1) On Tuesday, I got together with a bunch of girlfriends to do a fun craft project at a DIY studio in town, called MakeMe Studio. Originally, I wasn’t too excited because crafting just isn’t my thing, but I went into it with a good attitude. I knew my final product wouldn’t be the best (it most likely would be the worst!) but I wanted to let go of perfectionist tendencies, let go of being self-deprecating to save face, and just have a good time. And that’s what happened! We painted our canvases in a color of our choice and then decoupaged leaf-shaped scrapbook pages onto the canvas to form a flower. I don’t really think my final product resembles a flower (especially compared to what my friends made!), but I had a really fun time and I would do it again in a heartbeat. It felt really good to be creative just to be creative.
2) I am so close to cruise time I can feel it! A week from tomorrow, we leave! My mom and I are actually beginning our vacation on Friday afternoon, leaving St. Pete around 12:30-1:00 and driving down to Ft. Lauderdale for the night. Miami is only about a four-hour drive from where we live, but I’d rather drive down the day before to be on the safe side! Plus, it means we get to start our vacation earlier! Whee! We have all of our excursions booked (more on that next week!), so all that is left is getting past this next week.
3) On that same note, I am in panic mode about not getting sick. In this last week alone, five coworkers have called in sick. Obviously, you can’t be on a cruise ship while sick, so I’m going to do everything I can to remain healthy and away from all the germs. I have a pretty solid immune system (ahem, knock on wood), so I am hopeful that continuing to take my vitamins, chugging water, and washing my hands constantly will keep any germs away! I’m also considering wearing a surgical mask and sealing off my cubicle, but that seems a bit drastic.
4) I spent a fun afternoon with my two nephews on Sunday afternoon! I wanted to have some serious baby snuggles (my baby nephew is sooo sweet and snuggly!), but I knew my mom wanted some one-on-one Dominic time and I noticed that my older nephew was getting jealous of the attention we were giving the baby. So, I let my mom have Dominic and I spent some one-on-one time with Jovy in his bedroom, which was really nice! I say this all the time, but he is at such a great age! All the ages are the best ages, I guess!
5) Happy Friday! I am really looking forward to this weekend. There will be some last-minute cruise shopping, a trip to the bank to discuss my auto loan (fingers crossed they want to refinance!), spectating at a race that my mom, my future stepdad, and some coworkers will be running, and having a fun Mother’s Day lunch out. And then the countdown to my cruise and ten days off work begins!
How was your week? Any fun weekend plans?
Have I told you I love your new design? And kudos for being creative! It’s so therapeutic I think, even when it doesn’t turn out the way you want it.
I love your artwork; I think it turned out fabulous 🙂 I hope, hope, hope you don’t get sick! What a bummer so many sickies around you, no bueno. OJ and grapefruit seed extract to the max and fingers crossed you stay well.
Hope this weekend is relaxing and lovely and fabulous for you! My weekend plans are anything but exciting 🙂
I am the least crafty person in the world so I feel your pain – ha! Your project came out really cute though! You should hang it up!
Oh my goodness, your cruise is so soon!!! Ahhh! So excited for you and can’t wait to hear all about it.
That is exciting that your trip is SO SOON. Fingers crossed that you stay healthy! That would suck so much to get sick.
10 days off from work sounds glorious! I haven’t really taken more than 3-4 days of vacation off in a row since i started my job last May so I am thinking about taking a week off this summer and going to the lake or something like that… I just need a solid break from the place to recharge! I hope your 10 days away are fabulous!!
My week was really busy but good. I’m off today and am doing some packing/moving things into the new place gradually. The weekend isn’t too busy which is good because I really need to get a lot done! Tonight we are going to a friend’s house for a get together with some of Phil’s college friends, tomorrow I’m running with my club and going to a charity bowling event in the afternoon and then Saturday night and Sunday are unplanned (but will likely be filled with packing/moving). I’m hoping to fit some reading and a bike ride in between everything else!
hurray for another cruise, so excited for you!
as for me, pretty low key weekend plans mainly involving errands and dinner with the in-laws and mother’s day with my family. woo wee.
Sometimes crafting is just about being creative, not making anything perfect… and I think you did great AND you had a great time. Perfect!
So excited for your cruise. I have never been on one, but I know how much you’ve fallen in love with cruises! 🙂 Have a great weekend.