1) I’m getting LASIK today! My appointment time is 1:00. I expected the procedure to happen in the morning, but apparently today is a busy day for LASIK procedures. (Probably because they had to cancel a few weeks of procedures due to the ophthalmologist being out on medical leave.) But this means I can have a low-key morning at least! My mom and I are planning to have lunch beforehand and then we’ll go to the surgery center together. I’m going to spend the night at her place since I have to have my post-op eye check early Saturday morning. Hopefully, I’ll get the all-clear to drive then! I’m both super excited to finally get this done and nervous that I’ll be one of those few people who have post-op complications. It will all be okay! I know that.
2) I did something this week that I’m a little apprehensive about owning up to, but I will: I marked all of my unread blog posts as “read” on Feedly. I was getting so behind on my feed and the unread number kept creeping higher and higher every day, and it was really stressing me out. Which is silly because blogging is meant to be fun. It’s a hobby, not a job. So I decided to start over with a fresh feed and the goal to try to “clear out” my Feedly daily. Will that be possible? I don’t know, especially once NaBloPoMo hits, but I’m going to try out this new system and see if it helps me feel less overwhelmed by Feedly.
3) I’m currently enjoying a six-day staycation. I knew I wanted to take some time off for my LASIK procedure and I haven’t taken any time off since July, so my soul was ready for a long(ish) break from work. Yesterday was a really lovely, slow day for me. I went to a coffee shop and read 100 pages of my book, was able to help out my cousin who needed me to pick up my uncle from an appointment at the hospital (he’s getting weekly fluids/medication), and ran a few errands before coming home and taking a nice, long afternoon nap. The nap involved a VERY disturbing dream where I was on a cruise ship and we had to stop the ship because a dolphin had gotten trapped in the… rudders? IDK. It was a horrifying dream!
4) One of my errands yesterday was a quick stop at Bath & Body Works. I needed a new scent for my Wallflower air freshener and a new scent for my car. I thought this would be a quick visit—just grab a yummy fall scent for both purposes and that’s it. Alas, Bath & Body Works already has their holiday scents out and their three-wick candles were $10 off. I was SUNK. I wanted to smell all of the candles! And I definitely did. And then it took me forever to find the perfect scents to go home with. I ended up leaving with two Wallflower scents, three car scents, and a candle. I almost bought two candles, but I decided to temper myself. It’s not even November. I don’t need to stock up on all of the holiday scents just yet! I was a little disappointed that Bath & Body Works didn’t have many fall scents, though. I guess it’s time for my apartment to start smelling like a Christmas tree already. There are worse problems.
5) I weighed Ellie the other day and was pleased to discover that she’s gained half a pound since her vet appointment! Yay! I had a feeling her weight loss wasn’t from anything serious, but rather just not eating enough. She’s not a cat that’s very food-motivated (she’ll turn down treats if she’s not interested) so I figured if I gave her food that was a little more exciting, she’d be all about it. And she has been!
I also feel like Lila has lost some weight since she doesn’t have access to food 24/7. Her waistline looks more defined. She will not let me pick her up to weigh her, of course. But she looks like she has lost weight, so that works for me.
Oooh so much to say. I’ll do bullet points.
1) Good luck with your LASIK, I hope it goes super smoothly and that you are all cleared for driving! I think Friday is a really popular day to get it done so people don’t need to take off work. Sending you all good juju!
2) I have done that before (not with Feedly, I use the Old Reader). Blogging is supposed to be fun! But sometimes when you’re “behind” it can feel stressful, which is silly, because it’s supposed to be FUN. Still, I get you. When I took a few weeks off to move, I came back to like 250 unread posts and of course there was just no way to get through them all. So I just read recent ones, and maybe a couple of back ones by a couple of people, and called it a day. I try to get my queue down to zero and it doesn’t always work, but hey, IT’S JUST FOR FUN NO ONE IS MAKING ME DO THIS.
3) A staycation sounds lovely and restorative!
4) You have just made me super excited about my own upcoming trip to Bath and Body Works. I am low on lotion but also I WANT CHRISTMAS SOAP so that’s exciting!!!
5) Yay for Ellie!
My eye center ONLY does LASIK on Fridays so that’s why it’s a busy day! And since they had to cancel a bunch of Friday appointments in early October, it made for an even busier day for them!
“NO ONE IS MAKING ME DO THIS” should be my blogging motto when I start feeling stressed out by reading blog posts/responding to comments, haha.
Good luck today! How exciting. I have to admit to pangs of jealousy because I still soooo wish I could have had regular LASIK. Wishing you such a great day.
Yay for staycations. And naps.
Boo to nightmares.
And I hear you so much on the blog reading. I am going to have to come up with a new approach when NaBloPoMo starts.
I’m still not sure what I’m going to do for NaBloPoMo, ack. The best we can?!?? It’s so much fun to participate, but also a lot of work!
Good luck today. Hope everything goes smoothly.
Thank you! It went splendidly and I couldn’t be happier!
I hope you have a great procedure and everything goes perfectly!
Don’t feel bad about marking everything read on Feedly. Sometimes you just have to!
I think we have all had to “mark all as read” at some point in our blogging journeys. Sometimes, it’s just necessary!
Congrats about the Lasik and the staycation. Both sound good. I’ve done what you did with your Feedly account. Sometimes real life gets in my way and I cannot read all the blog posts I want, then they pile up in Feedly, and I feel awful. So a fresh start it is. I get it
The fresh start has been exactly what I needed – I feel so much better about having a cleaner Feedly.
I cannot wait to hear how well LASIK goes!
And no shame in marking all as read. We don’t need to comment or read everything!
Yay for Ellie and Lila! Sounds like the new eating method is working!
Have a lovely staycation!
“We don’t need to read or comment on everything.” That’s a mantra I need to get behind! It gets so overwhelming when Feedly feels out of control.
Ooooh sooooo exciting, Stephany! I hope the procedure is smooth and your recovery is easy!
If it helps, I have definitely marked all posts as read in Feedly. More than once. Of course I WANT to read and comment on every post, but I just can’t do it all the time. I think other bloggers understand, though!
Your staycation sounds lovely and like it is much needed! Hope you have a great surgical experience and a wonderful weekend!
The “mark all as read” option really comes in handy sometimes. It made me feel so much better and there’s no reason for this blogging thing to feel stressful!
LASIK! Oh, I hope you’re done with it by now and recovering. It’s going to be amazing!
I wouldn’t worry about marking everything as read on Feedly. With NaBloPoMo coming up, it’s going to be impossible to keep up, so you might as well try to start fresh!
Yes! I’ve been really worried about how I’m going to keep up with NaBloPoMo and I think the easiest way is to have a fresh, clean Feedly to start from. Thanks for the support!
Congrats on the big day! I had very bad vision when I had lasik, so afterwards I couldn’t see clearly yet but my glasses no longer worked so I knew something was happening. Then BOOM the next morning I woke up and my alarm clock was crystal clear from across the room.
I approve of not clearing out your Feedly queue. In a perfect world I would thoughtfully read every post and leave a comment, but in the world that I have, sometimes I have to speed read and just don’t make it to the comments – I do my best. It IS a hobby, and it’s meant to be fun.
We’re all doing our best! It has felt so much easier to keep up with my queue now that I don’t have weeks of blog posts to sift through. And I can leave more thoughtful comments when I’m not trying to speed read!
I hope the Lasik is boring and routine! Can’t wait to hear about how it goes!
Once in a while I accidentally mark all my feedly as “read” and I panic a little because I think of all the things I wanted to read, but didn’t get to. But then after a while it actually feels freeing to not have to think about “when am I going to get to that?” And then I realize there will always be new content and I should let go of my FOMO.
YES! I think one of the reasons I was so hesitant about marking all as read on Feedly was because I was worried about not having anything to read. Which is silly because my queue filled up quickly even after I did that! There will always be blog posts to read.
I hope your appt well and you are seeing great by the time you see this!! And I hear you on commenting feeling overwhelming. I try to keep up but I have had a hard time with how busy work has been as I rely on downtime at work to keep up with reading!
Your staycation sounds amazing!
I hope there is a slow down happening at some point for you! You have been so busy with work this year!
Congratulations on LASIK!! Hope it went well. I feel you on two things: Feedly back-up – I try to keep up but… We’ll you know. Bath and Body works- same problem. Once I’m there, foggethaboutit.
Bath and Body Works can be such a dark hole, haha. Once those fall/holiday scents come out, I’m a goner.
I feel you on the Feedly number ever rising rising up. I am nowhere near reading all the posts I want to read. I just created a new folder with all the people participating in NaBloPo and Will only check that folder once November starts. Let’s hope that way I am able to keep up and not get too overwhelmed.
Yes – it definitely helps to have a NaBloPoMo folder when November starts. I did that last year.
Yay! By now you must be fully recovered from the LASIK- I’m looking forward to the update.
So, I went to Target today to look at fall decor, and was a little taken about that it was ALL CHRISTMAS. Now, I love Christmas and it’s never really too early… but I kind of thought we’d at least get past Halloween. That’s okay because it meant the fall stuff was all on sale. Now I need a candle sniffing trip to Bath and Body Works!
My Target has transformed to Christmas, too! I really wish we could wait until after Halloween to start putting out the Christmas stuff. I’m still in fall mode!
I have a hard time with hitting “mark all as read”, but I get why you did it… I often get behind on Feedly (especially when a lot of people post a lot LOL), but I don’t want to miss anything critical… so I have started to organize my feed in groups and sometimes I will mark groups as read, but there are a couple (like “favorites”, or “NaBloPoMo” that I will try to catch up on).
I know that your LASIK surgery went well, so yay for that.
And I had to chuckle about your Bath & Body Works experience… because I know so many people who go crazy at Bath & Bodyworks and I have been in the store maybe a handful of times LOL
It felt scary to mark all as read, but also really freeing, too! I’m glad I did it and can work from a cleaner Feedly as we go into NaBloPoMo time!