1) Lila turns 6!
My sweet darling Lila Bear turned 6 years old on Wednesday. Unfortunately, I spent almost the entire day away from her so I felt like a bad cat mom, but thankfully, she’s a cat and doesn’t understand the concept of birthdays. 😉 I made sure to give her extra treats and extra love on Wednesday night, and on Thursday, I got out some of her favorite toys for playtime. There is so much to say about this baby girl of mine. She is sweet and snuggly and adorable. She’s insanely photogenic and has a squeaky meow that gets me every time. She is shy and skittish, and hides from people when they come over, but trusts me completely. There’s something sweet about being her person! I wish she were more cooperative about being picked up, but alas, she is who she is! She was rescued from the streets when she was around 8 months old so who knows what her life was like during those first few months of her life? At least she’s now in a safe, warm, peaceful environment. <3
I have a special song for her and her ears twitch every time I sing it to her:
Lila Bear, Lila Bear
She’s my Lila, Lila Bear
She’s so little and so cute
She’s my Lila, Lila Bear
Creative, I know. Taylor Swift will be calling me any day to help with songwriting for her next album.
2) I spent $300 on shoes this weekend
I’ve known for a while that I needed to spend a good amount of money on new shoes. I have high-maintenance feet (plantar fasciitis, high arches, weak ankles, etc.) so I need shoes that are supportive and well-made. I went to the outlet mall with my mom this weekend and bought myself my first pair of Birkenstocks—for the past few years, I’ve been wearing a fake pair of Birks that I got from Target and they have held up well, but they are very quickly wearing down. The Birkenstocks I bought on Saturday were just over $100. And then I went to the Asics store to finally buy myself a new pair of running shoes. Asics is a great shoe brand for me and my feet love them, so it’s a no-brainer to continue with Asics going forward. I tried on at least 8 different shoes in the store and ended up buying two pairs because I truly couldn’t decide which one I liked better, and one of the pairs was on sale for $90. The other pair was around $140 but I got it for right around $100 due to a few discounts. So, honestly, $300 for three pairs of good shoes is not that much money, especially measuring the cost per wear. I knew this purchase was coming, and while it broke my brain a bit to spend so much money on shoes, I am really happy I did it. (Now comes the fun part of breaking in my new Birkenstocks, ahhh.)
3) A Wednesday day off
My mom is currently getting her bathroom remodeled and it all kicked off this week, so she’s staying at a cute VRBO house with the dogs until Monday while the big work gets done (mainly because the house is toilet-less during the demo and flooring installation). On Wednesday, I took the day off to hang with her at the VRBO and got to have oodles of cuddle time with the dogs, which is always my favorite! We went out for lunch and then, since we were close to the place where I got my nose pierced, we also went there so I could change out my nose piercing. Yay! I finally have a hoop piercing and I love it so much.
4) CPAP titration study
I was able to get my CPAP titration sleep study scheduled… for August 3rd. Can you believe that?! They are fully booked out for four months! I asked to be put on a cancellation list, but this was really troubling news for me. I just want to get this sleep study over with so I can finally start using a CPAP machine and sleeping better. Ugh. I need to call the sleep center again to find out if there are appointments available sooner at any of the other sleep centers around the area—it slipped my mind to ask when I was scheduling the study originally. Even if I have to drive an hour out of my way, it would be worth it!
5) Weekend plans
It’s going to be a good weekend over here! Today, I have a hair appointment where I’m making a big change to both the color and cut of my hair. I’m doing a full balayage (I’ve just been doing all-over color for the past year-ish) and then, if I don’t chicken out, I’m getting bangs! On Saturday, I have my regular writing date with Mikaela and the rest of the day is mine for the taking. Maybe I’ll spend a few hours by the pool? And Sunday is Mother’s Day and I have brunch reservations at a yummy place downtown, so it should be a lovely day of celebrating the best person in my life!
Do you make silly songs for your pets? What are your weekend plans?
Happy Birthday Lila!
Spending $300 on good shoes is going to save you money and pain down the road, so it’s money well spent. Especially with all of the gym time that you’re putting on the sneakers.
I can’t wait to see your new hair! Have a good weekend!
Hopefully, these new shoes will help with my sciatica. Who knows?! But it was money well spent, I know that.
I know, $300 seems like a lot- but good shoes are expensive nowadays! You got a good deal on the Asics- I just bought a pair of running shoes for $150 (ouch.) I also have difficult feet, kind of like what you described- PF, high arches- so I can’t mess around.
That IS maddening about the CPAP! Yes, definitely worth looking into other locations. And, I can’t wait to see your haircut! A big change sounds exciting. My weekend isn’t quite as eventful- work on Saturday morning, driving my daughter around, and then Sunday I’m going to sleep late, and all I ask is that I don’t have to make dinner! That would be a very good Mother’s Day.
Happy Birthday Lila Bear!!!!!!!
Man, you aren’t kidding. Shoes are SO expensive these days! I remember balking at spending $80 on a pair of shoes and now, that’s a STEAL! But it’s important to have good shoes, especially with my high-maintenance feet, so I’m glad I finally made the purchase.
Happy Birthday Lila Bear!
One bit of wisdom I have imparted upon my daughter is that there are 2 things we are willing to spend money on: good shoes and good bras. Those who are not so chesty don’t need to worry about the second one, but we are D girls around here and need the support. Having said that, I will also say, 3 pairs of shoes for $300??? That’s amazing.
I don’t make up silly songs (that’s my husband’s job around here) but I did like to sing to Mulder. ‘Beautiful Boy, Darling Boy’, and ‘Just the 2 of Us’ were two of our songs, and he loved it when I sang to him. Which is nice, because my singing leaves a LOT to be desired.
Enjoy your Mother’s Day with your mom! We generally go out the day before, so I think it will be low key around here, which is how I like it.
Ugh, good bras. That has to be my next big purchase and I’m not looking forward to it. But it must be done! (It’s funny that you said you imparted this wisdom to your daughter, because my mom said the same thing to me when I was talking about how expensive shoes are.)
Happy Mother’s Day, J!
I have difficult to fit feet, too. I adore Birkenstocks, the ones with the soft soles best. I tried Asics but they never felt comfy. I like Brooks though, about the same price. I wish you luck with your new hairstyle. It’ll look great on you, but it is a step. Happy Weekend!
I wore Brooks for a while – I really liked them! They work well for my high-maintenance feet, too.
HBD Lila! She sounds so much like our Oscar! Phil is the only person that can pick up Oscar. She will only sit on my lap and Phil, much to the chagrin of my MIL who is her cat mom now. She will only sit on my lap if Phil isn’t around or if I have a heated blanket on my lap she will choose me over Phil. She’s a lady that knows what she wants. She does sleep w/ my MIL but just does want want to sit on her lap but so it goes.
I have been tempted to try Birkenstocks but I am not sure how much I will wear them as I generally do not wear sandals much. I bought shoes yesterday but ended up buying them online because my running store was out of my size and then I paid $140 to get the new model because I could only find the current model in the color I own right now and I did not want to have the same shoes for another year… plus the running shoes I retire become the shoes I wear indoors for workouts so I kind of need them to look different so I can easily tell which are my indoor and which are my running shoes. Phil would have certainly made a different decision if he had to choose between $111 for a repeat pair or $140 for the new ones… hee hee
That is very annoying about the wait for the sleep study! Ugh. I hope you can go to another clinic location or something? That’s what I’ve done for the boys when they really needed to see the ENT. I would have driven anywhere to get the appointment sooner. Then I could switch back their regular care to the most convenient location.
I would have also paid extra money for a different color of running shoes! I was very particular of what color I wanted from my new shoes because I wanted them to be different than the color I have now. I understand this conundrum!
I’ve already seen the result on your hair appointment over at Instagram and it looks so fresh. Congrats.
Arghhh good shoes is hard to come. And even though all are great it still sucks to be 300€ poorer…
Have a great mother days brunch.
Thank you! I’m very happy with the way it turned out.
Paying $300 for shoes is not how I wanted to spend my money, but alas, it will be a good purchase in the long run.
Happy birthday, Lila! She is so cute!!
Can’t wait to see your hair! This weekend… Is introspective. Today is my sister friend late husband’s celebration of life- he passed a year ago from cancer. At 49. T was asked to say a few words, thank god they didn’t ask me. I would come out there and burst into tears.
Sunday, Mother’s Day. Will probably go to a cafe by myself for some quality time 🙂 T is traveling again next week so more solo parenting.
What a heavy weekend for you, my friend. I hope you can take some time to yourself. <3
Happy Mother's Day!
The hoop looks AMAZING!! So cute!
Look, I regularly spend over $300 on one pair of shoes, so you’re doing better than me! Never apologize for spending money on things that impact the rest of your body – shoes and bras are $$$ and are 100% necessary for a good quality of life.
Oh wow! $300 on one pair of shoes?! Why are shoes so expensive, gahhhh. But yes, I knew I needed to spend a good amount of money on high-quality shoes and I’m glad I did!
YES! $300 for one pair of shoes. My feet/legs are so problematic and I will spend money if it means less pain for me. I have two pairs from a band named CYDWOK and they work perfectly for me and I have had one pair for over a decade (seriously, it’has to be less than a dime per wear at this point) and I got the other pair around Christmas and I can wear them all day without pain. It’s 100% worth every penny.
OMG of COURSE we have silly songs for our pets! Several! 😉 Happy Birthday Lila! Apollo and Starbuck’s birthday was Friday and I forgot until I was going to bed! Ooops! I made them rolls Saturday morning. That is more for Apollo than Starbuck but she enjoyed a bite too.
That’s a great price for those Asics! They’ve gotten so expensive lately! I hope you like them. I really like the Nimbuses.
Your hoop looks so cute!
That is just nutso about the study 🙁 I hope you get in earlier!!!
I did not doubt you had songs for your cats! Haha. I wish the cats liked people food more (or… well, maybe it’s good that they don’t!) because I’ve tried giving them a fun dessert for their birthday and they’re like, “Nah.” So they just get extra treats.
Happy birthday, Lila! Fortunately, cats don’t worry about when you celebrate as long as you do. The shoe money is such a worthwhile investment, as painful as it is to pay. And I hope you can get the CPAP study sooner somewhere else.
Kudos for getting yourself some decent footwear. It’s so important to have good footwear for working out. Jon loves the Asics Kayanos as well.
Happy birthday to Lila! 🙂
I am shocked you have to wait until freakin’ AUGUST for the CPAP study. I am sorry.
Have I mentioned how much I love your new theme? Because I love your new theme. 🙂
I also love that you are taking care of your feet. As someone who – like Engie – has chronic foot and leg issues, it’s absolutely worth every penny you invest in good shoes. I wish I could wear Birks, still, but unfortunately sandals are out for me. 🙁 (I have considered their clogs, but can’t get past the fact that they’re kind of, well, ugly. :>)
Your hoop looks fantastic!
And gah, sorry about the titration study. Definitely call the other centers – I am sure you have done so already.