Happy Friday! My mom and her fiance have spent the last week on a road trip to Georgia and Tennessee, and they come home tomorrow which I am so, so darn excited about! Other weekend plans: a writing date, a closet purge, and attending my first spin class in years (I have a friend who is getting certified to be a spin instructor and she’s hosting a free class. I don’t turn down free!).
Anyway, today I wanted to recap my July goals and set new intentions for August. The months are flying by, guys! But it’s good because we have one month to get through before foooootball. I can’t wait!
Recapping July goals…
Complete 31 workouts in 31 days. PASS. I successfully worked out 31 times in July, a goal I am very proud of achieving. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be, though it did take a lot of willpower and motivation to keep up with the workouts so I didn’t fall too far behind. Typically, I took two rest days per week and then would “catch up” by working out twice a day two other days a week. (This usually consisted of doing cardio at the gym in the morning and a strength-training workout in the evening.)
Participate in Camp NaNoWriMo and write 31,000 words of my novel. FAIL. I didn’t even make it past day one. It’s just super hard for me to write 1,000 words a day with my full-time job. And I was also prioritizing exercise this month so when I had to choose between a workout or writing, I chose to work out. Figuring out how to work on my fiction novel while keeping up with my full-time writing job has been difficult.
Take an adventure somewhere. FAIL. Not one adventure, not even a little one? Not cool. I must do some adventuring in August!
Start the process of re-categorizing and tagging my posts. PASS. This was a lot of work! And slightly painful to read my blog posts from 2009/2010 (oh, how grateful I am to be finished with college!).
Add $500 to my emergency fund. FAIL. In July, I only managed to add $280 to my emergency savings, but considering I haven’t added anything to it in a few months, I’m really happy about that.
In August, I want to…
Purge my closet and come up with my capsule wardrobe. I purge my closets frequently and my closet has gotten to a point where it just fills me with stress and anxiety when I try to find something to wear. I want to wear clothes that I feel good in, so I need to just remove the clothes I don’t love. Added to that, I want to create a capsule wardrobe. More to come on this!
Work out 31 times. Yep, it’s on the list again for August! I enjoyed completing this goal a lot in July, so I’m striving for it again in August. Plus, I know if I put it as a monthly goal, I’m even more motivated to achieve it since I have to report back at the end of the month.
Complete the 28-Day Food Change Challenge. I joined Nicole’s 28-Day Food Change Challenge last month, but haven’t begun the process yet. With the way the program is designed, I knew I would need to approach it a bit differently than others may have, giving myself time to plan things out and get in the right mindset. I hope this goes well! I’m nervous because I’m not that best at seeing food-related challenges through.
Leave my credit card at home. I have gotten into the habit of using my credit card throughout the month and, even though I pay off my balance in full monthly, this is a habit I want to nip in the bud. Easiest way? Just leave the darn thing at home! (Or should I freeze it in a block of ice, a la Shopaholic?!)
Stay away from fast food. I’m not a huge fast food junkie, but I do tend to eat Chick-Fil-A at least once a week. It’s just one of those easy meals, you know? And it’s so good. Man. This one is going to be hard, but I really want to get out of the habit of going for fast food when I don’t want to cook!
Do you have any goals for August?
Wooo! Congrats on 31 workouts in July! I totally agree once you get in the groove it’s just automatic. I’m hoping to do another 100 in 100 days this fall. Maybe. We’ll see haha.
Big goal for August is to put myself first/take time for myself, which is going to be necessary as tomorrow’s wedding kicks off 3 busy photo months!
I am excited to hear about your capsule wardrobe! Way to go on 31 workouts in 31 days. I’m looking for some kind of ab challenge because that’s my least favorite muscle group to work on and I need motivation to stick with it. Nice job on your July goals, I think you did great! Putting $280 away is fantastic especially since it’s been an area of struggle for the last few months. It’s better than $0 right?
My goals for August include tracking my food, going to bed earlier and making yoga a priority so I don’t get injured or too tight during the rest of marathon training.
Way to go on saving money last month; $280 is better than zero =)
I think August is going to be a reset month for me: back to basics, back to “regular ,” life and hopefully back to journaling. I haven’t done that in FOREVER.
I’m doing Nicole’s program too and I’m a big fan of the challenges. I think you’ll enjoy it too. I think what’s great about it is that you truly can make it your own. That’s what I’ve done and I’ve still gotten a lot out of it.
I will swear that the best way I saved money was by leaving the “plastic money” at home while I was at work. I carried $20 cash per pay period, which forced me to pack more lunches and eat out less. It was a bank account saver, for sure!
My one and only goal for August is to RELAX. July was too stressful, so August’s goal is just to let life be 🙂
I’m working on my first capsule too. I love the idea and dig a big purge where and got rid of a bunch of things and put my fall/winter clothes away. It’s made a big difference. I’ve worn a bunch of outfits I’d never worn before because I was able to see things and make new connections without a stuffed closet. I’m definitely interested in reading more about your experience!
Once again congrats on achieving your 31 in 31 goal! Isn’t it the best feeling? It’s such a motivating and fun challenge for me and it pushes me to find time to exercise on days when I might not have otherwise.
I don’t have any specific goals for August. I want to try to achieve some of the items on my bucket list and enjoy the last full month of summer. And I also want to try to plan a little bit less… I love having a full social calendar but I also am finding that I need a bit more downtime.
31 workouts?! You are a MACHINE! Way to go. 😀
Wow, good job on the 31 workouts! That’s great!
My biggest goal this month is to save for New York!