1) The best news of the week: My dining room table was assembled on Wednesday! I am so glad I splurged on the professional assembly services because I really did not want to worry about putting it together. (Of course, the technician who came in made it look so easy!) Wayfair has very strict COVID policies in place (he wore a mask and gloves the whole time and we stayed six feet apart) so I felt comfortable having him in my apartment. And I’m just so, so happy to have a beautiful dining room table to stare at all day (haha—it’s in my line of sight when I work!) I already have some cute Christmas decorations on the table because that’s the kind of person I am. 🙂
2) Eloise’s “gotcha” day was on Tuesday! I can’t believe it’s been two whole years with this bundle of love. I went back through some of the first videos I took of her and they brought back so many great memories. She was a sweetheart right from the beginning and I love thinking about how shy and uncertain she was with me in the beginning. Now, she’s my feisty, chatty, lovable little lady who is never far from my side. I just love her so!
3) I took a spill yesterday when I was bringing one of my bar stools down to my car (sold those bad boys quickly!) I was trying so hard to be extra careful while I was walking down the stairs, stepping both feet on a stair before going to the next. But I ended up falling while almost near the bottom and landed right on my knees. Thankfully, my ankle survived the fall without getting injured but my knees are definitely not happy with me. They’re just skinned up and bruised, so nothing major, but they hurt something fierce. I also pulled a muscle in my left calf so I’m just hobbling around like an old woman. Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if I wasn’t always so scared of getting injured. Literally, the first thing I said when I fell was, “I knew this would happen!”
4) I didn’t realize until this past weekend that I never received my car registration renewal in the mail last month, and I’ve been driving around with an expired tag for over a week! Ooooops. I’m not sure why it never came through—I changed my address with the DMV immediately when I moved. When I tried to do it online, the system told me that the tax collector doesn’t have my insurance information on file, which is weird, because I’ve had the same car insurance for over two or three years now. I have an appointment this afternoon at the tax collector’s office to get it all sorted out, so I’m hoping it’s a quick fix.
5) I purchased an at-home food sensitivity test that I’m excited to try out. I am fairly certain I have some food sensitivities, given the way I (ahem) digest certain foods and feel extremely bloated after some meals. I am guessing I will have some sort of sensitivity to dairy, gluten, and citrus foods but we’ll see if anything interesting pops up! I am a little worried about doing a finger prick blood sample, but my cousin is a nurse so worst-case, I’ll have her help me out. 🙂 I haven’t been feeling great lately, health-wise, and I’d like to start experimenting with cutting out certain foods/food groups to my diet to see how it changes the way I feel. So having this information will just be a helpful step in the right direction!
So sorry to hear about the fall — ooof!
Your dining table is SO PRETTY. I absolutely love it!
I will be curious to see what the sensitivity test shows! Cool that we can do those. The finger prick should be quick and not too painful. Just avoid the middle of the finger tip – there are more nerves there. Try for the side of a fingertip. I know this from testing my sugars 4 times a day for 10 weeks!! Bleh.
Glad the assembly was worth it. Phil is my assembler. I assembled some things on my own and it was sooo awful. So paying someone is well worth it!
Sorry to hear about your fall. That sounds painful!!
I love the dining table. Just curious, why did you opt for a bar height table/stools? Any specific reason?
Sorry about your fall. Sometimes superficial scraps can hurt more than deep bruises! Hope you heal up quickly.