1) Saturday night was my work’s Christmas party. These parties are always such a blast because I work with really awesome people. It’s fun to see everyone dressed up and to meet people’s significant others. We do a White Elephant gift exchange, raffle prizes, play games (including karaoke, which is always a delight!), and dance the night away. I am not one for parties usually, but I really enjoyed myself. The best part was that I left with a steam espresso maker from the gift exchange! The past two years I haven’t gotten stellar gifts, so I was really happy that I finally got something awesome. I can’t wait to use it!
2) Serial is back Serial is back Serial is back Serial is back Serial is back. I am so stoked! I wasn’t sure if Sarah Koenig was going to find a story as compelling as season one, but I am honestly hooked. I know embarrassingly little about the topic at hand, and though I’ve seen many people expressing disinterest and saying episode one was boring (to which I say: WUT.), I am on the edge of my seat for episode two.
3) I’m currently reading two books, which is something I used to do more often in the past. I’m reading The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks to fulfill the microhistory category for the Book Riot reading challenge. It is slow and heavy and much sadder than I expected, but I’m getting through it. I’m also reading My True Love Gave to Me for book club, which is a set of 12 short stories written by YA authors. I’m not a huge fan of short story collections, so it’s nice to read them this way: read a few chapters of my heavy nonfiction book and then read a delightfully light and fun YA short story.
4) I re-downloaded the Sleep Cycle app to my phone once again. I used to use it religiously, but then I stopped for some reason. But I haven’t been sleeping well since I moved (and I used to be a champion sleeper!) so I’d really like to gather some information on how well (or not well) I’m sleeping, how deeply (or not deeply) I’m sleeping, and how long I’m sleeping. I’m hoping it will give me some answers!
5) I’m very happy it is the weekend. I have a good one planned. Tonight, I am meeting up with my friend to write at Starbucks. (I just hit over 70k in my novel, wahoo!) On Saturday, my car has a doctor’s appointment (and I’m praying I won’t be given a long list of everything that needs to be fixed) and while that’s happening, my mom and I are going to do some Christmas shopping! Saturday night, I plan on watching one of the cheesy Hallmark movies I have taped and having a Christmas present-wrapping extravaganza. And Sunday will be an easy day of watching football with my family.
Happy Friday! What are your weekend plans?
I can’t believe Christmas is now only 2 weeks away! The spirit surrounds and yet with the unusually warm and spring-like weather where I live…the season isn’t quite fitting yet. It sounds like you have an engaging, Christmas-filled weekend ahead!
As for mine, I know it will better than last weekend wherein I was sickly and out of it. I’ll be working half the day Saturday as usual, and hoping that the plan of a friend or a few dropping by will work out – if it doesn’t, we still plan on going out, even if it’s just the two of us :). On Sunday we will be seeing his niece’s church Christmas pageant – “Camel Lot”, which should be cute.
Happy weekend!
Hooray for a fun weekend! Fingers crossed the car behaves itself tomorrow. Nothing worse than car repairs.
We are doing some work to our bathrooms (replacing the flooring and toilets. Here’s hoping there isn’t too much cursing…) and going on a holiday date tomorrow night! I’m looking forward to it; we are going to a yummy restaurant and then checking out holiday lights at our local brewery. Should be fun.
You look beautiful in that photo! Loved The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. My boss two jobs ago wept while reading. He’s also a scientist, so.
Tonight I’m training/teaching my first drawing bachelorette party for Artful Bachelorette and I’m SO NERVOUS. I have a christmas party for a part time gig I started in November tomorrow.
I’m so excited for my work Christmas party next week! I’ve never really had a job where they have full on Christmas parties in actual December. (Restaurant Christmas parties tend to happen in January.) And apparently my employer throws epic Christmas parties. Can’t wait!
This weekend I’m running a 5K, volunteering, hosting friends for dinner, and trying to wrap up my Christmas to do list!
I hope your car gets a clean bill of health! My car is old so I am always nervous they are going to find an expensive problem when I take it in!
Sounds like you have a great weekend on tap! I’m in Chicago now at my brother’s and will fly home tonight. Tomorrow I am running with a friend and then spending the day with Phil which I am very much looking forward to as I have barely seen him this week since I have had so dang much going on!
I love the cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies and have a bunch on my DVR. I’m watching one right now, in fact! 😉 I hope you’re enjoying your weekend!
Your hair looked awesome for your Christmas party! I’m glad it was a fun time. I really liked the first episode of Serial, though I definitely am suspicious of the main guy they are investigating right off the bat here. I’m looking forward to the rest of the season. I wonder if they are working week to week again this season or if they have the whole thing recorded already! Hope you car got a clean bill of health too!
Sounds like life was treating you well last week! A few things:
1. I have ALWAYS wanted to go to a company Christmas party. Alas, working from home doesn’t lend itself to that. Maybe someday?!
2. CONGRATS on 70k words!
3. I’m not familiar with the Sleep Cycle app but think I need to download that ASAP.
Happy Friday! I just realized this was from LAST Friday, but whatever, I’m just excited to be reading a blog post! 🙂
I’m with you on Serial – SO compelling, especially because I’ve worked a lot with active duty military. Half the time I’m thinking, “it doesn’t matter your reasons dude, you violated chain of command and left your post, you’re screwed,” but the other half can’t even imagine what five years of a captive is like. And I like that it’s totally different from last season!
This weekend I’ll finish up the last bit of Christmas shopping and then be all set for Parker’s first Christmas – woo!