1) Nose piercing
Engie has asked for more information about my nose piercing, so I’m here to answer that! It’s been almost two months since I got the piercing and the healing process has been fairly easy. The first night, my nose was incredibly sore but that healed after a day. Moving the piercing around in my nose was very, very painful (which I had to do twice a day to keep the wound clean, ack!) for quite a while (maybe a few weeks?) but now I can move it around easily. Two or three weeks after getting the piercing, I accidentally pulled the piercing out of my nose when I was washing my face (the stud caught on the washcloth and pulled clear out!). It was so painful to get it back in—and complicated since the stud has an L-shaped backing. I had to look up on YouTube how to put it back in!
Most of the time, I don’t realize the piercing is there—I often worry it has accidentally slipped out of my nose and slap my nose in a panic, making sure it’s still there. Engie asked specifically about sneezing. Let me tell you: Sneezing was terrifying for the first week or so after my piercing. I felt like I was sneezing a lot more than usual, and every time I sneezed, I was convinced the piercing fell out. But it never did! I don’t think it hurt to sneeze, but it just felt weird.
Lastly, let’s talk about the L-shaped backing. It’s something like this:
I was concerned about having something stuck in my nose at all times. Would it feel weird? Would I want to sneeze all the time? The short answer is that most times, I don’t feel it at all. But sometimes, it annoys the hell out of me. Every now and then (typically after a good sneeze), the backing will rotate around in my nose to where the bottom part is sticking out of my nostril. Not a cute look! So I have to rotate it back inside my nose and fiddle around with it for a while until it’s in a good spot where it’s not bothering me.
I think those are all my nose ring thoughts for now! If you have more questions, please ask! I’ll be able to replace the stud with a hoop very soon, and I am super excited about that!
2) TV Talk
Suzanne asked me to talk more about TV, specifically she said: “I want to know all the shows on your consideration list! And why TV shows vs. reality shows? I need more details!!!!” Well, Suzanne, I am so happy to oblige!
I feel that I approach TV shows the way most people approach reading. I usually just watch whatever people are talking about and I get my recommendations solely from other people. I have my comfort shows that I watch over and over again (Brooklyn 99, Parks and Rec, Gilmore Girls, etc.) and I also love watching reality TV, specifically competition reality TV. I love Big Brother, The Traitors, Survivor, The Amazing Race, Master Chef, The Challenge, Squid Game (the U.S. version at least), and most recently The Circle. I was all in on American Idol and America’s Got Talent and The Voice when those were more popular shows. In many of these competition shows, you have to think strategically and have a good social game to make it far. It’s exciting to see people get eliminated and exciting to watch the drama unfold. The drama feels low stakes and something so removed from, uh, reality that it’s not stressful. It’s just fun. Plus, I can kinda turn my brain off when I’m watching these types of shows since there isn’t a storyline to follow for the most part.
However, I want to be a more well-rounded TV watcher, which is why I made the goal of watching one season of a TV show every month. Since most TV shows these days aren’t the typical 26-episode run, it feels like a doable goal. But I’ve also fallen back on some of my reality TV habits, sigh. I keep a list in my phone of possible TV shows (and documentaries) to watch, although I usually just start the show that was most recently recommended to me when I’m in the mood for something new. Here’s my current list:
For the purpose of my goal, the TV shows I want to check off my list the most are Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Apples Never Fall, Lessons in Chemistry, and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. I’d also love to start working my way through either Everything’s Sunny or Jane the Virgin, but that feels like a big commitment. I also still need to watch the last season of Ted Lasso, ack! So much TV, so little time, as they say.
3) Closet organization
I wanted to share some photos of my newly organized closet! This was a labor of love and now that it’s complete and everything is in its rightful place, I feel such a sense of calm when I step into my closet. Here’s the left side of the closet:
The brown basket holds all sorts of paper goods—planners, journals, etc. And then I have an empty space where I can keep all of my “worn but not dirty” clothes. Right now, my “worn but not dirty” clothes include some workout clothes that I’m wearing on my walks (officially time for shorts/tanks for my walks), a pair of jeans, and some cotton shorts and a T-shirt that are my current “lounge clothes.” Near the end of the shelf, I have some things I need to frame/hang up, my current stack of books that will be donated to LFLs in the future, and my file box with my “deal with it later” bin sitting on top.
Right underneath this shelf, I’ve moved a four-cube bookcase. It gives me a bit more shelf space to play around which, which is nice. Going clockwise, the first bin holds extra coloring books/supplies, the second bin holds additional sheets, the third bin holds an extra quilt, and the fourth bin holds gift bags/gift supplies. On top of the shelf, I have some free weights (probably need to donate those…), backup paper towels, and a tiny basket with some backup scents I got from Bath & Body Works (mostly hand sanitizer, Wallflower refills, and car air fresheners). I also have a cat scratching pad that I need to give the girls!
And lastly, we come to the right side where all of my containers are stacked up! These are labeled on the picture but do not have actual labels on them, which is something I’d like to do in the future. Thankfully, they’re clear containers so I can see everything in them but labels would be a nice touch, I think.
4) Bloodwork results
I got my bloodwork results back and things didn’t look great. My cholesterol remains high (just a few points above normal, but still) and my triglycerides are very, very high right now. I also scored just a few tenths of a point below the threshold for diabetes when it comes to my A1C and my glucose was also pretty high. None of this is all too surprising for me, as I continue to struggle with hypoglycemia issues and I know I haven’t been following a super healthy diet. It’s also a wake-up call for me that I really need to focus on lowering my sugar intake, getting more exercise, and adding more fruits and veggies to my diet. Thankfully, I have a dietician who can help me with all of the above! We had an appointment yesterday and before the appointment, I forwarded my bloodwork report to her so she could take a look and help me make a plan of action. We’re going to increase our appointments to every other week and work on ways to clean up my diet so I can get back to a normal range. In six months, I’ll get my bloodwork done again and hope to see the numbers trending in a better direction. Right now, we’re focusing on cleaning up my breakfasts (goodbye sausage egg McMuffins and sugary cereals from my childhood) and making sure I try to add a fruit or veggie to every meal. So, I can have that frozen pizza but let’s add a side salad to it so I still get some of the green stuff. I’ve also decided to join a gym! My mom has been asking me to join Crunch Fitness with her for a long time, so we’re going to do that next week. I’ll have a built-in accountability buddy and my goal is to get to the gym twice a week for a workout that raises my heart rate, as these walks I’ve been doing—while good for my mental health—aren’t doing much for my physical health.
5) Weekend plans
It’s going to be a busy weekend around here. Today, I have a hair appointment in the afternoon and then I’ll probably come home, take a nap, and then order takeout and watch the Love is Blind reunion. Tomorrow, I have all the things! It starts with a writing date with Mikaela, recording two podcast episodes with Bri, and then heading over to my mom’s to celebrate Chip’s birthday and do game night with the fam. And Sunday? It’s a day with zero plans. I will likely sleep in, do some grocery shopping, and try to get some chores done. Exciting stuff!
What’s a TV show on your to-be-watched list?
Love the closet! I NEVER have time for TV– so far right this second we are loyal to Curb Your Enthusiasm. but we have SO MANY shows on the TBW. Loved Mr. and Mrs, Smith and did sloooowly watch it. If you have not seen Pen15 your should watch for sure. We watch one show at a time painfully slowly and try to watch the good ones (still haven;t started Lessons in Chemistry tho). We also love the competition shows you mentioned.
I’m adding Pen15 to my TBW list – I’ve heard great things about that show, too!
Happy Friday! I have questions! Firstly, I am not a TV watcher so I am totally dense here but is there a GR version for TV? Like where you can log and share what you watch? Or would that even be helpful? I usually just put on a YouTube video or a show I have already watched if I want to have something on, so I am sure nobody cares how many times I have watched Top Chef (3 for most of the seasons FYI) over the years, but I feel like that may be helpful for more seasoned TV watchers who want to see what their friends are watching?
Also!! I have a suggestion! I had bins like you do and I put chalk labels on them and it was fabulous! You can change what is in them without having to remove or replace the label. You can get many different ones, and some of the cheap ones don’t erase well, but the one that worked for me was this one. https://a.co/d/fabFhG2 It was a game changer, let me tell you!
I think there is something similar to GR for movies, but I can’t remember the name of it off the top of my head! But I know lots of people who see a lot of movies use that and rate/review movies on there. I’m not sure if something similar exists for TV shows, but it would be helpful! At the very least, I could feel accomplished at finishing a season of a show because I could mark it off in the app, haha.
Love the chalk labels idea! Genius!
Your closet looks so good! And, so interesting to read about the nose piercing. When I met the Mr., he had a tongue piercing and I just couldn’t imagine what it was like. (He ended up having to get rid of it a few years later.) As for shows, we have been thinking about starting Ghosts (either the American or British versions) or Mr. and Mrs. Smith – but have randomly been watching CSI Miami from the beginning for no reason other than decision inertia, haha!
I am two episodes into Mr. and Mrs. Smith and it’s VERY GOOD, so I recommend giving it a try!
TGIF! If there is anything that I know for sure, it is that I would be a disaster with any kind of piercing. I’m such a fidgeter and a scab picker and….yeah it would not be a good scene. With that said, it’s interesting to hear about the process.
There is nothing more satisfying that finding a really good TV show. I’m really picky so it’s hard to find shows that hold my attention, but when I do, I get hooked. I want to check out Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
I like your plan of focusing on breakfast and adding in fruit to tackle the blood work. I’d bet money that you’ll see better test results in 6 months.
It definitely would be unpleasant to play around with a nose piercing while it’s healing, so I understand your hesitation!
I’m two episodes into Mr. and Mrs. Smith and really enjoying it so far!
The nose piercing is comfortable/not noticeable until it isn’t. So like a tampon? LOL.
The best tv watching experience I’ve ever had in my life was early seasons of American Idol. One of my friends and I would stay on the phone together and talk about it while we were watching. I honestly don’t know if any television show can live up to that. It seemed so fresh and new in the early seasons!
Also 100 editions of Five for Friday!! 100!!! Congrats on that milestone!
LOL yes, exactly like a tampon. 😉
Oh man, those first few years of American Idol were LEGENDARY. I remember voting for people via phone, too! I was obsessed.
I kept wanting to do something special for #100 of Five for Friday, but had decision paralysis so a regular ole blog post it was!
This is your 100th Five for Friday! How fun!
Reading about your piercing is fascinating. I love the way a nose ring looks — and yours especially is super cute — and yet I don’t think I could ever deal with something in my nose all the time. Or the wound care — shudder.
Yay! Thanks for answering my TV questions! I love TV and feel like I could talk about it all day. You have so many good shows on your list! I would push you to watch FNL and Never Have I Ever – I also adore Great British Baking Show and Mare of Easttown, and got really engrossed in The Queen’s Gambit and Dopesick. I just started watching Reacher, which is… full of action so far. TV has been low on the priority list recently, which is a bummer because I love it. I would really like to re-watch King of Queens and Frasier if I had the chance.
Your closet looks wonderful and tidy. Those kinds of projects are so satisfying.
The wound care wasn’t really that bad! It’s not even a wound in the typical sense. I just rubbed a cotton swab with saline around the piercing, both outside the nose and in the nostril. Pretty easy!
My mom just rewatched King of Queens and it made me really want to do a rewatch at some point! It’s such a good show.
I think you are going to love the great British baking show! It is just so so so delightful. I watched all of the seasons that were out at that time during Taco’s maternity leave and it was like curling up with a cozy blanket. So like the ASMR version of tv. We just finished Mr and Mrs Smith. We liked it – except the last episode! But everyone else raves about it so many we are the odd ones who were like – they ruined the show with this episode!!
I am glad you had a chance to meet with your dietician and review your bloodwork. And joining the gym your mom goes to sounds perfect! It’s good to have an accountability partner and it gives you more time with your mom. Win win!!
Oh no – I’ll have to text you my thoughts when I finish Mr. and Mrs. Smith! I’m enjoying it so far, although I was THOROUGHLY uncomfortable during the dog scene in episode 2, lol. And then what came after, ick ick ick!
I need to get on my GBBS watch! I know I’m going to love it!
Congrats on cleaning that closet. It is always such a huge project and I for my part am out of motivation about half way in. So cheers to you.
I am hoping you find some good habits to tip the needle on your blood works. It is so hard, isn’t it?
My migraines feed of sugar so I am also working on my sugar intake and try to reduce it. But I love cake so much. Chocolate too.
Yes, the motivation always wanes halfway through an organization project like this! I feel that. And then it’s just a mess you’ve made and you know you HAVE to continue, but ugh, it’s hard.
I love all of the sugary things, so I feel you on that. It’s hard to reduce it!
I just told my husband this weekend “I need to watch more of TV.” He is like WOT? It felt good to watch “Society of Snow” and “Working” documentary with B. Obama. I felt like I learned something, I felt my life enriched.
I think that’s exactly it, Daria! While I love watching my trashy reality TV shows, there is something enriching about watching a good documentary or even a great TV show that has good storytelling.
I am go glad you have your dietician to help you figure out the changes you can make to help your bloodwork. Look at you taking care of yourself and getting help! I am cheering you on!
So interesting about the noise ring, I had no idea the backing was like that!
Thank you, friend! I had a good, long talk with my dietician in that I want to eat foods that will help me lower my glucose/cholesterol, but it can’t feel like a diet. So we’re working on it!
The nose ring backing was a surprise to me, too!
The closet info is so helpful, thanks!
So… where are your clothes (other than the ones in the “meh, could wear again” piles)? My issue is that I have limited dresser space so my closet is mostly clothes and it’s soooo disorganized. Trying to figure out whether/how I can use these types of bins to organize the clothing in a more systematic, logical way. Right now, I switch stuff out winter/summer and put things in these cloth bins from Target and yeah, not helpful. Sigh. I need a better dresser, is the answer….
And, thanks for the inside scoop on the nose piercing! Things I NEVER knew! Thanks for improving my knowledge. 😉
Asked and answered! https://stephanywrites.com/five-for-friday-v-101/
Good for you for taking action to work on your health! I love that you joined a gym esp. when your mom is going to the gym also. Having an accountability buddy will probably help so much. What classes are you doing?? Cheering for you, friend!