It’s Tuesday which means it’s shopping in Cozumel day! I asked someone I consider to be a close friend to guest post for me today. Amber is one of the busiest women I know and she has been a godsend for me during my years as a journalism student. She graduated a year ago with her journalism degree and has made her mark in the marketing field over the past year. Her blog is one of my must reads and I love how seamlessly she incorporates all facets of her life – from healthy living to career to her personal life. Enjoy her post and please check out her blog!
When Stephany asked me to guest post I really had no idea what I would write about. But then I thought about where Stephany is in her life right now – just graduated college and heading on a fabulous trip! I was in the same place exactly one year ago and looking back now I can’t believe how much my life sure has changed in the last year.
When I finished university I went on a 3-week backpacking trip around Europe with my then boyfriend (now fiance). I guess it was our ‘last big haul’ before entering the working world. I had a job (that I’d already been interning at for a year) waiting for me when I got back from my trip and I started as a full-time, salaried employee in the marketing and communications world on June 1, 2010.
My first year after college has been interesting to say the least! Here are a few of the things I’ve realized about living in the “real world” (when I was still in college I HATED it when people used that term. And, just for the record, I totally think college counts as the real world!):
1. Time
Sure, being in college/university is a busy time. So much stress over papers, homework, tests etc. But it’s a different kind of time suck. A kind of time suck where you can decide what to do, when. Working full-time is not like that at all. You have to “punch in” and put in your time five days a week, and for most of the day. Luckily, I really love my job so I don’t mind, but I definitely have a lot less free time than before.
2. Being Social
During my bratty teenage years I used to say super bratty things to my mom like “why are you SOOOOO tired anyways, all you do is sit at a desk all day” – let me just take a minute to go back and slap my 15-year-old self. Because sitting at a desk all day IS tiring. It’s so mentally tiring. In my job I am busy for 8+ hours every single day. There are emails to be answered, phone calls to be made, and millions of to-do’s to tackle. My brain is ON for all that time so by the end of a work day I am exhausted. In college I wouldn’t even blink an eye about going out for dinner or drinks during the week. Now it’s not as appealing as it once was. All I want to do after a long work day is curl up on the couch and watch TV with a glass of wine.
3. Money
I always joke that I don’t have more money now that I’m done college – I just have more bills! My fiance and I recently bought our first house and while it was a monumental purchase and I’m so, so excited about it (and love it) it also means a lot of money is coming out of our accounts. Every single month. For the next 35 years. It’s a bit of a scary thought when you put it that way!
Honestly though, despite all these things, I am still much happier with my life now than when I was in college and wouldn’t trade it for the world. College is fun for awhile but after four years I was ready to be done with it! While the first year after college has been different, expensive and a bit challenging it’s also been a blast and one of the best years ever. Can’t wait to see what the next one brings!
What was your first year after college/university like?
Timely guest post, Amber! I just graduated yesterday. I'm so sad to be leaving all my friends, but I definitely think I'm ready to move on from college. I know so much is going to change over the next year and while I usually hate change, I'm going to try to embrace it as much as I can.
Great post Amber 🙂 My first year post college was actually hard because it was my first year teaching and I had a very challenging class. It was a lot to get used to, but overall I really love the "real world." Not that this is shocking but I totally agree with you about the "real world" comment and I usually only use it in a joking way. I can't stand any comments like that, that imply the person saying it just knows "oh so much more" than the person they are saying it too! I also couldn't stand people who were like "college is the best, the best 4 years of your life, enjoy it now and don't complain." No, I will complain about whatever I want and yes it was a FUN four years, but there are lots of great years in life.
Hahaha YES exactly. I will complain about whatever I want!! Hahaha. And maybe it's because I actually enjoy my job for the most part but I have not found the post-college life to be as bad as everyone made it out to be. I do miss the flexible schedule, of course, but it's not the end of the world to have to work full-time either!
I'll be starting my senior year this coming fall. While I'm excited that means I'll be close to graduating and moving on from college (unless I do grad school), it also makes me nervous. I hope this English major will be able to get a good job!