1) I have never been a fan of the massaging chairs that are common at nail salons. I mean, yes, they are comfortable to sit in but the “massage” they give is so painful to me. Usually, I don’t use the massage function at all. On Sunday, I went to a new-to-me salon for a pedicure and, of course, when they showed me to my seat, they turned on the massaging chair. At a certain point, I was like, “Okay, this is enough massaging,” and turned it off. After a few minutes, my nail technician noticed the massage function was turned off and turned it back on, smiling at me like she did a great big favor. And did I tell her I didn’t want it on? No, I did not. Instead, I smiled back weakly and submitted to the torture. My back was sore for dayssss after this pedicure. DAYS! And this, my friends, is what it is like to be an enneagram 9. We don’t want to cause waves or sometimes even give our opinion on things, so we just let things happen to us. The days I spent with a sore back were all the proof I needed that I am solidly my type.
2) I was excited to learn that we could order a second set of COVID tests this week! I’ve used up two of the four tests in the past week alone to ensure this cold I’m dealing with isn’t the big bad ‘rona. (It’s not. Tested twice, a few days apart.) When I ordered my first set of tests back in January, it took a really long time to get my tests (6-8 weeks, I think?) I was seriously wondering if it was all a hoax and I wasn’t getting free COVID tests. For this round, I ordered my tests on Tuesday and they were delivered on Thursday. (!!!) Pretty amazing. Hooray for extra COVID tests.
3) A few weeks ago, Anne Helen Petersen wrote a fascinating article about getting her first colonoscopy. Since there is a history of colon cancer in my family, I know I’ll need a colonoscopy in the near future. (I need to talk to my doctor about whenβ45 is the age the CDC recommends to get your first colon cancer screening, but I may need to start sooner than that with my family history. I’m hoping I can put it off until I’m 40 at least, heh.) Anyway, Anne’s post takes you through the entire process of getting a colonoscopy. I’m a little familiar with the crazy prep you have to do beforehand since my mom got a colonoscopy in 2015, but she laid out all the details of the elimination diet you have to start a few days beforehand, drinking the prep liquid, the pooping (!), and the procedure itself. I’m really dreading getting a colonoscopy, even though I would much rather go through all of that than deal with colon cancer, of course, and I’m sure I’ll reread her article when my time comes. Let’s just hope I can wait another half decade. Please and thank you.
4) I spent most of last weekend with my fur-brother and fur-sister, and it was a delight! We did a lot of outside time (Chip barking, Lucy eating grass), a lot of snuggle time on the couch, and a lot of kissy time. (Man, dachshunds and their kisses! They are relentless.) I was really impressed with how mellow Chip is these days. He’s turning 4 next week and I swear, even a year ago, I wouldn’t have imagined I could snuggle on the couch with him. He wasΒ not a snuggler; he just wanted to run around like a crazy man all the time. He’s still a crazy man when he wants to be (he can destroy toys designated for strong chewers in record time), but I’m glad he’s becoming less and less puppy-like these days. Lucy is very much a puppy still (can you believe she’s turning 1 at the end of the month?), but she is a pro snuggler already.
5) A quick thing I keep forgetting to mention: I’ve started responding to comments on this blog! I used to respond to comments via email, and decided to switch over to responding on my blog itself because it’s a little easier for me. To make sure you see my response, you just have to click the box that says, “Notify me via e-mail if anyone answers my comment.” Yay!
Tell me something good that happened to you this week!
I listened to a podcast on enneagrams this week – I had never heard of them before. I have no idea what I am. I also hate (HAAAAATE) those massage chairs. I always turn them off; they are not pleasurable to me at all in any way.
We have quite a few tests at home as the boys were getting them from their school. They were supposed to be testing twice weekly but they never did, and now we have no restrictions, and all these tests. I’m sure they will come in handy. We’ve had to use a couple of them, due to friends having Covid, but all have so far been negative.
My FIL passed away from colon cancer and so my husband has always had to go through the screening. I can tell you, the prep is way worse than the procedure. This is going to sound gross, but bear with me: if you need to get one, before you start the prep use diaper rash cream like Desitin (the really thick diaper cream with zinc) on your peach. BEFORE you start the prep. Believe me on this one. Learn from our experience!
Ooh, you should definitely check out the Enneagram to figure out what your number is. I have found it to be soooo helpful in learning more about my personality, what motivations, etc. There are free tests you can take online but I would recommend reading a book that goes into all of the different types (The Road Back to You is what I read to figure out my type) to see which one resonates with you the most, and then taking a test to see what it says. (I’m always a 9, when I test)
The diaper cream tip is SUCH A GOOD ONE. I will have to remember that when my time comes.
This reminds me to bring up when I will need a colonoscopy with my GP as my maternal aunt had colon cancer in her 50s! I’m 41 so I might be at the point of needing it, but hoping it can wait until 45. And I am hoping I can do the less invasive, um, ‘poop in box’ test first? I am blanking on the name of it but it’s advertised on tv all the time!
It’s good to know that your next order of tests from the govt came faster. My health insurance lets me order something like 8 tests/month through CVS. I have to pick them up in person but there is a CVS close to us so that was a cinch. I have to test weekly as weekly testing is required to go into the office so on top of randomly testing my kids, we go through quite a few tests in our house!
I have seen those “poop in a box” tests but I have heard that they aren’t recommended for anyone with an elevated risk. Your doctor will likely want you to do the full-scale colonoscopy if you have a family history. Wah!
I keep forgetting to log in to my insurance website to find out what they offer for Covid tests! I got locked out at one point and have to call them to reset it, so it’s just this extra step that I keep putting off. But free Covid tests!!
Good Lord… I spent 5 minutes trying to comment on the screen shot above – LOL!!!!!!
THANK YOU – I didnt know you could request more covid tests – I already got mine & my mom’s ordered!
Good ole Colonoscopies! My dad had colon cancer so me & my brother have to have them regularly. What a miserable 48 hours
Hahaha – I should have placed that screenshot further up the post! Oopsy.
I am not looking forward to the colonoscopy prep, that’s for sure. But at least it’s not something we have to do yearly or anything like that! Woof.
Those dogs are so cute. I kind of wanted a cuddly dog, but Hannah is just the kind of creature who enjoys that, so I’m envious you can get some lap time with them. I want to kiss their noses!!
I love how hard the massage chairs at nail salons go on my back. I just love it. I can see how it could be painful, though, especially if it doesn’t hit you just right based on height and the like.
I’ve never had a colonoscopy and my doctor has not mentioned it to me. There’s no family history, so I’m wondering if this is the sort of thing I should bring up, or if she will. I’ll probably let this one slide. π It sounds unpleasant!
They would love snuggling you! And would be happy to let you kiss their wet noses. π They are so snuggly and adorable.
I wonder if I was a taller person if I would like the massage chairs more! One of my friends who is 6 inches taller than me LOVES them.
You may be able to get away with doing a Cologuard test, where you just send a poop sample in the mail, especially if there’s no family history. That sounds a lot easier than a full-scale colonoscopy!
Ugh, the massage chair thing makes me so mad. That is your type but I really hope that doesn’t happen again. π And why are those chairs such garbage? I never use it when I get one.
I have to get a colonoscopy when I turn 40. I should save that for then.
I am glad you had a good weekend with the pups! No way Lucy is turning 1! Whoa!
I wonder if the nail tech kept thinking the chair was shutting off? I really should have spoken up, but that’s so hard for me! But she could have asked if I wanted the chair on, rather than just putting it back on for me.
You’d think there’d be a better way to do the colonoscopy now! But maybe things will change by the time we’re in our forties.
OK, I actually had a colonoscopy in 2012ish, & it really wasn’t that bad. The prep is a little gross (all that pooping!), but apparently it’s come a long way in the past couple of years. I actually just wrote a video script for work about colonoscopies, so I had to do a bunch of research, & now the prep is WAY less than it used to be. You don’t have to drink nearly as much cleansing solution, & apparently it even tastes kind of GOOD now! Really, though – they’re not nearly as bad, in my opinion, as they’re hyped up to be. And as you said, still better than cancer. Hopefully by the time you need one, the prep is even more minimal.
That is such a relief to hear! I think I am mostly concerned with the diet I’ll have to go on in the days leading up to the procedure. It seemed really awful, at least what my mom had to go through. But good to know that the drink tastes better and you don’t have to drink as much of it as before. Here’s hoping things get even better by the time I’m 40!
I was going to chime in with a bunch of info on colonoscopies but you have some good stuff here. The cards are called Hemoccult tests, which test for blood, specifically. However there are also DNA-based tests now, one in particular from a company called Exact Sciences (they’re based here, so that’s how I know about them). This is supposed to be even more sensitive than the Hemoccult test, and may be a reasonable first-line option for you. That said most providers are going to want to get a good look at the colons of anyone at increased risk. π
The prep is much less liquid than it used to be, as Kate indicated. And, you can usually mix it with whatever flavor of gatorade you prefer -just not the red kind! (No red foods!) I lived on lemon popsicles and sorbet, which wasn’t too bad, during the clear liquid day. π Make sure they give you GOOD sedation and honestly? You’ll never know it happened – it’s kind of crazy!
You’ll be fine – and it’s not for a few years yet, so I’m sure things will improve even more!
Ooh, I did not know you can mix the liquid with Gatorade. That is good info! I love Gatorade, lol, so that will help me get through the liquid part of the prep. I do hope things improve in another half-decade, though!
Hm. Now that I think about it, the Gatorade thing is relevant if you are doing the “miralax’ prep. I don’t think you can mix the already-prepped liquid with it, unfortunately. But definitely ask for the miralax prep if you can – it’s much nicer, and much less liquid. (Gory details you probably don’t want: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/21217-miralax-gatorade-bowel-preparation-instructions)
It’s much more widely used now – it would be weird to me if your doc ordered the gallon-of-liquid option, to be honest.
I’m kind of laughing at myself writing this reply first thing in the morning – you’re probably wondering what kind of weirdo writes about these things at 6:45? π
I had a colonoscopy (years ago though) but can tell you – the worst part is emptying your bowls beforehand. You won’t remember much of the procedure itself… if that’s any consolation. But I am also not looking forward to getting it done in the not too distant future LOL
Love the photo of you and the dachshunds π
I haven’t been too concerned about the procedure, since I know you’re sedated. It’s the prep that terrifies me, lol.