1) This past weekend, we had a belated Mother’s Day weekend in downtown St. Pete. My mom wanted to rent a surrey and bike down the waterfront and then have lunch at The Hangar, so that’s exactly what we did! My brother and his family came, but with my youngest nephew being newly one, he was too young to ride in the surrey, so he and my sister-in-law stayed behind. (We caught her on our way back, so she and my mom switched off – her in the bike and my mom with the baby!) My nephew was too short to reach the pedals, so we put him in charge of ringing the bell to alert people on the sidewalk that we were coming, which he did with gusto! Ha. The bike ride itself was so, so, so much fun! I’d love to do it again sometime soon. It’s fun to be a tourist in your city!
2) My faithful $17 sunglasses from Target broke last weekend. I’ve had those sunglasses for four whole years and I counted – we went on seven cruises together! That’s a pretty impressive lifespan for such a cheap pair of sunglasses since I’ve never had any pair last that long. Alas, those sunnies did their duty and thankfully, I have a backup pair because I cannot handle the sunshine without sunglasses. (There’s actually science as to why!)
3) I’m almost finished with season 2 of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. I feel about season 2 the same way I felt about season 1 – it’s good, but it’s not great. I’m just not a fan of the over-the-top humor and while it was funny for a few episodes, I’m now 10 episodes in and I find my interest waning. Meh. I hear there’s a season 3 in the works, but who knows if I’ll even watch it.
4) I’m using MyFitnessPal this week, strictly for informational purposes. Calorie counting makes me crazy, but so does not feeling my best and, honestly, I haven’t been feeling my best lately. Inputting allll of my food this week has been eye-opening and I’m realizing that I need to make some changes to my diet. I’m not exactly sure what that will entail yet because I want to do another week or so of simply collecting data on my food behaviors, and I want to be sure the changes I make are made intentionally and are values-based, not results-based.
5) This weekend, I have a date night with my mom planned for this evening (we’re driving to Brandon to pick up our race packets and she told me if I drive to the location, she’ll buy me dinner – SOLD!). Then, on Saturday, I’m taking my car for an oil change and that night, my mom and I are driving to Lakeland for the ColorBuzz 5k. And Sunday should be a low-key day where I’ll hopefully sleep in and get lots of writing done!
What are your weekend plans?
The family surrey ride sounds really fun! Love that your nephew took his bell ringing job very seriously! 😉 Too funny.
I used MFP at the start of the year to track calories and it was SO eye opening! It definitely helps to have some awareness about how many calories you are consuming. I read once that pounds are lost in the kitchen and ounces are lost in the gym, and I really think that is true as so much of weight loss comes down to how much we are eating. But it’s really hard to reset your appetite when you’ve been eating more than you should be. I struggle with this every time I do a marathon as it’s tough to get my body to learn that I don’t need a marathon diet year round. 😉
My weekend plans include getting coffee with a friend tomorrow afternoon and grilling with friends on Saturday night. I’m also hoping to plant some herbs in pots on our patio but I’ll need Phil to buy the pots and plants for me so hopefully he will have time to do that on Sunday. Enjoy your weekend!
Sounds like you’ve got an active, fun weekend ahead. Good luck with the race :-).
It’s going to be a long weekend here in Canada (Victoria Day), and as my town is tourism-central, it’s going to be flooded with tourists, also there to check out the yearly carnival/festival the town hosts too. I will be avoiding the madness for the most part lol. So, my weekend consists of breaks from job hunting, a night out tonight at a local pub with a new friend, potential camping in the woods with my boyfriend tomorrow (or at the very least we’ll do a campfire), mowing the lawn, and Sunday going out to eat with my parents. The holiday Monday will likely be lazy while I binge-watch Merlin!
Have a good weekend!
That sounds like a super fun Mother’s Day! What a unique thing to do!
I’m back to MFP too. I’ve tried to stop using it a few times over the last couple of years but find that I don’t hold myself accountable enough without it. Oh, the struggle.
Enjoy your race and have a great weekend!
Ooh. I love the deal you have with your mom re. driving and dinner. Haha. Good luck with race!
I’m going to Houston and officiating a wedding!!!
I need to get back on MyFitnessPal! I am also not feeling my best lately… Hope you had a great weekend and a good race!
I’ve been thinking of getting MFP because I’m realizing I don’t eat as healthy as I think I do. I’m curious to see how many calories/what kinds of foods I’m eating every day and everyone always raves about MFP for tracking food.
Your belated Mother’s Day celebration sounds so fun! We did a surrey ride at our resort in Disney when I was younger (like, when I was 11 years old) – my dad took me and my brother, but the two of us got bored/tired of it so my dad ended up doing all the work, LOL.
I went on a surrey ride once; they are so much fun! We did it in Sanibel Island back in 2005. Love them!
Hope your weekend was a good mix of fun + relaxing. Mine left me totally exhausted but it was a good one overall. Hooray!
What a fun belated Mother’s Day adventure 😉
I’ve been counting calories via fitbit (mostly for “informational purposes” and it’s definitely eye-opening, because sometimes you “think” you eat healthy, but you intake a lot of calories and on other days it’s kind of the opposite).