1) One of the most exciting parts of my week was buying a new trash can! Yes, a trash can! I’ve had the same old trash can since I moved into my first apartment in 2016 and it was definitely time for a change. A trash can is just one of those things you don’t think about upgrading, you know? At least I don’t. I spent $50 on my new trash can, which feels ridiculously expensive, but it’s shiny and fancy and looks great in my apartment. Yay, trash cans!
2) I spent most of last week in a spiral of anxiety that this lump in my left armpit was cancer. I was pretty sure it was just an infected cyst since I’ve had this lump looked at before and my doctor has reassured me it’s not cancerous (while telling me she will happily refer me to a specialist to have it biopsied if I want). Usually, it’s just a tiny bump under my arm, but it had doubled in size over the last week and grown increasingly painful. So, of course, I googled what it all meant and worked myself into a panic. Thankfully, it is just a cyst and my doctor even proved it to me by, um, squeezing it. (TMI?) I’m on antibiotics and using a warm compress on it a few times a day to help drain it. And it’s gotten so much better from this time last week! I couldn’t even put deodorant on without pain. It’s probably half its size and no longer painful, so yay! I am so thankful it is not something serious because, whew, was I imagining some awful scenarios in my head last week. Health is never something I will take for granted, that’s for sure.
3) Speaking of health, one thing that I have been struggling with lately is my physical health, a la working out. The last time I worked out was Mother’s Day! Whoops. My schedule was all messed up last week and whenever I’m out of my routine, I find that exercise is one of the first things to go. And this week, I just haven’t had any motivation or desire to work out. I even woke up early to exercise yesterday but only did one loop around my apartment complex before calling it quits. Ugh. I just need to get back to it and stop making excuses, but I also don’t want to come to exercise from a place of shame because that’s not motivating or healthy. Maybe I need to do some low-impact Peloton workouts to get me back in the swing of things? I dunno.
4) I bought a new brush for the girls last month because I was taken in by an Instagram ad that promised my cats would love the feeling of this brush on their bodies. Eloise took to it right away and loved getting brushed. She would trill at me and rub her face all over the brush like she was telling it how much she loved it. Lila, on the other hand, was terrified of it. She ran far away from me every time I picked it up and showed it to her. And she is the one who needs to be brushed frequently because she’s fluffy! Very, very fluffy. Finally, I was able to show her how much Ellie loved getting brushed, and then, all of a sudden, she let me brush her and fell in love with it! Now she’s letting me brush her every day. The first time I brushed Lila, I brushed out enough hair to knit a sweater. (Okay, maybe not that much, but it was seriously a pile of hair!) I just love brushing them, though. It’s so soothing! And when they don’t fight me, it’s even better. Now if only I could get them to let me brush their teeth. THAT would be a miracle.
5) I don’t have much going on this weekend, aside from my monthly lady date with Bri. We are going kayaking at a preserve near me and are prepared to do it as lazily and slowly as possible. 🙂 I may also head over to my mom’s for some pool time. It’s Chip’s last weekend as an only child! (Lucy comes home Monday!)
What was the last mundane purchase you got excited about? What are your weekend plans?
Have fun kayaking! That is something I love to do – it’s so peaceful and relaxing!
Glad the cyst thing was not something scary. It’s easy to work yourself up thanks to Dr. Google. Glad you doctor gave you reassurance!
Oscar hates to be brushed. We’ve tried several things and nothing works so we just don’t do it. She is such a particular (and often difficult!) cat!
I too have had a recent armpit lump, so I completely empathize with all the worry that comes with it. (I got mine ultrasounded at my most recent mammogram and it was all clear.) The other annoying thing, now that I know it’s benign, is that it is hard to shave over/around! Go away, armpit lump!
Ooo your new trash can star-eyed emojis!
I am so sorry that cyst scared you like that! I would be too, especially with the pain level. And I had something similar happen to me years ago so you are not alone. And I have an appt to see a dr about something similar in two weeks <3
What has made exercise enjoyable for you before? Or part of a routine? And kayaking counts as exercise! That sounds so fun!
Hmm, mundane purchase – oh! I ordered notecards for Kim Hides the Rocks! I am v excited. Weekend plans – mani/pedi today, picnic tomorrow, and sweat my ass off since it will be in the high 80s every day. LOL yuck.
I am excited about your trash can. Maybe I should upgrade ours, too at some point (we had the same white plastic trash can for years! Yours looks so much better.)
I can understand that you were worried about the lump under your arm… it’s nothing until it’s something, right? Good for you for getting it checked out again. Most people will avoid finding out and then bad things can happen.
As someone who keeps a regular workout routine, my suggestion is this: pick 3 days a week and commit to exercise. You can start with a 20 min low-impact ride, a walk, what have you… just stick to the schedule. It’ll become a habit and you can start building from there (either work out longer or add more days). Routine is everything when it comes to working out. You have to get to a point where you just “do it” without thinking about if you feel like it. 😉