1) Dad. Lately, every time I have a dream about my dad (which is more often than you would think, despite being estranged for 12 years), it’s always a positive, happy dream. In these dreams, my dad has come back into my life and our relationship is good. He’s in a good place, I’m in a good place, and we’re getting along. We’re spending time together and joking around like old times and it’s just the best. It’s everything I’ve dreamed of having. I always wake up from those dreams out of sorts and sad because my reality is vastly different, and I miss my dad so very much.
2) Twelve. My nephew, J., turns 12 today and that feels unfathomably old. Was it really 12 years ago that I sat in a waiting room and heard the sound of a sweet lullaby stream through the hospital’s speakers to announce his birth? At 12, J. is fully obsessed with sports (even more than my brother is, which is saying something), loves his video games, and adores Chip. He has a cohort of best friends that have been around for most of his life. He’s not keen on school or reading or his little brother. He recently had his first major injury—breaking his collarbone—and handled it like a champ. He’s shy and sensitive, but has a great sense of humor (he reminds me a lot of myself). He’s a truly sweet kid and it’s such a joy to watch him grow up.
3) Desk. I am really close to pushing purchase on this desk. My tiny, 40-inch desk worked for my needs in my old place, but now that I actually have a dedicated work area, I am dying for something bigger. Since it appears I will be working remotely for a long time (there are no immediate plans to bring people back into the office until 2021, and even then, we will have the option to be full-time remote), I want to focus on making my little work area more functional. But, ugh, I have been spending so much money lately and I don’t know if it’s the smart choice!
4) Fall. I don’t want to jinx things, but we’re having surprisingly mild weather here in Florida right now. It’s been in the mid-70s in the morning and has been staying in the low 90s during the day. Yes, it’s still HOT and not fall-like at all, but listen, I have to take what I can get. Next week, we have a few days with highs in the low 80s! Does this mean I can start taking midday walks again? Man, I hope so!
5) Election. I received my polling assignment for the upcoming election! I will be serving as an Inspector, which is the person who checks people in and makes sure they’re eligible to vote. I’m nervous about it, as this election is going to be a busy one, but I’m looking forward to being able to help out in this way and hopefully make the voting process easier for people. I have to go through another training, this time for the Inspector role, which I’m doing today. I will definitely discuss my experience working as a poll worker for this historic election when it’s all over (and please, dear god, when we have a new president-elect).
I’m sorry about the post-dream sadness. Our brains can be so unkind, can’t they?
For what it’s worth, I think a work space that is functional and aesthetic can make such a huge improvement in your work life.
Gosh, I am sorry about the dreams. I can understand why your brain is creating the perfect dream relationship you’d love to have, but just drop it, RIGHT?! Gah 🙁 I hope they are not frequent.
Happy birthday to J! He sounds like a lovely kid. It’s so fun he has that friend group – I hope they stick together through all of their schooling! (Ha, for some reason, that concept is neat to me – I think because it didn’t happen to me)
That desk is cute and a good price! The big question is – do you feel like assembling it?! LOL. Also, do you think you’d want something with height adjustability for long term, or no? (You can always get a Varidesk top, also, yeah, a lot of my job at work is helping people pick out their office furniture for the workplace. LOL.)
I am so glad you are getting some cooler temps! YAY!
Ugh those dreams are rough. I’m sorry, friend. Those would be hard to wake up from since they are so different from your reality. 🙁
I can’t believe your nephew is 12!! How??!?!?! I feel the same way about my nephews. The oldest turned 16 in July and got his driving license. Just boggles my mind as I vividly remember holding him in the hospital and now he’s a junior in high school. I don’t get to see him often and I don’t know when I will see him next sadly due to covid. 🙁 But hopefully by next fall I can see more of my family? We’ll see…
That is exciting that you got your poll assignment. It will be interesting to see how busy your polling place is. Although in Florida people seem less worried about covid than other parts of the country?? Like here in Minneapolis, we are a blue area so I can see our polling place being very quiet as many will do early voting or mail in. I’m doing mail in just to be extra safe, especially since the election is 4 weeks before delivery!
I served as an Inspector in the last election, and it was relatively painless (except for the outcome). If there were any questions about ID or a voter being in the correct polling place, someone else with much more experience handled it. I just had to refer the voter to the proper supervisor.
Dreams can be awesome, but also very random and weird sometimes. I am sorry you felt deflated after having a “good” dreams about your dad and waking up to the reality that he’s not in your life. 🙁
I am so proud of you that you’ll be serving as a poll worker! What an important contribution to this year’s election! Thank you!