1) It has been a week filled with good things:
- My mom and I went to a local restaurant because they advertised an Office trivia night, but sadly, they had changed the event to Game of Thrones. Neither of us has watched the show, so we left and found a GREAT local ice cream shop and each enjoyed a delicious cone.
- I made pottery! Our book club experience this month was a pottery class where we learned how to shape clay into objects. I made a bowl and a vase and received a LOT of help from the instructor to make them into anything resembling those objects. After we made our two pieces, we got to paint them. I can’t wait to bring them home once they’ve been glazed!
- I finally got my third tattoo! I am not revealing it just yet (I want it to heal first), but suffice it to say, it was extremely painful but I got through it. The whole piece took about an hour and a half to complete, and I’m proud of myself for handling that pain for so long.
- I got a raise at work! This was entirely unexpected and it made me feel really grateful that my leadership team sees the value in the work I do and wants to keep me around. That feels good!
2) And now for the bummer news of the week: my LASIK procedure had to be pushed back by a few weeks. Womp, womp! I was really looking forward to getting it done next Friday, but now I have to wait until Friday, October 20th. The surgeon had a medical emergency and I really hope everything is okay!
3) I have to take a moment to talk about Sunday’s performance by my beloved Miami Dolphins. They scored SEVENTY points! It was a franchise record and we came close to breaking the all-time record (72 points). Our QB was pulled early in the 4th quarter, and still, we managed to score even more TDs. It must have been quite a devastating loss for any Broncos fan. Nobody wants to get beat like that! But man, I am proud of my team. I feel like this is going to be a special year for us, but I don’t want to get too ahead of myself. The Dolphins are known for disappointing me, so I’ll just try to temper my expectations.
4) I’m currently reading three different books and I’m really liking all of them, which is great because my last two books were very disappointing. On audio, I’m listening to Queen of Thieves by Beezy Marsh. I got this from Book of the Month, but I wasn’t loving the print version so I switched to audio. Some books are just better listened to, I think! This is one of those books, and I’m enjoying it a lot more in this format. In print, I’m reading America’s First Daughter by Stephanie Dray and Laura Kamoie, which is a fictional retelling of Thomas Jefferson’s eldest daughter Patsy’s life. It’s excellent. I’m really enjoying it! And on e-book, I’m reading Cold-Hearted Rake by Lisa Kleypas, a Regency romance novel that has just been a fun book to sink into at night.
5) My weekend plans are few and far between, but I’m glad about that. It will allow me to get some chores done around the apartment and catch up on life. I have a writing date with Mikaela on Saturday morning, of course, and then football with the fam all day Sunday, but the rest of my weekend will be all to myself!
What was a highlight of your week?
Congratulations on your raise! That’s wonderful. The extra money is great, and so is the feeling of validation.
I’m sorry your LASIK has been postponed. As bummers go, that’s a small one since it is not delayed by MUCH, but still.
Thank you! I’m so pumped about the raise.
I’m so glad I only had to get LASIK postponed by a few weeks. It would have been really disheartening if it was longer than that.
That is a bummer on having the surgery pushed back. It will be so worth it when you get it done.
Aw yiss to surprise raises! Employers take note that this is how it’s done ==> someone does great work, you say “thanks” by increasing the pay. It’s a much better way than my employer’s method of bleeding every cent that they can get out of their employees and then doing counteroffers when people leave.
It felt so good to have all of my hard work validated in the most important way: a raise!
OMG your first bullet made me SO happy! Except for the trivia change — why would they do that?!? Every point under your awesome week made me smile. So glad you are having such fun experiences with family and friends and that you are being appreciated at work! Woo! Go you!
Apparently, we looked at the wrong invite and they had changed the type of trivia night they were having on Facebook. Argh. Another team came in ready for Office trivia, too, so I felt better that we weren’t the only people who were unaware!
Interesting that you switched from print to audio and that helped! I am quite picky about audiobooks and I’ve occasionally gone the other way from audio to print, but maybe that’s something for me to think about when I’m struggling with a print book. Thanks for the food for thought!
I have found that there are just some books I can get through better on audio. This is one I wanted to read for my A-Z challenge but the writing was kinda cheesy, so I find that cheesy writing does MUCH better in audio form for me. I’ll also switch to audio if the book feels a bit like a slog, as sometimes character-driven books work better in that format.
OMG yes the Dolphins!!!!! As long as Tua can stay healthy… i just heard he took jiu jitsu in the off season, gained a bunch of weight (which in his case was I guess a good thing) and has a new and improved helmet- all to avoid getting injured again. I think we can be cautiously optimistic!
Congrats on the raise! That must feel good. And, what a bummer about the Lasik. But it will be October 20 before we know it, and it will get done.
Enjoy your weekend!
Yes, we just need Tua to stay healthy – I really need him to stay concussion-free because if he gets another one, it will feel terrible to root for him to come back. He’s had too many!
Today was supposed to be my LASIK day so I’m feeling very bummed today that I’m not getting it done. But only two more weeks!
OMG what a great week! Ice cream and pottery and the beautiful new tattoo AND a raise?! Congratulations!!!!
Sorry that your Lasik got moved. Ugh. I hope your dr is okay too.
What a crazy big win at that game. That just blows my mind.
I am excited you get a chill weekend.
Hmm, a highlight of my week was getting a mani/pedi!
It was a really great week! It was hard to find the best highlight because every one was magical in its own way!
Too bad about the LASIK but ice cream and pottery sound great! I did watch Game of Thrones but it was a while ago so I’d probably not be great with any trivia surrounding it.
It’s been a busy busy week for me but I had a lovely lunch with girlfriends yesterday for a friend’s birthday. It was wonderful.
TBH, we would have probably done terribly at Office trivia, too! Haha. It always feels like they pull out the most obscure facts/details for trivia.
Hooray for lunch with girlfriends. That’s awesome!
An unexpected raise is amazing!! Way to go!! I am glad your talent and value is being recognized financially! That is a huge bummer about your lasik being rescheduled though!!
You sound like a Vikings fan with your tempered expectations. We are having an epically bad, embarrassing season. Phil thought we had playoff potential before the season started but it seems incredibly unlikely unless they majorly turn things around. Last week’s loss was especially bad.
Isn’t it terrible when the season starts off on such a bad foot? I’ve been there with the Dolphins many times. Here’s hoping the Vikings can turn it around!
What a bummer about LASIK – but it will make you even happier to get it done!!!
The highlight of my week was being able to visit my parents SOLO for 5 days and getting to launch my new blog space!!
Two more weeks! Today feels weird because this was the day I was scheduled to have it originally. But it will be here before I know it!
A solo trip must have been so, so amazing! And I know I’m not alone in being so very happy you’re back to blogging!
Yay for a raise. Was it unexpected or something that you’ve been anticipating? Either way, it definitely feels good to be rewarded this way.
I just saw your new tattoo on IG and I think it was so tastefully done. Love it.
I am sorry to hear that your LASIK surgery had to be pushed back. That’s a bummer, but I hope you’ll get it done soon.
How could you discuss ice cream yet not post a picture? I am disappointed. 😉
I know you got your LASIK (thank goodness for IG) and eagerly await the reveal here on the blog! 🙂 So glad you had such a highlight-filled week. <3