1) I started listening to Christmas music this week. I’ve also been lighting the above candle since this weekend. Go ahead, judge me. I don’t really care. I felt like listening to Christmas music, so I am. I’ve never listened to Christmas music this early in the season, but it just felt right. And who says Christmas music should only be played in December? Embracing Christmas this early doesn’t mean I’m overlooking Thanksgiving… it just means I’m extending the holiday season. Right? Right. And, hey, at least I don’t have my Christmas tree up! I’m not that bad.
2) I take back everything I said about Scandal in last week’s Five for Friday post. I actually waited until yesterday to watch last week’s episode and then I had to immediately watch this week’s episode. Hoooooly crap. After a lackluster start to the season, it has picked up in a crazy fashion. The ending to last night’s episode was just… whoa. How are they going to top it for the winter finale? HOW?! Gah. This show!
3) My Savannah trip is coming up quickly! With being busy at work and dealing with other life happenings, I haven’t had time to even anticipate it! I leave in two weeks and have done absolutely zero to plan for it. Well, I did book the hotel so there’s that. Thankfully, the oh-so-lovely Jess sent me an email with a huge list of restaurants and things to do that she used when she planned her Savannah trip last year. I’m going to do some planning this weekend, which will hopefully ramp up my anticipation levels, too!
4) I think I might try doing Week in the Life next week! I really liked following along with the other bloggers who participated in this project. Sure, my life isn’t incredibly interesting on a daily basis, but it’s my life and I think it’ll be fun to document what goes on! I do Day in the Life posts every once in a while, but Week in a Life will be a whole ‘nother beast. Should be fun!
5) This weekend, Dutch is running his annual “Running of the Wieners” race! This will be his third year running. He’s in the Senior Sausage division (other fun names for the divisions include Baby Brats and Little Links!). He’s never won in his heat, but he came very close his first year and just got totally confused his second year. Third time’s the charm, maybe? I’m just excited to be surrounded by dachshunds for a few hours!
Are you in the Christmas spirit yet?
I haven’t started listening to Christmas music yet, but I do feel like this year the holidays are a little more…merged, if that makes sense. I already have some shopping done, because Ben is having surgery in December and I want to enjoy the season, not scramble around for gifts last minute.
Hahahaha omg the Running of the Wieners race – LOVE it! You can do it Dutch!
Can’t wait to watch last night’s Scandal. Agreed that we finally have the show back. Hopefully Shonda and her team can keep it up!
There is Christmas music on two of the radio stations in our area already so it’s hard to escape around here (I’m stuck either listening to Country, Pop, Classic Rock or Christmas…my variety stations are gone!). I’m not feeling super holiday-ish yet but I’m taking the small holiday victories as they come, like adding Christmas movies to my netflix queue =)
Happy Friday & hope to see some Dutch pictures tomorrow.
I’m behind on Scandal since I don’t have cable/tv and watch on Hulu. I can’t wait to see what you’re talking about.
Also looking forward to seeing week in the life! I haven’t seen it on any of the blogs I follow.
I am finding that I prefer the week in a life posts to day in the life posts – or at least the way Kelly does them (I’ve only read hers) as it tends to be less minute details and more general themes about what she does with each day which is interesting to read! I feel like mine would be pretty boring if I did it, but I might do it eventually!
I am not in the Christmas spirit yet because I don’t let myself get into the spirit until after Thanksgiving. I have started to buy gifts or plan what I am going to buy, though!
I’m anxiously awaiting the Christmas season, too! However, I’m pretty strict with myself and I won’t let myself listen to the music or put up decorations until Black Friday. Only two more weeks!
I am not trying to jump ahead, but I do want to start listening to Christmas music! It’s my favorite time of the year! 🙂
I chuckled when you talked about the dachshund race and the divison names. Hehe. Do you know we call them “Dackel” in German?
I would love to see that dog race. Good luck to Dutch!
I’m alost ready to get the Christmas started! The day after Thanksgiving is when I’ll start with the Christmas movies, musics, and books. 🙂 Oh, and decorations even though Jerry wanted to put up our tree last week. Oy! I told him we had to wait.
I can’t imagine anything more adorable than a “Running of the Wieners” race! Holy smokes.
I haven’t quite made my way into the Christmas spirit yet, although I’m sure I’ll get there. I usually decorate my apartment on or after December 1st and that’s when I really get into it, haha.
No worries on listening to Christmas music. I just came across a Timehop update of mine that I started listening around this time a couple years ago. I’m not quite in the spirit yet, but I’m getting there.
YAY for Savannah! Can’t wait to hear where you’re planning on visiting.
Oh my gosh, a Running of the Wieners race sounds like the funniest, most adorable thing in the world.
I am DYING to put up my Christmas tree but we have been trying to hold out for snow as usually we put it up on November 12 (the day after Remembrance Day) OR after the first snowfall if it hasn’t snowed by November 12. We still don’t have any snow though, it’s crazy! So we might just have to put it up this weekend regardless.
My mom told me Scandal all of a sudden got really good. I’m going to have to get caught up! I think I’m 2 or 3 episodes behind.
How was Dutch’s race?!
I don’t think you are early with the holiday music. I want to start listening on Nov 1! 🙂