1) Saturday morning, my roommate and I bundled ourselves up and headed to Orlando for some Harry Potter magic. It was a super cold morning (by Florida standards – in the 40s!), but my roommate let me borrow her Gryffindor scarf and once we arrived, we hightailed right to the Leaky Cauldron for hot butterbeer. Oh. You. Guys. Hot butterbeer > cold butterbeer all the days of my life. It was sensational. Rich and creamy and warm and filling. It was everything I ever needed.
2) I woke up on Tuesday with a sore throat, which soon morphed into body aches, plugged ears, sneezing, and congestion. I left work early on Tuesday and spent all of Wednesday in bed, which was exactly what my body needed. So many coworkers, including my roommate, have come down with this illness, so I guess my immune system wasn’t strong enough to fight back. (Definitely time to get back to my vitamin regimen.) In any event, I was back at work on Thursday and am feeling as if I’m on the mend. Slowly but surely!
3) The upside to being sick and not having the energy to do much but lounge in bed was that I was able to binge on Gilmore Girls. I finally finished season one and am six episodes into season two. This show gives me all of the happy feels, mostly because my mom and I have such a similar relationship as Lorelei and Rory do. It’s fun to have your mom as your best friend!
4) I don’t talk about it much on here, but I’m actually a pretty intense NFL football fan. Honestly, get me talking about pro football and you likely can’t shut me up. I play fantasy football and I’m not too shabby at playing a “pick ’em” football pool (wherein, you pick the winner of each game each week; the person with the most correct guesses wins). I’ve been watching as an avid fan since high school because it was just another way to connect with my dad and my brother. The team I root for the most is the Miami Dolphins, and they don’t necessarily make it easy to be their fan. My all-time favorite player, though, has been and always will be Peyton Manning. I love him. So much that I turn into a crazy person when a) he’s playing or b) someone talks smack about him. (Oh, and people love talking smack about him.)
So, you can imagine how incredibly delighted I was when the Broncos won the AFC Championship game and Peyton! Will! End! His! Career! At! The! Super! Bowl! I am so thrilled. So. Thrilled. I nearly cried. (I’m a mess when it comes to Peyton, okay?!)
I just really want Peyton to finish out his Hall of Fame career with a Super Bowl win. It’s going to be tough (Panthers look really hard to beat!), but nothing would be more epic than that.
(And yes, I do think this is it for Peyton. He’s turning 40 in March! He’s an old man playing a young man’s game. :))
5) This weekend, I don’t have much going on. I have my dermatology appointment this afternoon and then book club this evening. On Saturday, my mom and I are meeting for lunch and then going to tour a new place where I might board Dutch during our cruise in March. I’ve been unhappy with his normal boarder, and this one comes highly recommended by a coworker. It’s a bit more money, but he would get more one-on-one attention and lots of daily walks (and a sweet “villa” to lounge about!). Other than that, though, the rest of my weekend is free for me to work on my novel, read, and lay low so I can hopefully get over this head cold for good!
What are your weekend plans?
I’m sorry to her that you got sick this week! It’s so tough when everyone around you is coming down with something! I got sick early in January and worked through it as I didn’t have a fever but I felt bad coming to work and sniffling/sneezing/coughing around everyone. Luckily no one seemed to get it but Phil did, of course.
We don’t have much planned for the weekend which is nice! Tonight we are staying in and making dinner. Tomorrow I am hoping to run with my club if I am feeling ok and then in the evening Phil and I will go to the recording of the radio show, “A Prairie Home Companion.” Two of my favorite artists (Brandi Carlile & Ben Folds) are guests so I am really excited to see them perform! Then Sunday I don’t have too much planned besides things like church and yoga and then in the evening I’m going over to Phil’s mom’s to make dinner for him and his mom.
I’m in love with the photo of you in this post. I want to hug you you looked so adorable!!
I hope you feel better. I think I have a weird head cold right now too and it’s giving me an icky taste in my mouth. Gross.
Enjoy your weekend laying low!
I am sooooo jealous that you can pop on over to HP World whenever you want!
Mmm hot butterbeer…what I wouldn’t give to sample it! Hope you are on the mend over the weekend. It is no fun enduring illnesses at this time of the year. Oh, I miss binge watching Gilmore Girls – a former friend and I used to spend many a weekend night watching episodes when we lived in a dorm during our first year of university. Such a sweet show it is :).
My weekend will be fairly low-key: tonight the boyfriend and I are just staying in, and tomorrow night we hope to have another couple over for dinner/drinks. Then on Sunday we are going to make dinner for my boyfriend’s mom and just lounge about with her. Typical January weekends in Ontario – too cold to do much else!
hope you feel better! i’m still not sure which team i am rooting for since they’re coming to SF SO SOON! but yeah, it is awesome that PM is ending his career at the Super Bowl! 😀
Obviously I’m late to the game on commenting, but I’m so glad you’re feeling better!! Our weekend was nice; dinner out on Friday and Saturday we did house work indoors & out, enjoyed a yummy lunch, grocery shopping, and then we grilled out Saturday night since it was over 60 degrees! Sunday was a tad crazy- working out, seeing friends for lunch and then other friends for dinner. I am not relaxed and didn’t sleep well last night but will push through. It’s a new week, after all!
Boo for feeling sick but hot butterbeer?! OMG YES!
Also, LOVE how much of an NFL fan you are. I recently got into a discussion (I use that term lightly), with a guy at work about the Patriots. I started the conversation off with “I hate Tom Brady with the fire of 1,000 suns,” but he kept saying how Brady is a good quarterback. He asked if I thought Tom Brady playing on the Lions (once he found out that was my team) would improve their record and I said it probably would but I would no longer root for them. When he looked at me funny I was like “I HATE Tom Brady. I WILL NEVER root for a team he’s on. He taints the team.” And then walked away. *steps off soapbox* I have no dog in this fight of the Superbowl but it definitely looks like a good game!
Dude. You are binging on Gilmore Girls at the right time because they’re reviving it on Netflix later this year – because Amy Sherman-Pallidino (sp?) didn’t do the last season and she’s giving in the ending she wanted, but I think it’s 10 years in the future – I can’t wait!
This past weekend my biggest accomplishment was going to Wegman’s with P all by myself – in between pumps, he had eaten, napped, he was great the whole time! When we got home and I pumped again and put him down for another nap and THEN brought in the rest of the groceries from the car. I told Ben I felt like I conquered the world!
Broncos baby! But I’m positive Panthers will win this.. and I can ‘t find myself too made about that…