19 – I’m grateful my eyes let me see the beauty surrounding me: from daily sunrises and sunsets to the gorgeous views in places far away.
Sight is something so precious to me, probably because bad eyesight is something that has plagued me since I was eight years old. And there is just so much beauty to see. Florida is a beautiful place to live and I am also grateful for the fact that I have been able to take vacations where I can see beauty in places far away – such as Mexico and Jamaica and Key West and the Cayman Islands. I am in awe of creation.
20 – The things I would never change about myself include my introverted, homebody nature, my love for animals, and my faith.
It’s taken me a long time to come to terms with my introverted nature, as well as being a homebody. It’s just been in the past couple of years that I understood what being an introvert means and how it affects every part of my life. Extroverts seem to rule the world, but introverts also have their place. I am learning to embrace my place and be okay with the fact that I don’t need to constantly be doing and seeing things to be content. I can just be, and that is usually the best place for me.
My love for animals is something that’s always been a part of me. There’s just this piece of my heart that is irrevocably attuned to animals.
My faith, while not as strong as I wish it were, is also something I would never want to change about myself, nor do I think I could. I grew up in church and while I’ve been stumbling around these few years, trying to figure out what faith means to me and what a relationship with Jesus looks like in my life, it’s still an important part of my life and who I am.
21 – The best thing I tasted today was Dr. Pepper.
I am addicted to this stuff. Not addicted addicted, but drinking it makes me happy. I’m giving up soda in December and it’s probably coming at the perfect time. My self-control when it comes to soda drinking is not the best right now.
22 – I love going online to read blogs and connect with others.
Right below reading, blogging is my favorite hobby. Both writing blog posts and reading them. I almost always have my RSS reader up on a tab on my computer and I constantly read throughout the day. When I need a break at work, blogs. When I’m watching TV, blogs. When I’m unwinding, blogs. When I’m procrastinating about getting outside to exercise, blogs. I just really, really love these little glimpses into people’s lives. I love the advice and the tips and the funny memes. I love the vulnerability and honesty with which some bloggers share their true thoughts and feelings. I love reading about goals and dreams for the future and dreams coming true. I am really not sure where I would be today, if not for blogging and the people it has brought into my life.
23 – I’m grateful for the way these things feel a warm cup of coffee, my dog cuddled right next to my side, the sun on my skin, finishing a great book, compliments, finishing a really hard workout, and slipping into my bed after a long day.
While I can whine and complain that certain things in my life aren’t where I want them, when I really sit back and think about it, I lead a good life. There are so many things to be grateful for, little and big.
24 – Today I felt supported (by a person, the Universe, God) when all my decorating and organization ideas started coming to fruition.
I haven’t done all that much home decorating since moving into our apartment, well over a year ago. Our walls are pretty bare and it doesn’t exactly bug me, but I feel like I should make an effort to make our apartment homier. Plus, we have house guests flying into town on Wednesday and I’d like my room and bathroom to look somewhat put together. So I had a few ideas to organize my closet and redecorate my bathroom and get some stuff on my walls. I spent most of Sunday cleaning and decorating and organizing and it felt so good. At the end of it, I had yet another full trash bag of clothes, shoes, and random items to donate, as well as another full trash bag of just trash. My room has been stressing me out for a while now, so it feels good that it’s more put together and my new collection of photos above my bed is my favorite!
What is something you would never change about yourself?
I LOVE reading blogs too I just wish I had more time to read them these days – or that I made more time but it’s really hard for me to find time to read them after a long day of work since I just don’t feel like being on my computer at all. I would read WAY more on my phone but then it’s hard to comment and if I read and have it marked as read in feedly I will forget to go back and comment! First world problems or what? Haha
Right? I still read a lot but don’t comment anywhere near as much due to time + being on mobile! I have the same issues with keeping stuff unread to come back to and comment in The Old Reader – now i try to mark posts as ‘liked’ instead.
Love your photo collage. So many beaches!
I definitely am also grateful for my sight, since I am more than halfway to blind on the vision scale. I have started to get floaters, which are rather annoying, and that kinda scares me since I am only 25…
Love the photo collage! That looks great. Purging feels so good. I am probably due for another round of it, maybe that will be my last-weekend-of-the-year project as I will be here in Charlotte and have no plans.
I wouldn’t change the fact that I am independent and not afraid to do things on my own, my love of numbers and reading, and my strong Catholic faith, among other things!