Happy Friday! I’m back for round three of Gratitude in the Everyday. I am so enjoying these posts, even when I’m given a prompt that stumps me and makes me get creative about what in my life makes me feel whatever way it’s asking me about. I have an incredibly fun weekend planned – a few runs, a deep tissue massage, a pedicure, some shopping, and preparing for our house guests to arrive on Wednesday! And it all kicks off with a lovely Friday afternoon nap today. Ahh!
13 – I’m lucky that I’m smart enough to figure out how to solve the most basic of computer problems.
I’m not a computer whiz, but I am a quick study around computers, whether it’s figuring out why something isn’t working or how to do something online. One of my favorite things is when I’m given a new project using technology I’ve never used before or having to learn a new program because I genuinely love learning and figuring things out. And I pick things up really easily (usually, I either want to learn it on my own, or you can give me a quick lesson on how to use something and I’m good). I think growing up surrounded by computers helped!
14 – In this moment, the things I love most about my friends are their support, the way they just “get me,” and the way they make me smile.
I have built a steady network of friends throughout the past year. First, there is my best friend: my mom. She’s always been the one person I have in my corner, always believing in me and supporting me and calming me down when I need it. And more than that, I genuinely love being around her. We are similar people with similar interests and we have the best times together. We have tons of inside jokes and she’s my favorite travel companion and I feel the most like myself when I’m around her. I’ve always known that my mom loves me and thinks I am an awesome person, she’s always made me feel like she thinks I am incredible. You need people like that in your life.
Secondly, I’ve built strong friendships in the blogging community. I’m not going to list them all out but you guys know who you are. The ones who have let me vent and complain and share happy news and ask for boy advice. I wish every one of you lived closer to me.
And also, my tribe of local friends. My old coworkers, whom I still talk to. I miss chatting with them daily. My new coworkers who may not know me yet, but I am slowly getting there. And my book club girlfriends who are funny and awesome and smart and introverted and bookworms just like me. My life would not be the same without them.
I am so grateful for the friendships I have built and nurtured throughout the years, and I hope to continue to do so and strengthen the bonds I have made.
15 – I’m grateful that my hands can hold my pup’s warm, snuggly body.
I feel so grateful that Dutch is in my life. It was really a chance happening that brought him to me when my great-aunt decided she could no longer keep him. He was almost seven years old when we got him and he captured my heart from the instant I saw him. He was adorable and tiny and had a bright energy about him. And in the five years since, he has completely turned my world upside down. He’s my snuggly second half and I love how he loves me. It’s as if he decided we were best buds from the get-go and that was that. He’s attuned to me, my feelings, and always seems to know where I am.
He’s eleven now, so he’s not young, but nobody can believe us when we tell them his age. He’s still energetic and lively and has just a few gray hairs dotting the top of his head. I think the only thing telling of his age is his cloudy eyes, though he still sees pretty easily. (My nephew says he has “bad guy eyes.”)
I’m just grateful for him. For his love. For his presence. For the way he’s taught me to see the world.
16 – The prettiest thing I saw today was all the yummy desserts sitting in our break room, leftover from our work potluck yesterday!
I definitely had apple crumb cake and a brownie for breakfast yesterday. We had a wonderful potluck with so much delicious food (two kinds of meatballs, ham, cheesy taters, mac and cheese, quinoa salad, green beans, bacon-wrapped crackers, ziti, deviled eggs) and the best desserts (cheesecake, cookies, pumpkin cake, fruit, and, of course, my peppermint brownies that were a hit). We all ate very well. (And had leftovers for lunch on Thursday!)
17 – When I look into the mirror, I’m grateful for my pretty blue-green eyes.
I’m really not at the point in my life where I can look in the mirror and be happy with my reflection. It would be much easier to point out all the things I am not grateful for. But my eyes are my favorite feature. I think they are a gorgeous shade of blue-green that appears either greener or bluer depending on what I’m wearing. I’m also grateful for the invention of contacts so I can see without needing clunky glasses to do so!
18 – Three of my most prized possessions are my great-grandmother’s Bible with her notes, my Kindle, and my iPhone.
My great-grandma’s Bible is one I wrote about before and is a special part of my life. I am not one for things, or family heirlooms, or keeping possessions around because I am “supposed” to. I don’t like clutter, so unless I can say something has a use for me, I don’t mind giving it away or throwing it out. (It sounds terrible, I know, which is why everyone was shocked when I asked to have my Nanny’s Bible.) Aside from her Bible, I also really, really love my Kindle and my iPhone because they both bring me a lot of joy. My Kindle is precious to me and, as an avid reader, something I use almost daily. And my iPhone is yes, a phone, and a silly possession to treasure, but I do because it connects me to friends, family, and all the information I could ever need. So yes – two electronic devices are some of my prized possessions. WHAT OF IT?!
What are you most grateful for when you look into the mirror?
When I look in the mirror, I am grateful that, for the most part, I am happy with what I see. It took me years to get to this point as I definitely was very very hard on myself and focused on my flaws for most of my 20s. But in my 30s I have learned to be more kind to myself. I am definitely far from perfect, but I am better about letting those imperfections go.
Enjoy your weekend – sounds like you have a fun one on deck!!
when i look in the mirror i’m grateful to be here. grateful for where i’ve been and for whatever lies in my future even if it’s not going to be easy.
love this post and this series xo