Note: Oy! This is a long post. (Over 1,600 words!) But this is something that I’ve been wanting to talk about for a long time, and I finally found the right words to say all of this. I’m excited to talk about the Highly Sensitive Person trait, though all research has been drawn from Elaine Aron’s work and blog posts on the subject. All sources linked below!
I’ve always known that I have heightened sensitivity to certain stimuli, but it has never been more apparent than in the past year or so.
Like the time I went to an event with my mom, for her coworker. It took place at a loud bar, and I didn’t know anybody there so I felt extremely uncomfortable and insecure because I was in an uncontrolled environment. I like to control my environment, to know the place I am at and the people I am with, so when I don’t know either, it makes me want to retreat and shut down. This bar was also filled with people, and a lot of them were smoking. More than once I had to get up and leave the area because I felt a panic attack coming on. It was just too much going on at once, and I was overwhelmed with sensations – from hearing to sight to smell.
Another time was when I finished reading an emotionally heavy book. Now, most people can read this book and move on with their life. They understand the sadness of it, but it doesn’t infiltrate every fiber of their being as it did for me. That book affected me intensely. I was deeply sad for weeks, and I still feel a catch in my stomach when I think about the author and what he went through. I’m not even married, or in a serious relationship, or have any kids, and I felt this book to my core. It’s then I realized my highly sensitive nature means there are some books I cannot read because they will affect me too deeply. (I actually regret reading this book because of the way I reacted to it.)
It was really after my reaction to this book that I began to research high sensitivity and what it means. I’ve always known that I’m super duper sensitive in terms of getting my feelings hurt too often and worrying too much about what people think of me. Criticism and sometimes even joking around at my expense is something I take personally. But someone with a highly sensitive nature is not just someone who is “too sensitive” and needs to “lighten up.” It goes much, much deeper than that. It’s actually a genetic trait!
The more I researched and learned about highly sensitive people, the more I knew I found a deep sense of me. Just as how the world seemed to shift as I discovered introversion, the world again shifted and I found more sense of self through learning about being a highly sensitive person (HSP).
Elaine Aron is the pioneer behind HSP research and discovering more about this genetic trait. She’s been researching and studying this trait for years. On her website, she has a quiz to help people discover whether or not they are an HSP. So I took it and answered yes to 22 of the 27 questions asked.
I can’t say I was surprised by the results of this quiz because once I learned about what it means to be a highly sensitive person, I knew I was reading about myself.
So, what does it mean to be a highly sensitive person? HSPs “process sensory data more deeply and thoroughly due to a biological difference in their nervous systems.” (source) Basically, us HSPs get overstimulated and overwhelmed more easily than other people tend to. The simple act of walking into a room will cause our brains to go into overdrive to process every taste, sound, touch, smell, feeling, and thing we see. We are more attuned to what is happening around us, so our brains tire out more quickly than other people. Things just seem more to us, if that makes sense. That smell you smell is heightened for us. That loud conversation happening across the room feels like it’s happening right next to me. If the temperature in the room feels cold to you, it’s freezing for me.
And there are other things to know about being an HSP:
- Being an HSP does not have anything to do with being an introvert. In fact, 30% of HSPs are extroverts. It’s also not about being shy or having any sort of social anxiety/phobia.
- We feel a need to control our environment. This is why a work-from-home position is best for HSPs. We can control where we work, the temperature in the room, the noises, the lighting, etc. Additionally, open-floor office plans are not helpful for HSPs (and introverts, for that matter) because there is way too much going on, which makes our brains work in overdrive to process it all.
- We are hugely affected by criticism. Our defense mechanism for this is to criticize ourselves first and avoid it if we can. I know personally that I can go into a downward spiral of self-doubt with even the slightest critique of something I’ve done.
- We tend to enjoy solo exercising. We get too worried about what people are thinking of us and how we are performing, so group exercise types, like boot camps or running groups, are no bueno. I’ve tried both and hate them so much because I’m always more focused on what others are doing than my own workout.
- Decision-making isn’t our strong suit. Why? Because we have to weigh all our options before coming to the decision. We are also “more aware of subtleties and details that could make decisions harder to make.” (source) But this is not always a bad thing! We thrive in group situations because we are the ones who can weigh all the pros and cons for different decisions, and we make others take a step back and look at the full picture before moving forward.
- When there is too much happening around us, we get unpleasantly aroused. For me, this manifests itself with knots in my stomach, an increased heart rate, and feeling jittery and overheated (even in a cold room). Often, this unpleasant arousal happens when I’m in a loud environment, when too many conversations are happening around me, or when I’m feeling uncomfortable in an unfamiliar social situation.
- We do not thrive under pressure. I know I, for one, do not perform well when I have a ton of things to do in a short period of time. I get overwhelmed, can’t figure out where to begin, want to cry, and generally feel rattled and emotional.
- We are people pleasers. We have a hard time asking for what we want because we don’t want to cause trouble or inconvenience other people. (I have the hardest time with this! Especially when I begin a new job and I should be asking questions. Sigh.) We tend to be more sensitive to the needs of others and forget to think about our own.
- We are more sensitive to pain. The biggest way I see this in my own life is in the fact that massages are painful for me. Even the ones that are supposed to be relaxing just hurt me so much. I remember the last time I got a massage and my mom got the same one. She left her room saying how amazing and relaxing it was. I left my room hobbling, after spending an hour trying not to cry on the table from the pain. (And, due to the point above – being a people pleaser – I very rarely will tell the masseuse that the pressure is too hard. I KNOW.)
- We tend to take on the emotions of the people around us (so when my mom is sad or hurting, I am also sad and hurting and want to do whatever I can to find a solution to her “problem,” even when there is no solution at all). We’re also incredibly empathetic and interested in hearing about our friends’ problems and how they are reacting to them.
- We’re often told we need to toughen up and stop taking things so seriously. This is the most annoying thing I hear people say to me. Guess what? It’s not that easy. It’s not about “toughening up.” Our sensitivity is not a weakness. It is just who we are.
But you know what? I don’t count my high sensitivity as a weakness. It’s just one part that makes me me. Researching high sensitivity has helped me better understand who I am. To understand there is a reason loud, busy places affect me more than others, to accept that I’m just going to get my feelings hurt more often than others, to acknowledge why certain aspects of my personality feel so different than others (like the inability to ask questions and how I basically fall apart when I’m under pressure).
I don’t count being an HSP as a weakness because it simply means I experience life in a bigger, fuller way. I love hard and deep and honest and openly. I am deeply in tune with my emotions and I’m able to process my feelings in a stronger way. When I’m sad, I take the time to work through why I’m sad. When I’m happy, I embrace it wholeheartedly. When I’m upset, I acknowledge my feelings and let them have their place. What I’m saying is that I find that being an HSP just means the world is a little bit brighter, a little bit louder, and a little bit larger. And that’s not always a bad thing.
Are you a highly sensitive person? Have you ever heard of this trait before?
Very interesting! I knew nothing of this before but now that I’ve read your post, I believe a woman who worked for me recently is an HSP. It didn’t end up working out but I don’t think I did enough to help and probably did more harm than good! In my industry (finance) there’s constant constructive (and sometimes not so constructive) feedback from a variety of sources. I don’t take it personally but she seemed to internalize all of it.. Of course my reaction was to give her “pep talks “and reassure her she was doing fine but it’s just the nature of the beast. Perhaps you could do a follow-up post on how best to approach HSPs as a colleague, manager, friend, significant other, etc? Great thought-provoking post!
I think I have some of these traits but definitely not all of them. I do not like being out in super loud places like bars or restaurants, but I do fine at concerts with loud music. I like to be in control of situations – I prefer going to a bar I’m familiar with, but if I’m with people I know at a new/strange place I’m usually fine. However, I thrive under pressure, always have, which is odd because I am a planner through and through. This is all super interesting stuff! I had never really heard of this before.
Very interesting research and post! I took the quiz and got 21, so I can definitely relate, even though I hadn’t heard of this before. I’m also glad I’m not the only who finds massages to be painful… ick, hate them!
I am also an HSP. Very much so. That said, I’ve tried to make it work for me — meaning that I embrace my feelings and such, but I have also worked hard to have a thicker skin and learn to perform under pressure, not because I want to, but because I feel like I have to in order to be successful and not totally consumed by my feelings. That said, I do totally understand the feelings of overwhelm and general sensitivity. I need a lot of time to myself to process. It’s difficult, but like you said, it’s a pleasant experience at times — I feel things really deeply, and that’s great.
I did not know that this was a trait! How interesting to read about it, learn more and to be aware! Thanks for sharing and I, for one, am glad to have an HSP friend on my list because you feel so deeply and care so much. To me it’s a good thing to be!
Ooh, the massage thing is a biggie for me. Definitely very sensitive physically. I can tell right away if anything is slightly off at all.
I am not sure all of these apply to me, but definitely most of them. I didn’t realise there was a formal ‘diagnosis’ if you like. The feeling things deeply … I think that resonates most.
I wasn’t aware of this trait, either. I think I am somewhere in the middle… I think I am sensitive but my environment around me doesn’t impact me as much and I don’t notice environmental factors around me as much like noises and light and such. I don’t think a HSP could work in my work environment because there are no walls and you sit so incredibly close to other people that you could reach out and touch them and everyone around you can hear every word you say if they care to listen… and I am able to work in that environment although some days I don’t love it. That said, I would say I am more sensitive than the average person. I struggle with criticism and am a total people pleaser so I would say I would meet some but not the majority of the symptoms.
I think it’s good to be aware of this, if for no other reason than to know that others struggle with the same thing…
Hmmm, I really connected with this! I would definitely say I am highly sensitive. Throughout the years I have learned to control it, but those close to me are definitely aware. Most days I really hate it. I hate being told I “wear my heart on my sleeve” and that I should “stop being so sensitive.” No matter what I do, I cannot help how I feel.
Thanks for posting this! It was very informative!
This was so interesting. Thanks for sharing Steph! I would probably characterize myself as the opposite of a HSP. It’s not that I’m not sensitive and don’t feel things on the inside, trust me I do, but I don’t let them show a lot on the outside. For example the first time anyone at my work saw me cry was when my dad got in his car accident this year after I had been working there for two years. And I had seen other members of my team cry numerous times by this point. I also am not really affected by the environment around me. I used to get really worked up and upset over very small things and I would literally work myself into a tangent, but I think partly because of natural maturing and partially because of my yoga practice I’m much calmer about things like that now.
I’m curious since you said it’s a biological difference, does that mean it’s something someone is born with? I would have always assumed being highly sensitive is related to how you grew up but maybe I’m wrong!
It’s like you’re talking about me.
Last summer when things were bad with my folks (when they were staying here) my dad basically said I had something wrong with me because I get so emotional. As if being emotional is a problem. I deal with things differently than him. When I feel a strong emotional (happiness, sadness, anger frustration, ANYTHING good or bad) I cry. And to him that’s wrong, but for me that’s my way of dealing with it.
I read books that stay with me for weeks. I can’t get them out of my head and they give me emotions that others would never get from them.
I hate pressure of any kind. It makes me want to hide.
My boss criticized me at work the other day and I had to go in the bathroom for a few minutes. I actually cried. Over something that anyone else would brush off. I also had a customer complain about me for something ridiculous. Other people would just assume he was a jerk and move on. But me? It ruined my entire day.
I could go on and on. But I just want to say it’s good to know that I’m not alone. Thank you for writing this, I kind of needed it.
I’ve never heard of this as, like, an actual thing before, but oh my God, this… sounds so much like me. Nearly all of it applies to me, except for two of them: I actually do thrive under pressure & love high-intensity situations, though I find that I can’t work in jobs like that for very long. I get burned out VERY easily. I’m also not hyper-sensitive to pain, though I think much of that has to do with the back surgery I had in middle school. I have some nerve damage & live with chronic pain that I suspect is actually at a level much higher than most people’s general pain tolerance, but I’ve just had it forever, so at this point it seemed normal. I actually almost always want to ask massage therapists to press harder – but because I don’t want to hurt their feelings, I never say anything, either!
Very interesting info! I’ve always thought of myself and been known as a sensitive person, but I’ve never heard of being a highly sensitive person. I feel like I can answer yes to a lot of the questions asked in the survey, which doesn’t surprise me.
Something that bothers me about my sensitivity is that I cry. A lot. And I feel like I can’t control it. I’ve been crying a lot at work recently (because of stress and unhappiness), and it’s been driving me crazy because it makes me look unprofessional and incapable of handling my job. I’ve been wondering if there’s a way to control my crying habit? I’ve considered hypnosis, but I’d have to do more research first. For now, I’m just glad to know I’m not the only one out there who have struggled with being highly sensitive. Thank you for sharing!