1. Keep applying to jobs and follow up. Yes and a somewhat yes. I did apply for lots of jobs and there were a few I’ve followed up on, making sure my resume has been received and finding out about the interviewing process. Towards the end of the month, I decided I needed to take more action with my job searching and stop using the websites everyone is using. I’m looking at Craigslist and other media-centric job search engines.
2. Get back to eating healthy. Success! I am back on Weight Watchers and following the plan like I should. And now that I have eTools, I think it’s going to be even easier and more motivating to keep within my points range. I’m really hoping July is a month for crazy-good weight loss!
3. Exercise 5-6 times a week. Another big check mark for this one! And I can thank my new gym membership for getting me back on the exercise train — and loving it. I let my body rest on Saturdays but every other day of the week, I’m at the gym for at least an hour doing anything from a fitness class to regular ole cardio. Buying that membership was the best thing I ever did. (Plus, at $60 a month, there is no way I wouldn’t use it to its full advantage. That’s too much money to be throwing away!)
4. Make the most of my weekends. This goal was half-won. The first half of June, I killed it. One Saturday was spent at Busch Gardens, another spent at a water park with my brother, sister-in-law, and nephew. It finally felt like I was doing more with my weekends and it felt good. But then I slipped back into my ways, living small and keeping to myself. My goal is to keep at this goal, making plans – simple as they may be – every weekend. I want to be more social and this is one small step to doing that.
5. Tidy up my blog. Uh, no. If anything, I made it worse. Sigh. Lots of work to do this month on my blog.
Goals for July: reorganize my room (it’s a mess right now, things shoved in different areas of the room with no real design feel), drink 1 liter of water a day, start writing again, make a budget and stick to it, and, of course, apply, apply, apply to jobs!
Sometimes, we need those weekends full of downtime. I'd say that can be "making the most" of your weekend, if you let it. 🙂
Good luck on your goals this month! I'm hoping you find your dream job soon, or at least something very close to it.
Your goals are so inspiring! I love it. We're all cheering for you! I hope you find a job soon. I know how difficult that is, so keep your chin up. You're doing great!
June went by so fast, it's no wonder we're not accomplishing as many goals as we'd hoped! I feel like a week just fell off our calendar or something. You've got some good solid goals for July though, so here's to a good month!! 🙂
Those are good, solid goals. Good luck! 🙂
Yay! I am so happy you are becoming a gym rat and loving it! 🙂
And what do you need to do to the blog? It looks good to me! 🙂
i seriously need to find workout motivation. can i borrow some of yours? 😉
you're doing awesomely 🙂
I agree with Megan on relaxing weekends, definitely needed sometimes! I'm always go go go so I have to remind myself to relax.
Also, your blog looks great! Good luck with the job search!
The job I have now, I found it on Craigslist. I hope you find something soon!
I feel the same way about weekends. I don't think I made the most of my 3-day weekend recently but that's okay. I needed the rest and to do absolutely nothing.
It sounds like you made good progress, though! Congratulations! I just got my blog designed. yay 😉 But you probably already noticed. I'm totally happy with it. Ashley did such a good job. I need to make goals like you do month-to-month. Small goals, though. I've been in the habit of making big ones I can't accomplish. It concerns me how okay I am with being so lazy and passive throughout the day. 🙁 I know that you have to pace yourself if you want to accomplish something and do it well, but that's one of my biggest challenges. I'm glad that you're on track, though. That gives me motivation. 🙂
I agree and I think I needed a downtime weekend after having a few crazy weekends. 🙂 But sometimes, ALL of my weekends are downtime and I never really get out there & enjoy it. I want to try to half and half it. Ha.
Thanks so much, girl. It's tough out there but I have faith I will find my job soon. Some days are better than others. 🙂
Yes, here here! July will be a great month. 🙂 I'm going to chase after this month and make it great.
It's amazing how many months I wasted trying to become a runner when, all along, there was a gym rat hiding inside me! 😉
Sure! Mostly, it's just "you don't have a choice, Stephany. Do you want people to think you're pregnant FOREVER?!" So… that's motivational enough for me. Haha. 😉
Haha, I am so the opposite. I have to remind myself to DO SOMETHING most days. 😉 I have no trouble relaxing, which is why I need to make sure my weekends are busy. Most weekends, at least. Those downtime weekends are pretty nice as well.
You will love etools. Seriously. I totally credit that website for my success with WW!! So easy to track!! 🙂
You have a great set of goals! My July goals are to relax and enjoy life as I really have yet to do that thi syear since I spent the first 5 months studying and last month packing/mvoing!
Sometimes, weekends when we get nothing done are totally needed. 🙂 I love them just as much as I love my busy ones.
I love the idea of monthly goals. I really think they give me that extra push I need to get things accomplished. Plus, being accountable on my blog helps!
You deserve a big month of doing nothing but relaxing after the craziness of your first half of the year. Enjoy it!
#4 is one of my goals for July. Go somewhere or do something at least once a week. Busch Gardens and a water park-I'm so jealous.