1) A day at the office
On Tuesday, I worked from the office for the first time in 2+ years! Our “coworking” office is officially ready for people to work from, although they still need to work out a few kinks (like getting everyone security passes to get into the office + setting up the workstations). But my director invited a bunch of people to come into the office to work on Tuesday and it was really fun! I like that I can just stroll in later in the day (I did a little work at home in the morning and got to the office around 10) and it was just so, so nice to see all of my coworkers in person after 2+ years of chatting with them virtually. I didn’t get nearly as much work done as I would at home, but I was okay with that. It was nice to chit-chat with my coworkers and actually brainstorm with them about certain work issues in person. When my company announced that they were creating this coworking office (once they decided to switch to a fully remote workforce), I really thought I wouldn’t ever go into the office unless 100% necessary, but now that I’ve done it once, I can see myself going a few times a month just to be around my coworkers in person. There’s a different energy when you’re in the office, you know?
Other good things about this day: going to lunch with two of my coworkers, cracking open a White Claw from the company fridge around 4pm while we all streamed a company-wide meeting, and going to happy hour with a bunch of coworkers after the meeting. SO FRIGGIN NICE!
2) A day off
I followed up my day in the office with a day off! (Listen, I know how to treat myself.) I had two doctor’s appointments scheduled for Wednesday so I just decided to take the day off so I could sleep in, relax, and not stress about fitting in the appointments around my schedule. I had my yearly vision appointment and I’m happy to report that my vision has remained the same from last year to this year! As someone who has terrible eyesight and astigmatism, I’m always happy when my vision doesn’t change too much from year to year. I also had my least-favorite doctor’s appointment on Wednesday: my annual well woman’s visit. Ughhh. I hate it even though it goes by so quickly and my gynecologist is so, so nice and friendly. It’s just, you know, weird to be talking about crazy the gas prices are while her hands are inside my lady bits. But I got it done, everything is working as it should, and I don’t have to worry about that appointment for another year, yayyy.
3) A travel buying spree
You guys, I have been on a bit of a travel buying spree the past week. There were a few “essentials” I wanted to have before my trip next month and so far, I have gotten:
- A fanny pack ($19) – Did you guys know that fanny packs are popular again? Woohoo! I can’t wait to wear mine around on my trip. The fanny pack I bought has two large pockets that are big enough for my Kindle (with the cover) to slip into as well as a smaller front pocket for my phone.
- Earplugs ($20) – The last time my mom and I shared a hotel room together, I slept terribly because my mom is a loud snorer. (And I say this as someone who is also a loud snorer.) So I bought these earplugs that will hopefully muffle her snoring so I can sleep soundly on vacation.
- A portable charger ($40) – I’ve had many portable chargers in my life but I usually buy the cheap ones that you have to constantly keep charged in order to use them (defeats the purpose, right?) This portable charger was brought up during an episode of The Popcast and it’s Jamie’s favorite charger because there are no extra cords to worry about. There is a plug right on the charger so that you can charge the charger right from an outlet, and there are different cords built into the charger for charging a phone (iPhone and Android!) There’s also a mini USB cord so I can easily charge my earphones and Kindle. Oh, and it charges fast, which is exactly what you want from a portable charger.
I also need to get a new passport cover, one that will also hold my vaccination card. I wanted something cute from Etsy (like this), but I waited too long for something personalized. Wah! I guess I’ll just get something off Amazon.
4) A lob, maybe?
It’s been a while since I’ve done anything drastic with my hair. Or at least I think it has. I’m no stranger to changing up my hairstyle. I’ve been platinum blonde and dark blonde and light brown and dark brown and purple. I’ve had short bangs and side bangs. I’ve had long hair and bobs. It’s fun to play around with my hair because I have the kind of complexion where just about any color seems to work well on me. I’ve been loving my blonde balayage, though, so I don’t want to change the color (having my hair colored every 6 months rather than every 2-3 months is… chef’s kiss!) But I am thinking of doing a bit of a choparoo on my length. I’ve kept my hair long for a few years now and I love having long hair but I think it would be fun to go back to a lob (a long bob) for a while. My hair appointment is scheduled for next Friday so I guess I’ll leave you all in suspense for what I end up doing! Muahaha.
5) Weekend plans
I’m looking forward to a nice weekend! The highs are in the mid-80s so the weather will certainly be HOT but that’s what happens when you live in Florida, right? I’m staying in tonight and maybe I’ll watch a few episodes of Superstore and make homemade nachos. Tomorrow, I’m going to do one of my three 5K walks for the month in the morning. And then in the late morning, I have a writing date with Mikaela! That’s right – the dynamic duo is back. We started back with our writing dates last week and most of my time was spent cooing at Eleni in her stroller and then snuggling her when she was awake. I did get some work done on a podcast outline, though, so there’s that! Sunday, I think it might be time to have a pool day at my mom’s house. It’s definitely pool weather around here!
What are your weekend plans?
Your work experience almost makes me miss having a full-time job!! Sounds like they are really doing things right.
And I hope you do have a pool day! That sounds really nice right now!
They really do seem to be doing things right at my company. I am so, so glad that we don’t have a forced return-to-work policy. I would be so bummed to lose out on my work-from-home benefits!
I’m going to the beach in June and have been thinking about getting my hair cut beforehand. I haven’t had anything done to it since November 2020. 😱 That’s the longest I can remember going between appointments! But it was because after I got my hair chopped off that time into a bob I really wanted to grow it out and see how long it would get. It’s definitely grown longer than I thought it would, but I have thin fine hair so I’m worried if I don’t do something with it soon then it will start to look bad. In other news, I too am wanting to buy a fannie pack. One of my cousins has one and wears it across her shoulder rather than around her waist and said it was easier for her to get to stuff that way, haha.
I have fine hair, too, so having it shorter really works better for me. Once it gets too long, it just gets thin and kinda stringy and doesn’t have any sort of body. As much as I want to have thick, waist-length long hair, that’s just not the kind of hair I have! Womp.
I’m thinking of wearing my fanny pack across my shoulder, too! That seems to be the preferred way most people wear them.
I’ll be going back to the office for one day a week starting in June and I am a bit anxious about it, but I am also looking forward to the office energy and being around people. I’ve switched work groups, so I’ll be meeting some new co-workers too, which is always better to do in person.
Good for you for getting the doctor’s appointments over with… I have to schedule a well-women exam again myself. I don’t dread them that much, but I am also not looking forward to them either LOL
Enjoy your weekend!
I hope your return to an office setting goes well! I really enjoyed the energy of being in an office setting again when I went, but I’m also glad that I can do it when I want, not because I have to. That makes it a lot easier!
Oooh, exciting hair news! Can’t wait for photos!
I did know fanny packs were back, I have one that’s called a “belt bag.” I wear it crossbody though and it’s perfect for walking.
I’m glad you enjoyed your day at the office and your weekend sounds lovely!
Your belt bag is probably what the kids are calling fanny packs these days! Most seem to wear them as crossbody purses, which is what I’ll probably do as well.
First off, I love that Mikaela is getting out of the house to do something for herself! Yes she has Eleni in tow, but they are so portable and sleepy at that age and I am sure you are happy to snuggle her. I wish I had been able to do more of that when I had my boys. I did somewhat with Paul but with Will I was so cooped up due to covid. But yay for Mikaela doing something social and fun that fills her cup. That is so important for moms!! And women in general, of course, but especially for moms because those infant days can be HARD!!
Your office experience sounded so awesome. I mean getting to have a drink at 4 for a meeting followed by a HH? Yes, please! I think bigger offices at my company have hosted on-site happy hours as part of the welcome back. And they actually had one at a restaurant across the street from my office but, surprise surprise, I was sick the week that happened. Shocking, right? I have been meaning to have an informal HH with a couple of people at work but it hasn’t worked out but hopefully I can do that this summer. The informal chit chat and such is the best part of being back in the office for me. And being able to print stuff again. But it’s different to see your coworkers in person and talk versus talking over zoom, teams, emails, etc.
I was so happy when Mikaela was able to restart writing dates, especially because I know she really needs the time away and to do something solely for her. Plus, I am more than happy to hold Eleni when she’s getting fussy from being in her stroller, hehe. Mikaela is definitely someone who knows the need for her own creative projects and doing things away from her kids, and it’s truly great to see!
I can see why you enjoy being back in the office, especially since it’s not every day! It went much better than I expected.
Aww your weekend sounds so nice! I hope it was great 🙂
I am so happy you had a good time in the office! It’s been a fun adventure for me each week I go in, and I love seeing people in person too!
I really hope the earplugs work! I sleep with a snorer and HATE IT 🙂
I always feel so bad when people have to sleep with me because I am not a quiet sleeper, lol. I always volunteer for the pullout couch or somewhere where I won’t be disturbing people when I sleep.
Mannnn, I haven’t gotten my hair cut forEVER (I canceled my last appointment, which was supposed to be in… February, maybe?!). I have an appointment next week, finally, & I have reached that point where I am basically desperate. I have to restrain myself from going too dramatic just because I want it all gone!
Late comment, but wanted to say THANK YOU for sharing the links to the “fanny pack”/crossbody bag and the portable charger. I was honest to pete just thinking about getting a portable charger after I saw someone using one at the airport. And, while I got a fanny pack last year, it’s one big pocket and is not really working for me. I like the one you found much better!
My hair also works best in a slightly longer bob. I don’t like it too short – my face is too weirdly shaped for that – but if it gets too long it just gets straggly and icky. It’s very fine, and has a variety of textures, too, which only showed up after some of my major health issues. So the slightly shorter length works well with the wonky and random curls on the left, and stick straight hair on the right. Yes, seriously. 🙂
I used to sleep with a snorer and… yeah. Not fun. Glad you are being proactive about that one. 😉
Yay! I’m glad I shared those links – I really love the crossbody bag. I’ve been wearing it a lot lately and it’s nice to have my hands free and be able store everything so conveniently!
I actually got the bag because yes, the hands-free thing is HUGE! Then wound up returning it because I somehow missed how big it was! And because of that, I couldn’t get it to sit right on my body – it was always sticking out somewhere. Ha! So, I’m trying some alternatives – if I can find something that works, I can donate 3 other bags that are kind-of-okay but not great. (Sidenote: the Amazon return people at my local WF must think I’m the weirdest person around… I return the most random things!)