1) I think I have finally mastered second-day hair! I used to wash my hair every day because it got so greasy and flat if I didn’t. Second-day hair basically grossed me out. But I wanted to master second-day hair because I thought it might help keep my color locked in longer. So I began the very slow process of “training” my hair to only get washed a few times a week. I found a good dry shampoo (this is what I use) and also checked out YouTube videos on the correct way to use dry shampoo (turns out, I was doing it wrong all along!), and I’m actually really loving my second-day hair now. It doesn’t feel greasy or gross anymore! There are actually days I even forgo dry shampoo because my hair feels fine without it. My next goal is to master third-day hair—right now, I either throw it up in a bun or wash it (if I’m doing something where I feel like I *need* to style my hair). Third-day hair feels a little too greasy to style, even with dry shampoo. But hey! I am proof that it is possible to train your hair to not need to be washed so frequently. I never thought I could go 2-3 days between washing it!
2) I tried to make this recipe on Monday night. It sounded so good! But the experience of trying to make it reminded me how much I hate cooking, especially recipes that involve a ton of tiny steps and multiple pans. (I mean, maybe for you, this recipe sounds simple enough. Not for me, apparently!) I should have prepped all the ingredients beforehand, but I figured I would just get them out along the way, and that was a huge mistake. The butter in my saute pan burned before I could chop and add the red onions (I have a fancy chopper that does all the “chopping” work for me so I thought I could do it quickly while the butter was melting in the pan.) Anyway, the recipe turned out awful and I wasted so much food and time and energy. This is why I stick to my tried-and-true recipes, sigh.
3) I’m on a little Instagram break right now, and it’s been wonderful. I deleted the app from my phone early last week after seeing a few too many posts that made me feel bad about myself. Whenever that happens, I know it’s time to step away for a little while. I did sign back in on Sunday to write a post for Lila’s “gotcha” day and update Stories with my latest reads, but deleted the app after I had done that. I really needed this breather from Instagram! I spend so much time mindlessly scrolling the app—something I didn’t realize until this week, as I find myself continuously opening my phone with no intention; I just want to mindlessly scroll. But since I don’t have any sort of social media on my phone right now (I took Twitter and Facebook off sometime last year), the mindless scroll is basically nonexistent for me. I’ll probably put the app back on my phone soon, but right now, it’s been really good for my mental health to be off it.
4) Who watched the Democratic debate on Wednesday night? Hoo boy, it got intense. Loved seeing Elizabeth Warren so fired up—she’s been my choice from the beginning and I’ve been frustrated by the results of the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary. The way the whole field of contenders piled onto Bloomberg was pretty damn amazing. (Also amazing was the way Elizabeth Warren called on him to release his former employees from their NDAs and his whole response to that mess.) I only watched the first 90 minutes because it started so late for us East Coasters (9pm on a weeknight – what!) I donated to Elizabeth the next day and I am really hoping her strong debate performance helps her in the Nevada caucus. *prayer hands*
5) I have a busy weekend planned! Today, I’m taking Lila to the vet for a checkup and shots (pray for meeee) and might meet up with a friend for a reading date. Tomorrow, I get to see LISA (!!!) for lunch and then have a bonus project to complete for work. And Sunday is my nephew’s birthday party (he’s FIVE today, time makes no sense to me).
Happy weekend! Tell me something good that happened to you this week. 🙂
Oh man, it is the WORST when you put time, money, and effort (not to mention ALL YOUR HOPES AND DREAMS) into a delicious-sounding recipe and it falls flat. Such a bummer!
I watched the debate on Wednesday and LOVED everything Elizabeth Warren. I really, really hope she continues to get a boost from this night!!
Cooking – like everything else – needs practice to feel easy (I think) and I could totally see how that would be an effort if you’re cooking for one person (cooking for more people is so much more satisfying IMHO). But good for you for trying a new recipe!
I feel you on the 2nd day hair… I pretty much have to wear my hair in a tail on day 2, but I am trying different things to make 2nd day hair more doable. I’ve been loyal to Bastiste Dry Shampoo, but maybe I should switch it up?!
You’re definitely right re: helping lock in the colour longer (especially if you prefer your showers to be warm/hot which uh…I think most people do). I used to do a lot of fashion colours in my hair and one of the big reasons I think they stayed so well is the fact that I usually go three, sometimes four days between washes. Granted, I am a curly girl, which I think makes it easier to go long periods between washes. Anyway, yay for good second day hair!
Oh man, Instagram. I feel you on that. It’s a big part of why I only really update my blog insta as opposed to my personal Insta. Well, that and because in addition to not wanting to consume content that makes me feel bad about myself, I also don’t want to create content that makes other people feel bad about themselves, if that makes sense. I don’t want anyone to look at something I put online and think they need to like, buy something or that I have my life altogether because that is just not the case. I find it challenging to walk that line on social media so more often than not, I just stick to…posting rarely. Interesting how your perspective shifts over time with these kinds of things.
Good luck with Lila at the vet 🙂 Meant to comment earlier in the week (work has been NUTS) but I love love love you cat lady posts. You guys are all too adorable 🙂
My good thing this week: it’ll sound silly, but I finally had a week where I hit 10k steps M-F. I have not done this in what feels like ages, first because of foot pain (stupid plantar fasciitis), then sickness, then uh lol my FitBit broke. But this week, I made it down to my office gym almost every day, went to the actual gym once and took a couple coffee walks outside. It was awesome.
It was so good to see you on Saturday! Thanks for doing all the driving and picking me up! It was so nice to catch up in person and talk books and cats and life!
I have recently mastered 2nd day hair, too. 3rd day hair – not so much. But maybe eventually I can master that? I am going to try your dry shampoo when mine runs out and watch that youtube video to make sure I’m doing it right. I feel like my revlon brush blow dryer has helped, too, as I still use the blow dryer on days I don’t wash my hair to make it look more ‘styled’. It seems to cut down on the greasy feeling too.
I have been trying second and third day hair too but w/o dry shampoo… because I always wear mine back, lol. I am glad it’s working out for you! I’ve noticed mine seems much healthier since doing it! I will have to go to dry shampoo in the summer once I get really sweaty each day.
I hate cooking so so much. So I totally get the pain from that recipe. One pan or less, please, with few steps. It’s not worth the time when you don’t enjoy it!
That is a good idea with the Instagram break. I should do that. I mindlessly scroll too.
Something good last week – that book I was waiting for forever was finally available!
I also have flat, greasy hair and wash it every single day. I wonder if the second day hair could ever work for me, but I’d be so nervous to try!
That recipe does sound delicious! Bummer that it didn’t work out. I can’t cook anything, but maybe I can convince Jerry to try it lol. I sent him the recipe!