1) Missing: My Sunglasses
Somehow, I lost my only pair of prescription sunglasses. I do not know where they went. I have searched my car and apartment multiple times and they are nowhere to be found. How is it that I can keep my $20 pair of Target sunglasses for years and years and years, but my expensive prescription sunglasses just go missing in an instant? Argh! I’ve already been perusing Warby Parker for some new prescription sunnies, since I cannot be without them. (I have light eyes, which are more prone to sun sensitivity, so I always wear sunglasses when I’m outside, even on an overcast day!) What do you want to bet that the moment I order new sunglasses, I’ll find the old ones?
2) NaBloPoMo 2022
It’s almost NaBloPoMo time! And yes, I’m joining the craziness once again. It was so much fun to participate last year and I honestly didn’t find it all too challenging to get a blog post up every day. (Of course, I do not have a partner or kids and my job is very flexible, so I have many advantages that make this kind of project easy!) I have already drafted my editorial calendar for November so I know what I will be posting every day, with the understanding that I may have to shift focus if I don’t have much creative energy and just want to get up something quick and easy. I’m someone who struggles with writing those quick and easy blog posts (shouldn’t every blog post take me hours to write?!) but NaBloPoMo forces me to embrace that aspect of blog writing. I like the challenge of trying to think of something to talk about on a daily basis and I’m excited to get started. I’ve also decided I’ll devote one week of November to “Week in the Life” (in which I write a “day in the life” style post every day for a week). I skipped Week in the Life last year, so it will be fun to bring it back in 2022. Plus, that takes care of seven blog posts for November.
The one challenging part of November is that I leave on my cruise on the 27th, so I’ll need to draft up a few posts to carry me through the end of the month, but I’m not too worried about that! Anyway, if you want to participate, please take a second to let San know. She’s the unofficial fearless leader of this NaBloPoMo event and is pulling together a list of participants!
3) Season 2 of The Friendship Paradox
We launched season 2 of our podcast this week! I am so excited for you guys to hear these episodes because they have been so much fun to record. This season, we’re talking about events and how differently we approach them based on our personality types. We’re going to talk about weddings, family events, parties like baby showers, birthdays, and our book club. These are the kinds of episodes I envisioned us recording when I thought about the podcast, and it’s been fun to put this little idea into action! Make sure you’re subscribed to The Friendship Paradox so you don’t miss an episode!
4) Uber Driver, At Your Service
I’ve been playing chauffeur for my mom for the last few weeks. Right before the hurricane hit, my mom’s car stopped running properly so she had it towed to her repair shop. The Saturday we came back, she found out her car would cost $4,000 to fix. The car is 10 years old and American-made, and she really didn’t love the idea of putting so much money into a car that would likely continue to have problems. So, she sold the car back to the dealership and we went car shopping the first weekend of October! She ended up buying a 2023 Kia Sportage, but it wouldn’t be delivered until Oct. 22 at the earliest, which means I’ve been chauffering her around for the past few weeks. Thankfully, these days, being car-less for a few weeks isn’t too difficult, as she can work from home, do grocery delivery, etc. There were a few appointments I had to take her to, and I’ve been the lucky beneficiary of Friday night dinners (her and my stepdad always go out to eat on Friday night, so I get to tag along and get a free meal!) I’m excited for her new car to arrive, though. It has so many bells and whistles that her old car didn’t have, like wireless charging, a back-up camera, a digital dashboard, and Bluetooth. Am I a little jealous, even though my car is basically new, too? Yes, yes I am.
5) Weekend Plans
It’s going to be a busy weekend for me! Tonight, I’ll be meeting up with my mom and stepdad for dinner. Tomorrow, I’ll be chauffering my mom and the dogs to PetSmart for their grooming appointment, meeting with Mikaela and Eleni in the afternoon for a writing date, and then spending the night recording the podcast with Bri! We’re going to bang out the last three episodes of season 2. And Sunday will be a lovely, low-key day of sleeping in and then going to my mom’s to watch football with the fam.
Are you doing NaBloPoMo, too? What are your weekend plans?
Oooh! I’m excited that people are talking about NaMoBloPo! It seems like more people will be doing it this year. At least I hope so- I really enjoyed it last year. I really have to start getting organized though- maybe i can include NaMoBloPo work in my weekend plans. Other than that I’ll be working (Saturday morning) and watching football (ugh, Dolphins! When will Tua be back???)
Yay – glad you’re doing it this year, too! 🙂 And hooray for Tua coming back today!! Let’s hope this ends this crazy losing streak, ugh.
I always love these posts, Stephany. You are a joy to me!
My sons and husband all have prescription sunglasses, and omg, EXPENSIVE. My younger son has contacts so he often wears a cheap pair he got at (sorry) Walmart. So far no one has lost any but my older son once “set them down” on a beach and they got pretty scratched up. This was when he was 13, so really, NO EXCUSE.
I’m looking forward to your Week in the Life. I love your Day in the Life posts, so this will be very fun.
Can’t wait to listen to Season 2! I only have the trailer so far – wait, did the first episode come out yet? *runs to check*
OMG, this comment made my entire week, you must know. <3 Thank you, dear friend!
Prescription sunglasses can be really expensive! I get mine from Warby Parker, which are a bit more reasonable but it definitely makes me want to look into Lasik so I don't have to worry about all of this. But Lasik is so expensive, too!
I’m also excited by how much everyone is talking about NaBloPoMoo! Hopefully it will be a good crew.
My husband and I are in exotic Des Moines, Iowa this weekend for a wedding. I’ve been promised that there’s time to go to a gourmet ice cream shop, so that’s my excitement!
I’m so excited about NaBloPoMo! I need to make a new category for all of the bloggers participating in my Feedly.
I am going to aim to do NaMoBloPo this year! I’m excited, though I don’t have anything planned or drafted. I’m really flying by the seat of my pants right now. Life has a way of throwing curveballs.
I have HORRIBLE eyesight and have prescription sunglasses but I have always hated them. They are super heavy and somehow at the store they convinced me to buy frames that do not fit. They’re 6-7 years old, and I wear them sometimes because I’m also sensitive to the sun…but I really hate them. I should replace them, but wowzers glasses cost a lot. My secret wish (2023 goal??) is to get laser surgery. I know that’s way more expensive, but after wearing glasses every day since I was 7, I’m so ready to be done with glasses forever (and contacts just don’t work well for me).
YAY! I am so glad to hear that you’re doing NaBloPoMo – how exciting!!
I really want Lasik, too, but it’s so expensive. However, over time, it will definitely be worth it since you don’t have to buy glasses, prescription sunglasses, and all the other stuff that comes along with wearing glasses. I need to just start saving for it so I can get it done sometime in the future!
I hope your glasses show up!! I am very forgetful and prone to losing things like sunglasses! So I get cheap ones. But I wear contacts so don’t need prescription ones thank goodness!
I’m glad your mom’s car is available soonish. We are a year+ into looking for a rav4 prime and are waiting lists in multiple states. It’s nuts. But it’s a plug in hybrid so I guess it’s in high demand.
We had a full day yesterday but will was home for most of the fun since he’s recovering from RSV. Paul had gymnastics and then we went to our daycare’s fall festival. And then in the evening Paul and I went to the pumpkin event at the zoo which was amazing!!!
I wish I could wear contact 24/7! It would be a bit easier, but my astigmatism is so bad that wearing contacts (even astigmatism contacts!) is very annoying. What I need to do is just get Lasik done. But it’s sooo expensive, ugh.
Just like you, my eyes are very sensitive to sunlight. I wear sunglasses ALL the time.
I do think your glasses will magically reappear once you order new ones! Maybe you can pretend to order them, and it will have the same effect on the universe? My daughter lost not one but TWO water bottles — they were just gone, for WEEKS. I even went to her school and scoured the building (and the tennis courts and the track outside) to try to find these missing water bottles, to no avail. So Monday I finally got fed up and said I need to buy new ones. I put two into my Target cart and then got distracted by other things… and she brought one of the water bottles home THAT NIGHT! And then the next night, she brought home the other one!!! Where were they this whole time?!?!? No one knows! May you have the same luck with your glasses!
That’s an amazing story, Suzanne! Haha. I bought some Warby Parker try-ons, so hopefully the sunglasses will reappear sometime before I actually buy new sunglasses! Fingers crossed!
You will def find the sunglasses as soon as you order new ones! Ha ha! That is how it goes 😉
No NaMoBloPo for me! I think it’s awesome for those who do it though!
The new season sounds so good! I can’t wait to catch up on Podcasts.
That is so exciting your mom is getting a new car. And great you can help her out!
We spent our weekend away in Arkansas 🙂
I will 100% find these dang sunglasses the day after I order new sunglasses. Blergh!
I hope you enjoy season 2! 🙂
Thank you so much for getting the word out about NaBloPoMo! I am so excited that you (and some other people) have already expressed interest and will be participating again this year. This will be so much fun!!
I am so excited, San! I have been counting down the days, hahaha.
Sooo glad you’re doing NaBloPoMo! Yay! I shall try – unsuccessfully, I am sure, given my track record – to keep up with those posts. I prioritize the bloggers in this little community, anyway, but I still find it hard to keep up in real time. Sigh.
I hope you found the sunglasses, but if not, I hope you were able to find a relatively economical pair. Prescription glasses are just… $$$$$$ ($$). Frustrating that they’re so necessary, though!