1) I bought new eyeglasses! I have been coveting this purchase for well over a year now, and I’m glad I finally got it done. I haven’t had an eye appointment in three years (and let’s just forget about how long it’s been since my eyes were dilated – high school, maybe?), and all my prescriptions were out of date so it’s just an appointment I’ve kept putting off because I knew it would be quite the expense. And it was… but not as bad as I suspected! (Around $400 total for my eye appointment, a six-months supply of contacts, and the glasses themselves. Not bad at all!)
It took me a long time to finally settle on glasses I loved (also, we kept getting tripped up on the ordering process due to insurance problems that finally got settled – SIGH), and I think I was having doubts because the glasses I have currently I really, really hate. They are too wide and boxy for my face, but I bought them without insurance and had to get a cheapo pair. I had an awesome sales lady who helped me out, helping me to find glasses that fit my face. (Did you know the length of your eyeglasses shouldn’t be longer than the length of your eyebrows? And if they follow the shape of your eyebrows, even better!) I finally settled on a pair that I really love and that are a bit funkier than I would normally buy. I can’t wait until they come in!
2) I had lunch with some friends I hadn’t seen in a while last week, and one of them asked me if I was apartment hunting currently, to move out on my own. I fumbled around with my answer a little, at first giving a bald-faced lie and saying yes (I KNOW!), and then saying no, I wasn’t, and that I was stuck in my current apartment lease until September but that I should be looking around soon. I don’t know WHY I said that when I am planning on waiting until next September to move out on my own.
I guess there’s this little (big?) part of me that feels a little embarrassed and shame when talking to people my age who are living on their own, and I’m still living with my mom. There are many reasons for this: renting is expensive, I need to save up more money, I want to pay off a few debts first, I really, really, really like having my mom as my roommate, etc. But I know a lot of people don’t understand this, people who think I should be out on my own now. And I don’t know what to say to that. Because yes, I should but also no, I shouldn’t. I have a really hard time with judgment and criticism and tuning out the voices. People don’t even need to say anything to me – I just worry. I worry people think I’m undateable because I’ve never had a serious boyfriend, that I’m a loser because I’m still overweight, that I’m too dependent on my mom because I still live with her. I know none of those things are true (I think I know this), but it’s hard when you realize you have veered so far off the timeline of when you’re supposed to check things off the map (moving out at 18! Lost the freshmen 15 by 22! Married by 25!), and you have no idea if/when things will ever be checked off. Feelings are so complicated.
3) I went on a little mini-shopping spree last weekend. I have been feeling really blah and uninspired when it comes to my work clothes, so I went to the mall and scored three nice blouse-y shirts, a new pair of dress pants, a casual tee, and a workout shirt for $70. I’m pretty happy about that! It was my one last “hurrah!” before I go on a strict spending freeze for the summer. My spending – between my vacation in early May and buying new glasses and other miscellany purchases – has been a bit out of control lately, and while I’m staying out of credit card debt (able to use them, then pay them off!), I haven’t been good at increasing my emergency savings. So I need to put a stop to all unnecessary spending for the next three months and get back to seriously attacking my debt goals for the year. (I’ll be doing biweekly updates, so be on the lookout for those!)
4) I’m so happy it’s summer TV season. I love the fall/spring line-up, but most of my favorite shows take place in the summer. MasterChef, American Ninja Warrior, So You Think You Can Dance, America’s Got Talent, Last Comic Standing, and I’m also watching The Bachelorette. (Ugh, guilty pleasure!) But I’m eagerly anticipating the premiere of my favorite show of the year: BIG BROTHER! (Please, please, please, please, please let this season not be anything like last season. Last season was so pathetic!)
5) I don’t have much planned for this weekend. I have a hair appointment this afternoon (YAY!) and tonight, I’m meeting up with a friend to work on my fiction novel. Saturday and Sunday? It’s all up in the air! I am craving a few hours by the pool with a trashy romance novel, so I think I should do that, yes?
That is a great score of clothes for only $70! Woo! Also, can’t wait to see your new glasses!
I don’t have Friday five today – my brain is fried and I just need to get through the day because tomorrow is vacation! (However this also means working and prepping everything for being gone a week, then coming home and finishing packing and making sure we have directions, and ahhhh…..)
I jumped off the timeline years ago, and it’s something that I’ve only really started coming to terms with over the past few months. My fella and I are so content in our little apartment, but it’s tough to remember that when faced with a multitude of friends who are buying homes and having children. Children! I’m not sure I even want those!
I guess the best any of us can do is try to ignore what everyone else is up to and focus on our own goals.
Screw “the timeline.” I lived with my parents from the time I came back from college to the day I got married- if I hadn’t saved money all those years in living with them, I would have never been able to afford buying a house, which was something in life I really wanted. As far as the timeline goes, I was one of those people who worried so much about not missing out on things or doing things when friends were– so much that I didn’t stop to listen to my gut and ended up in a bad marriage. Now, all my friends are having babies, but I’m not falling into the trap. I’m trusting myself and knowing that when something is supposed to happen, it will and I will know it.
You are a strong, smart, fantastic human being– continue to rock your awesomeness on your own timetable 🙂
I totally get worrying about what others think (between being a second wife to D, a step mom, the only woman in my place of work, etc.) and I can 100% relate. However, I’m here to tell you that doing what works for you and what you want to do? is not wrong (well, as long as you aren’t hurting puppies or people). I lived with my parents for several years and truthfully it was two of the best years of my life! Not to mention having a cushier savings account didn’t hurt. So you just keep doing your thing, friend. I think you’re wonderful. xo
Basically, YES to everything Nora said. I mean, YES.
Also, I’ve been curbing my unnecessary spending as much as I can as well. But sometimes a little shopping spree is just so necessary 🙂
While I can understand about worrying about what other people may think, at the end of the day, you have to rock what feels best for you. I live with my mother and honestly, wouldn’t have it any other way. At first, I moved back into the house to help with my stepdad, but now, it just feels right and I make no apologies for that. It benefits both my mom and I in that we can put extra money away, share expenses, not have to worry about dog care (too much). Plus we both just really enjoy each others company. In most countries and cultures, multiple generations under one roof is the norm.
Keep on keeping on, friend. Own it and be proud of who are and how you’re living your life.
Happy Friday and have a wonderful weekend!
Summer TV season is my least favorite 🙁 Although it does open my schedule up to more reading time! Suits is coming back though which I’m super excited about and I usually tend to re-watch or discover new shows cause I am just not that into the summer schedule.
Have a good weekend!
It’s funny that you like summer TV because it’s my least favorite season. I am hoping they have a summer Top Chef so I’ll have one show to look forward to. Besides that I don’t want any shows that run during the summer. But really my only show I watch religiously these days is Parenthood, so I don’t have many shows that I love these days. :/
Can’t wait to see your glasses – post a pic when they arrive! I haven’t bought new frames in 5+ years. I usually use the money I could put towards frames towards getting contacts since I get dailies (which are so expensive).
Life “timelines” are complete BS. Really. Life happens when it wants to happen, and you certainly don’t have to follow any kind of guideline! Do what you want and what makes you feel comfortable!
I’m super excited for Masterchef and SYTYCD this summer! My PVR is revved up to record all the glory!
My friends are all BUYING HOUSES, so I’m drowning in my share of “off the timeline” woes lately, too. I’m still at home and the only reason I get down about it is because it’s NOT what I planned on and I don’t want to still be here. For me, it’s a reminder of my failures. But if you’re comfortable where you are, you really do have to remind yourself that there isn’t any set timeline anymore (not that there ever really was, but definitely not nowadays).
I can’t wait to see which glasses you chose! I remember voting on Instagram and really loving both pairs- I secretly wish I needed glasses (I know, that’s terrible) because there are so many cute frames to choose from.
Girl, I hear you on the whole living at home thing. It’s hard, especially when YOU know exactly why you’re doing what you’re doing (and likely have a plan in mind) but others either don’t know those reasons because it’s none of their business or they simply don’t care. It’s definitely challenging to not try to let their opinion whether they say something out loud or not affect the way you feel about your situation. I say, keep doing what you’re doing. xo
Obviously living at home is working for you and your mom so why fix what isn’t broken, right? I know how hard it can be to tune out the voices though!