Grab a cup of coffee or tea and let’s sit down and have a chat. We’re definitely overdue for one!
If we were having coffee today… I’d probably begin our chat by excitedly talking about my two upcoming trips in November. This year hasn’t been much of a traveling year for me as I’ve only had one vacation, and that was just a four-day cruise to Cozumel. But it’s all good because November will be a great month of travel and trips, between my girls weekend in The Villages and my birthday cruise to Grand Cayman and Jamaica. I’m counting down the days for both!
If we were having coffee today… I might mention that I joined the Play! by Sephora beauty subscription box to test out some new beauty products. I’ve never been into beauty subscription boxes, mostly because clutter annoys me and I don’t want to have dozens and dozens of samples lying around my home, but the Sephora box intrigued me because I figured I’d get some really good brands to try out and it is just $10 per month. I got my first box last weekend and everything in my box is something I want to try out! I think my favorite item is the Smashbox Always On Matte Liquid Lipstick. The color that came in my box is a bit too bold for everyday wear (at least for me, who prefers a natural face), but I love that it stays on all day and hydrates my lips. Definitely a product I will buy in the future.
If we were having coffee today… I’d probably bring up the fact that I’ll be starting my third book club in November. Eeks! I’m not sure how I’ll keep up with all these books I need to read (on top of all the books I want to read!). This third book club is with some of my coworkers and I think it will be a really interesting time. We’re all so different in our reading tastes, so we all nominated a book and then voted on it. (I nominated In The Country We Love, but it didn’t win. Womp.)
If we were having coffee today… I’d breathe a big sigh of relief as I told you how I paid off my credit card after using it a ton in August/September as I prepared for my move. I’m really happy it only had a balance for one month and now it’s back to being my emergency card, where it will stay until I need it. Three cheers for getting lots of freelance work over the past three months that has helped me to get that paid off quickly.
If we were having coffee today… we might talk about Halloween and I’d admit that I don’t have a costume idea for this year. Halloween has never been my favorite holiday and I only recently started dressing up because most people do at my work, so I don’t want to be the lame one that doesn’t dress up. I usually go as something punny, like the year I went as a “deviled egg.” Maybe I’ll be boring this year and go as a cat. Meow?
If we were having coffee today… I’d talk about how I haven’t cooked much since I moved into my new apartment. In fact, I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve cooked an actual meal! This is partly due to being single and accepting invites out to eat whenever a friend asks me and partly due to being so busy with freelancing that I just haven’t had time to cook dinner for myself because all of my free time is devoted to my side biz. And also, I don’t really like to cook so there have been many cereal-for-dinner nights. Oof.
Now your turn! What would you tell me if we were having a coffee date?
That’s awesome that you paid off your credit card so quickly! Especially since you just adjusted to living alone and handling all the expenses on your own. Yea for freelance work that made that possible!
If we were having coffee today I’d tell you that my life is full right now and it’s both a blessing and a curse. It’s great because I have lots of fun things to look forward to and it’s not-so-great because it’s left me feeling really overwhelmed and overtired. I’m definitely due for a shouldless day!
I’d also tell you how good it feels to be able to return to running. It’s incredibly gradual but I will take what i can get!
Other than that, we’d probably talk about books! I was in multiple book clubs for awhile so I know it’s a lot to juggle but you seem to read 6+ books/month so I bet you will handle it just fine! I’m in 2 right now – our postal book club and my local book club. I’m sure we’d talk more broadly about books and I’d probably tell you that I decided to take next year off from doing a reading challenge as I want to have the freedom to read whatever I want to read! I’d also tell you that I decided to sign up for the book of the month club. I feel a little guilty spending money on books but it’s a pretty low amount to spend per month and it’ll give me access to some of the hot new books that are coming out!
Congrats on paying off your credit card! That’s great.
I have definitely had cereal for dinner nights the last three weeks. Or takeout. Or whatever I can scrounge up in the fridge/freezer. Thankful for friends who cook & drop food off for us, gift cards and etc.
I would tell you that I’m ready for some normalcy back in my life. A routine of sorts, if you will. That I would very much like my right nostril to not be stuffed up due to this cold I have. That I miss reading and honest to goodness date nights with my husband. I’d also tell you that there are moments where I don’t really know how I’m still standing after all that has been going on in my world, but I guess sometimes the only way out is through, right?
Oh, and for Halloween? I’m wearing a Halloween shirt I got at Disney this year and cat ears. There is no theme 🙂
Congrats on paying off your credit card, and it’s a great feeling to look forward to trips coming up! I have cereal for dinner on a regular basis lol, but I do wish to get back into more regular cooking. Sometimes cooking is just a chore!
If we were on a coffee date, I would tell you that like Nora mentioned above, I crave a sense of normalcy/stability and routine in my life. I would tell you that I am more than ready for it and that I feel I deserve it, but the universe must be sending me other messages right now. I was let go, AGAIN, from my administrative assistant position at a local winery last week just shy of the conclusion of the 3-month probation. I am frustrated with my unlucky work situations this past year, and as much as I know where I have gone wrong and am working towards improving those areas, I am uncertain and scared that a good, steady job is unlikely to be in the cards for me. I would tell you that I am back to reading 3 books at once again, and that my new home is comforting and warm. And baking is on the menu tonight!
As for Halloween, I dress up in a skirt, cape, and mask, and am not sure what you’d call that except creative. What better a get-up than for a Halloween bonfire in the woods?
Yay for book clubs! I hope the new one goes well.
I’m actually obsessed with Halloween and consider it my favorite day of the year, but oddly enough, I hate dressing up and really don’t do costumes. Go figure! I remember you egg costume and thought it was hilarious!
Since I’m late commenting on this and already know what (brilliant!) Halloween costume you went with I would tell you over coffee how much I love your costume idea! I am putting it in my back pocket for a future year 🙂
I would also tell you that I’m SO OVER this nagging cough I’ve had for 2 weeks now! It’s the worst!
Yay for your upcoming trip. I can only imagine how excited you are.
Also congrats on paying of your credit card. That’s huge!
If we were having coffee… I’d tell you that I am ready for November to slow the heck down so that I can enjoy the holiday season AND get all the things on my to-do list done 🙂