June was good to me. Looking through the photos I took this month for Project 365, I realize it wasn’t an altogether exciting month, but it was a good one. June was low-key, relaxing, and peaceful. Here in Florida, we’re definitely in full swing into summer and the days are hot, hot, hot. While we’re hovering around the low 90s temperature-wise, with the humidity, we’re easily hitting the triple digits daily. Tank tops, shorts, and blasting the air conditioner will be the MO for the next few months.
Jessica, a blogger I’ve been following for years, was in town for a PR conference and she had some time before the conference started to meet up with me. It was so fun to meet her in person! This was probably the first blogger meet-up where I wasn’t scared out of my mind beforehand. Maybe I’m getting better at meeting bloggers, or maybe I just felt like I was just meeting up with an old friend to catch up. She’s wonderful, though, and we sat outside, sipped delicious margaritas, and chit-chatted about everything – vacations and dating and jobs and blogs. It was incredibly fun! She’s a good soul.
I didn’t always love summer. And I still don’t think summer is my favorite season, but I’m learning to love it. There are so many fun things to do in the summer, and a lot of it is free or very cheap. I don’t exactly have a summer bucket list, but I would like to spend more afternoons at my pool, visit the beach at sunset at least once, take Dutch to the dog beach, and eat as much fresh watermelon as humanly possible.
This month, I’ve started taking Dutch on a Saturday morning walk at a nearby park. He loves long walks and he keeps up a pretty brisk pace, so it’s a good workout for both of us. The park is beautiful early in the morning, it’s not too hot, and I know Dutch looks forward to it. For an old guy, he’s pretty active and never turns down the chance to run around in the grass.
I’ve been doing a lot of soul-searching about my diet and losing weight this month. I haven’t been weighing myself regularly and I haven’t been following any formal diet plan. I’ve just been… eating okay, trying to implement healthier habits, and trying to worry less about the scale and more about how I feel overall. I have good days and bad days. I have days when I’m happy, and days when I see a photo of myself and want to bawl my eyes out. I’m working on kindness. I’m working on recognizing where I am right now, and trying to give myself props for every little step I take in regaining control over my health.
All in all, I’m happy with June. It was a good month, with more ups than downs. And I’m looking forward to July. I don’t have a ton of big! fun! plans! but I have small things I’d like to do, and I’m leaving my options open to let whatever happens, happen. I want to get outside more and enjoy each and every day I’m given. It’s truly a gift, and I’m realizing more and more to not take any day for granted.
Is summer your favorite season? What do you have planned for July?
I love summer but I don’t know if it is my favorite season as I think fall is my favorite. But summer is special with the longer hours of daylight and the more laid back feeling to the weekends. June was a good month for me, but a little stressful as I am still adjusting to my new employer/new role. July is going to be a fun but busy month! I am going to my parents’ lake home this weekend for the 4th, I’m home for a weekend and then Phil and I go to Iowa for Iowa Amber’s wedding and then the following weekend I am hoping to host a small party at my place as there is a big festival and the fireworks launch from the bridge that I have a view of so I’ll have a great view of them! I hope you have a great month of July!
Glad June was so good for you! Haha summer is my LEAST favorite of all the seasons – I am a fall girl, followed closely by winter. For me, July will be moving month. We’re hoping to hear back soon about a townhouse to rent (we put in an application last week). Once we sign that lease I will feel a lot less stressed about the whole process!
I love summer for the relaxed feel, the longer days, and the abundance of fresh local produce. I dislike the humidity, the thunderstorms, and how busy it gets at work. Summer always seems to go by so fast. I think autumn is my favorite season. I am probably biased, but autumn in New England is absolutely gorgeous. I love the crisp air, the changing leaves, the comfort food and agricultural fairs. I love that it’s still light out when I get out of work but the heat is not oppressive like it is in July and August. It’s my favorite time of year to run outside. There’s definitely a lot more to do in my area during summer and fall. I really don’t like winter – I think it just lasts too long here and the short days and limited sunlight always makes me kind of sad. I can deal with the cold temps but this past winter was unusually frigid and it made doing anything outside really miserable. I get so sick of snow and ice once Christmas passes, but we are stuck with that weather from December-March/April most years. Maybe this year I will make a winter bucket list to remind myself that there are good things about the season.
June was so-so for me. Vacation was great but getting sick ruined a whole week. I wasn’t good about getting back into a healthy routine right away and I slacked on a lot of my workouts and meal planning. The end of the month got better but overall it was kind of a meh month for me. I’m hoping July is better! This month I have a few fun things going on (a day trip to RI with my mom and sister to visit my cousins, a family game night, a four day weekend) but it will also be busy as we are trying to get Pete’s condo in tip-top shape and ready to be rented by the end of the month. We have to paint three rooms, replace the vanity and toilet in one bathroom, replace all the carpeting in the two bedrooms, hallway and stairs, plus a list of other more minor improvements. Not to mention packing everything up and moving it to my place/a storage unit. I’m tired and stressed just thinking about it!
I think your renewed approach to your health is fantastic. Every little step counts. Your Saturday morning walks sound so nice! I’m glad June was so good to you and I hope July is even better 🙂
This recap sounds really peaceful and content! I’m glad to hear things are going well for you and I think it’s probably a good idea to take a bit of a step back from your diet and exercise goals!
Summer is definitely my favourite season! I love all the sunshine and I just want to be outside ALL THE TIME in the summer. We have amazing summers where I live, super hot but no humidity, and I love it!
I don’t know if it’s the transition into summer or what, but I also did quite a bit of soul searching about my diet and exercise habits in June. I’m starting to understand myself a bit better and see what does and does not work for me.
For example, trying to apply myself to a strict workout schedule triggers a response of dread and anxiety in me, but building exercise into my day in a natural way (cycling, playing outdoor games with friends, etc.) feels good and has become something I look forward to. With that in mind, I went ahead and cancelled my gym membership last month and am now looking for a sport or other group activity that feels less like work and more like play.
I looove summer, and July is my fave month. June was definitely not super special, but I always have a great July. Hoping it doesn’t disappoint!
I really love your new glasses 🙂 They look chic on you! Good call on working on kindness towards yourself. We could all use a little of that.
I am so so so happy we finally got to meet! It was definitely one of the highlights of my month too. And you’re right- I wasn’t nervous at all to meet you! It was just like we’ve been friends forever!
On a side note, how do you lay your photos out the way you do in this post? I really like it!