned alarm clock. I wake up to the radio every morning 🙂 I usually wake up with that, turn on my light near my bed to shake off the tiredness, check if I got any emails, and after a 10 minute time-frame force myself out of bed. If you do keep using your phone as an alarm, just get into bed 15 minutes earlier to compensate for a bit of quality iPhone time! 🙂
I only use my phone alarm clock if I need a back-up due to paranoia (like early flights).
That light is usually due to a sensor, so hopefully it will be a painless fix.
My dad changed the oil in my car earlier this month and the maintenence light was still on afterward. I thought something else was wrong with my car, so I took it to Jiffy Lube. One of the mechanics told me that the light does not automatically turn off once you change your oil; you have to manually reset it, which he did for me. Maybe this is the same situation for your car? The light just needs to be reset???
I’m also enjoying a low-key Labor Day weekend as well and loving it!