1) Monday was Dutch’s birthday! He turned 13 – can you even believe that? He definitely doesn’t look or act his age. I know dachshunds can live for a long time (usually 15 or 16 years!), so I’m saying all the prayers that he’s one of the lucky ones who lives a long, long life. For his birthday, my mom and I celebrated by taking him to Tijuana Flats for lunch on Sunday and then for a long walk at his favorite park on Monday evening. 13 years old and he marched around that running trail like a boss. I love this pooch of mine so darn much! (Oh! And in the above photo, that card is from his first mama, my great-aunt Joanne. Isn’t that adorable?)
2) I went to the movies this week to see Kingsman (which, by the way, was fantastic. Colin Firth + an adorable lead actor + English accents galore = perfect movie!) When I was buying my ticket for the movie, though, I got carded! I don’t think I have ever been carded for a movie before. I’m sure the concierge felt a wee bit silly when she saw my age, ha! I honestly do not mind that I look young for my age and that some people probably still think I’m a teenager. It actually makes me laugh!
3) One of my goals for this month is to launch a new blog theme and this is something I am really, really excited about! It might even happen within the next week! I have had this current theme since I moved over to WordPress three years ago and it is a bit tired and I am ready for something new. I’ve decided to just use a premade blog theme from Etsy because I don’t really want to spend hundreds of dollars on launching a custom one. And there are some really good premade blog themes on Etsy! I’m still debating if I want to try to set up the theme on my own, or just pay the $15 to let the designer do it. I’m pretty good with techy stuff, but I’d rather not screw up my entire blog trying to install it myself.
4) For Lent, I gave up soda completely and I gave up eating sweets at work. I am 16 days into the season and I haven’t cheated once! I haven’t even been seriously tempted! Well, this past weekend I had some really bad cravings for soda, but I didn’t give in and I felt so empowered for fighting through the craving. I am sleeping soooo much better (I know HSPs are very sensitive to caffeine, but I always thought I was immune and my sleeping problems had to do with being overweight. But nope. Definitely due to drinking too much caffeine!) I’m hoping I can keep this up past the 40 days because soda and sweets are my biggest vices.
5) I am planning a super low-key weekend. Last weekend was way too crazy for my liking – I was super busy Friday night, all day Saturday, and most of Sunday! I had plans for tonight, but I canceled them in favor of vegging out in front of the TV. (Hey – sometimes you gotta, right?!) Saturday will involve a run, errands, and possibly a pedicure. And Sunday, I am crossing my fingers the weather will be nice enough to have my first pool day of the year! (I am sorry to brag.) (I love Florida “winter.”)
Have you ever been carded trying to buy a ticket for an R-rated movie? Tell me your weekend plans!
Hahaha that is AWESOME about being carded! I think I was carded once – it was right after I’d turned 21 so I was all insulted thinking “yes I can legally drink but yes, please check my ID to make sure I can see this movie.” Ha!
This is a down weekend for me too which is nice because next weekend will be busy busy! Tomorrow we’re getting our taxes done (come on, big fat return), and then I’m going to my parents’ house for my sister’s birthday dinner Sunday night since her birthday is Monday. And then Monday is my 34-week appointment – yay!
Loooved the Kingsman as well! That’s hilarious that you got carded! Had I been the one purchasing the tickets that probably would have happened as well.
It’s supposed to be 50 here tomorrow. Maybe spring is coming… which also means allergies, but sun + warmer weather? SIGN ME UP!
Eggsy was just adorable in Kingsmen. Did you know that was his first acting gig in a movie?
Weekend plans… comedy night with friends tonight, dinner with my dad tomorrow, brunch on Sunday, video chat with Lisa, 2-3 workouts and going to meet our friends brand new baby boy 🙂 Totally packed weekend that i may regret later but at least it’s full of FUN things!
Happy Birthday, Dutch! I celebrate pet birthdays, too 🙂 I get carded when I buy alcohol because people think I’m still a teenager as well. I don’t think I’ve ever been carded at the movies though! Way to go with your soda and sweets! I have been eating TERRIBLY this week and am so mad at myself.
That’s so weird that Kingsmen is rated R down there! It’s only 14A here! I don’t think I’ve ever been asked for ID for a movie. I remember when I was a kid (like, 11-12) the guy who owned the video store would make us phone our parents and get permission to rent movies outside of our “age limit,” but I’ve never been ID’d at the theatre!
I’m excited to see what your blog’s new look will be!
I’m so out of touch with pop culture that I hadn’t even HEARD of Kingsman! Ha.
As I said in my FB comment, I got carded 2 summers ago when I lived in Charlotte. I was 32 at the time. Ha!
A relaxing weekend sounds awesome! Mine is kind of busy… I’m heading out to a dinner with old coworkers in a bit and then going over to Phil’s afterwards. Tomorrow morning I have a 10 mile race and then in the evening we have a friend’s birthday celebration (dinner + bowling). Sunday I have a knitting date with a friend in the early afternoon, a video chat with Nora in the late afternoon and a dinner date with Allison in the evening. So kind of a lot but it’s all fun stuff! Well, except that 10 mile race… I’m a bit nervous about that!
HA! I cannot remember the last time I was carded at a movie, that is super hilarious. I get carded all the time buying alcohol but they are super strict about that here and all the liquor stores have signs saying if you look under 40 they will ID you!
I’ve been carded for an R-Rated movie before and goodness if it’s not an ego boost, ha. And glad you liked Kingsman, I can’t wait for it to be on DVD so I can watch it.
Aww, Dutch! Happy birthday!
Oooh, yay, I can’t wait to see your new blog look. I just got mine re-done. I had my old one for three years and ended up hiring the same designer again. It’s always so fun but bittersweet too.
I got my blog theme from Etsy, too! SO MUCH CHEAPER and I agree, they have some really nice ones on there. I installed my theme myself, so if I can do it, you can!