1) On a whim, I checked my credit score on Credit Karma the other day. I didn’t think it had changed much because I haven’t paid off any loans since the last time I checked, but surprisingly it did! It’s still a crappy number, but in the past seven months, it’s gone up 32 points and I’m really happy about that! My goal is to have it improve by 50 points this year, so as long as I keep my credit card balances low (or at zero!) and pay off a school loan, I should be able to do that.
2) We are 18 days into the month and I have currently worked out 14 times. So I am a bit behind on my goal to work out 31 times in 31 days, but not by too much. I’m planning on two workouts today, tomorrow, and Sunday, so then I’ll be caught up by Monday! I am actually proud of myself for continuing to stick with this goal and getting in my workouts, even when I fall behind. I knew it would be difficult for me to work out every single day (and I think 1-2 rest days a week is good for my body), so as long as I can tack on a few two-a-days a few times a week, this is a very doable goal for me. I am already planning on extending it into August, and perhaps further than that!
3) I really need to invest in a new pair of running shoes. My current shoes are not cutting it anymore. I’ve had them for over a year and they’re just worn out. I have high arches and I under pronate, so I need shoes that offer cushioning and support. Just yesterday, I went for a simple 45-minute walk and I received blisters on two of my toes. I could feel my feet rubbing against my shoes in an uncomfortable way. I’ve been putting off buying new shoes because UGH EXPENSE, but it’s a really important expense!
4) So, due to unforeseen circumstances, my brother and I won’t be able to take a road trip to Miami in the fall to see a Dolphins game. I was really bummed about it, but then my mom suggested we go instead. So, we’re planning on taking a long weekend in mid-October. We’ll drive down on a Friday, spend Saturday at the beach, spend Sunday at the game, and drive back on Monday. I think it’ll be a fun weekend! Any recs for where to eat or what else to do? I’ve never been to Miami!
5) Weekend plans – tonight, I have a writing date at Starbucks with my girl Mikaela. Tomorrow is up in the air, but I’ve been pondering a day at the dog beach. Maybe! And on Sunday, my book club gals are coming over to have “Book Club Brunch at the Pool!” My friends have requested I bring my “parfait bar,” which I am only so happy to oblige. The rest of Sunday will involve nap-taking, grocery shopping, and chore-doing. Happy, happy weekend!
Happy Friday! What are your weekend plans?
That is awesome that your credit score is going up! Way to go! And that is great that you are going to be back on track with the 31 in 31 by Monday! It is definitely a tough goal but it’s so motivating. This will be my 4th month of doing it and I am not sure when I will stop this challenge. I’m exactly on track right now but am hoping to bank a couple extra workouts next week. Today is a full rest for me which is nice as I haven’t taken a full rest day yet this month!
Tonight Phil and I are going to a party that one of his friends from college (who I haven’t met) is hosting, tomorrow morning I am planning to run 11 miles with my club and then we have a shopping day at a local running store where we’ll get 25% off most things, like shoes and clothes, so I plan on getting some new shoes, and then we leave for Amber’s wedding on Saturday around noon! I am super excited to see her and be part of her special day! I hope you have a great weekend!
Way to go getting your credit score up!
I’ve thought to myself that I should give running another try several times this summer, but buying shoes always loses to spending that money the money for debt payments. I’m on my bicycle every day though, so I don’t feel too badly about it.
As credit scores go, I have been told that it is better to carry low balances then to have them at zero. They should always be below 50% of your credit line. Thus endeth all I know about credit.
I bought new running shoes from American Running Company right before I stopped running, and they are still the best shoes (although I mourn not being able to wear all those cute bright shoes; mine are baby blue and white). Back to running – I’ve decided to do the Princess 10k!
All good things! Congrats on your credit score going up and working out 14 times already this month! That’s awesome. Definitely important to have supportive shoes though if you’re working out that much, I actually need to buy new ones this weekend too : )
That’s exciting about your credit score! I have no idea what mine is at, but I imagine it’s about the same as it was the last time it was checked. (LWe don’t have free access to check ours and it takes a tiny ding every time we do. Checking it is for only when you need to know it, like when applying for loans and mortgages.
Tomorrow I’m heading to Vancouver for my friend’s bachelorette party. It should be fun but it’s my first solo drive there so it should be interesting!
A dog beach?! I want a dog beach!
Way to go on the credit score and working out!
Congrats on improving your credit score! Mine has improved recently, too, and it’s such a great feeling. Good credit scores, here we come!
And congrats on getting so many workouts in this month. Getting into the habit of working out daily will definitely help you with your health and fitness goals. 🙂
Running shoes are soooo important! I try to buy 2 pairs when they go on sale to save a little money. I think 14 workouts in 18 days is awesome! It would be so unhealthy to never take a rest day, which is exactly why two-a-days were invented, right? 🙂 Congrats on your improving credit score. 32 points is great! My weekend plans include a 12 miler on Sunday, a long-ish gym session on Saturday, and lots and lots and lots of cleaning at Pete’s condo. Ugh. I just want it to be over with already so I can have my weekends back! Hope you can make it to the dog beach, that sounds super fun!
Congrats on the credit score!
Also 14 out of 18 IS SO IMPRESSIVE. I can’t remember the last time I worked out. Yikes.
Tell me more about a parfait bar?! That sounds delightful. And it reminds me that I really want to find a book club…
Also, I’m so proud of you for raising your credit score! That’s really impressive. Keep it up!
sounds (and looks!) like you’re having a fabulous weekend. That’s too bad about the Miami trip- what happened? Good thing your mom was able to step in instead!!
Woo, way to get that credit out and to work out so much, I am impressed. I have been struggling with working out lately because it’s just so dang hot!
And my weekend was full of family and wedding things and naps, and it was quite delightful.