I had a solid reading month in January. I set a goal to read 75 books this year, which is averaging around 6-7 books per month. I kicked 2014 off with six books read, my favorite being The Rosie Project and my least favorite being The Aviator’s Wife.
1. The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion (4 stars)
This novel was utterly charming. I loved the characters, especially Dr. Don Tillman, who reminded me of Dr. Sheldon Cooper (from The Big Bang Theory!) so much that I pictured him throughout the entire novel. It was an easy read, but also had a lot of social complexities to it, which also made it an interesting read. I heard it will be made into a movie and if anyone but Jim Parsons plays Don Tillman, my whole world is a lie.
2. In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner (4 stars)
I actually really enjoyed this book! I remember seeing the movie when it came out, but never read the book. (Though I can barely remember the movie at all.) The novel was a bit long, at over 500 pages, but I found myself settling in and really investing in the story. Jennifer Weiner’s novels are really hit or miss for them. Some novels, I adore, and some novels I feel like I wasted precious time reading. This one fell safely in the “hit” category, and it was a really enjoyable read.
3. Secret Agent Secretary by Melissa Cutler (4 stars)
Sometimes, you just want to read a really kick-ass romantic mystery with characters whose sexual tension sizzles off the pages and a storyline that moves fast. This is that book. It’s the second one from this author and I loved it just as much as the first one. Very well-written, though it does get a little heavy on the cheese toward the end. It left me feeling happy and satisfied.
4. The Aviator’s Wife by Melanie Benjamin (2.5 stars)
I struggled to get through this book. The writing was good, but the story was just really slow and kind of tragic. It’s a fictional adaptation of Anne Lindbergh’s, wife to Charles Lindbergh, life. And she just lived a very hard one. Maybe I’m too much of a dreamer and idealist to appreciate this novel, but I just felt like she had a very lonely, sad life. She got to do some amazing things, for sure, but when you compare it to a loveless, unfaithful marriage? It just made me rather sad. Good writing, sad story.
5. Cowboy Justice by Melissa Cutler (3 stars)
One of my ways of helping me get through a book I’m struggling with (see above book) is by reading a cute romance novel along with it. So I bought this one from my new favorite romantic suspense author and I enjoyed it. I really loved the main character and the chemistry between her and her “cowboy” just oozed off the page. There was a lot of suspense and mystery and drama, along with dry wit and humor. I flew through this one in a matter of days.
6. The Girl With a Clock for a Heart by Peter Swanson (3.5 stars)
I reviewed this book yesterday, and you can find that review here.
Do you ever read two books at one time?
I only ever read two books at once if I forget one at home and download one to start on my lunchbreak to get me through. I liked the movie In Her Shoes better than the book – I didn’t feel that the characters in the book had enough personality (and that’s rare).
Yes, I am often reading two books at a time… right now I’m reading the Perfume Collector and also “Battling the Best Man” (for a review I’m posting on Monday). The second one is a romance so it’s easier to accomplish. Sometimes I start a book and come back to it another time. I love getting free books so occasionally I overload myself on free books to read/review and get to read fewer of the ones I have picked myself.
I do have The Rosie Project on my Nook and I read the first chapter and it IS Sheldon Cooper =)
I’m aiming for 60 books this year and so far am on track…!
I’m glad I’m not the only one who pictured Sheldon Cooper the entire time I read The Rosie Project! That was the only book I managed to read in January, actually! I don’t even think I read 6 books in total last year!
I can’t remember if I’ve read In Her Shoes or not … Jennifer Weiner has so many books, I find I can’t keep track of what I’ve read. I’ll have to check it out and see!
I still have to read The Rosie Project! I didn’t know it was being made into a movie! My mother will be ecstatic.
I am behind on my yearly reading goal already. Keep kicking butt, Stephany!
I loved the Rosie project too! And years ago I read and loved in her and shoes. I actually own the movie as I thought it was such a great movie.
I rarely read two books at the same time. It’s too confusing for me!
I don’t really read 2 books at once. I’m trying to get through Little Women, I’m about 1/3 of the way through, and I pick it back up in between other books but I really don’t read it while I’m in the middle of other books. I saw In Her Shoes years ago – I actually think I have the book, too, but I haven’t read it yet.