So that was August and it was a month to savor. I made the decision to step away from social media and blogging, knowing it was entirely possible my life was going to go through a dramatic change in August. All throughout July, I had been sending in writing samples and interviewing for a new position and it was on the first of August that I was offered the job.
August was a Month. It was a month of goodbyes, of hellos, of changes, of fun events and adventures, of rediscovering myself and what I want. I always feel a little lighter when I come back from a media fast. Life is fast, but life is slow. No more needing to Instagram or tweet or blog about all my moments. They were… there. Just there. It was a nice break, but I am oh-so-happy to be back.
Oh, it’s been a month. That’s for sure. Highlights, anyone?
> My last two weeks at my old job flew by in a flash. The first week was spent wrapping up all my projects and tasks and the second week was spent working with my boss to make sure my leave was as seamless as possible. Leaving the job itself wasn’t difficult, but leaving my coworkers broke my heart because they were never just my coworkers. They were my friends. There was a goodbye lunch with all my favorite coworkers friends, a surprise celebration with death-by-chocolate cake, and lots of hugs and sadness all around. I miss them terribly, but since my workdays end at 11:30am on Fridays (I KNOW!), I’ll be able to meet up with them for lunch often. Yay!
> I’ve been at my new job for almost three weeks now and everything has been going really well. It’s a completely different office environment than I’m used to and I’ve been slowly figuring out my place in it. It took me a long time to feel comfortable at my old job, so I know it will take more than a few months for me to fully open up and be myself at this one. I’m a painfully shy, socially anxious introvert so being quiet while testing the waters is just what I do. The writing aspect of it is going well. I’m actually really enjoying it but I am fully aware I’m in the honeymoon phase where everything is WONDERFUL and BRIGHT and EXCITING. It will pass, of that I am sure. For now, though, things are going well and I’m so, so happy I took the leap with this position.
> I quit Project 333 a few weeks early. Once I accepted my new position, I needed to figure out my clothing situation because I was going from a job where our dress code was to “wear clothes!” to a much more business-professional dress code. After two years of a casual dress code, I had to do some shopping! I ended up buying two dress slacks, two cardigans, and four new dressy shirts. I enjoyed doing the challenge, but I also am enjoying my bigger closet again. So I’m not sure where that leaves me with Project 333 and keeping my closet minimalized. That’s all I really have to say about that.
> I spent one Saturday morning in August volunteering at my local Feeding America food bank with my mom and her coworkers. I really had such a great time. Our job was to unpack boxes of food and place them in specified boxes, according to what type of food they were. (For example, anything pasta-related had its own box, canned veggies had their own box, juices had their own, etc.) We spent 4 hours there and I just really enjoyed myself. There were a ton of people. It was an event hosted by the Tampa Bay Rays for season ticket holders (which I am not, but I came along for the ride anyway) so there were a lot of people in a small warehouse. It was hectic and crazy and hot and very, very fun. The four hours flew by and before I knew it, I was signing my name on their volunteer wall and saying goodbye. It wasn’t hard work, but it was enjoyable and I loved the feeling of giving back. I’m definitely searching for another opportunity to volunteer for this wonderful organization!
> Dutch had his first dog beach experience! I went back and forth on whether or not I wanted to take him (he’s not the best at car rides) but on Sunday, my mom and I made the trek to Fort De Soto and we all had a blast. Dutch wasn’t a big fan of the water but I forced him into the ocean a few times. Mainly, he loved just exploring the beach itself and making friends with new dogs. The dog beach, though, goodness it’s just such a fun little spot. As my mom said, it’s impossible to not be happy when you’re there! So many dogs and they’re all so excited. We only stayed for a few hours but we’re planning on taking him again soon!
> I read 12 books in August. Reviews of all books will be coming next week, but let’s just say I am killing my book goal this year and I don’t think I will have any problems achieving my goal of reading 100 books this year. CRAZY! (I’m not sure if this means I have no life or if I’m just a fast reader. Probably a bit of both.)
> Because summer TV is pretty boring (aside from Big Brother and So You Think You Can Dance, of course!), I’ve been recording episodes of Friends. I have this goal of one day owning the series and watching it from start to finish because I never really watched it when it was on TV. So I’ve been recording random episodes here and there and it’s just very lovely. I love Friends. (How could you not?) And it’s just really, really funny to realize how “nineties” that show was. What with their pagers and landline phones and bad hair and all that. And Phoebe is still my favorite Friend.
And, really, that was my August. Quitting a job, starting another, and doing a lot of little things in between. It was a good month but I am so, so ready to be back in the world of blogging and social media. I missed it more than I imagined I would! I’m inspired and happy and so ready for what the rest of 2013 holds for me.
How was your August? Any big, or little, changes happen in your life?
I am glad that things are going well at your new job so far. I feel like it takes me a good 3-6 months to really feel comfortable at new job and to start to form bonds with people. Some work places are more conducive to that happening faster than others are, but that’s my general rule of thumb.
August was a mess for me. I mean, it had great parts like hosting my best friend, visiting a friend in NYC, and finding out I passed the CFA. But I feel like all that joy got pushed out by the sadness of losing my aunt, Phil losing his dad, and me getting my RA diagnosis. I just feel like August had this fog of sadness and heaviness. I think September will be better. The CFA Institute will award my charter to me today so I can officially start putting CFA behind my name, so hopefully I feel more excitement and joy over that instead of feeling numb like I did on results day.
What a great month you had! So glad the new job is going well! And holy mother of reading Batman!
August was rough for me – we found out the IUI did not work and I was not pregnant so I pretty much spent the month of August grieving. I’m not sure if/when we’ll we try another round so for now I’m happy it’s September with a fresh start and all the things I have happening this month to look forward to.
It sounds like August was good for you, despite being sad over missing your old coworkers. And I don’t know if my dogs could ever go to a dog beach, they’re kind of embarrassing around other dogs.
My August brought me a little victory when it comes to my dad. I think he’s finally understanding that he can’t force me to live the life he wants me to live. Baby steps. But I’m hoping it keeps up…
Congrats again on the new job!
I had a good month. Lots of good eating. Gearing up to a few weekends away in September. Starting with a whopping 1.5 days in Miami!
I was wondering when you’d pop into my reader again, welcome back!
You really just need to borrow those Friends season from someone and marathon watch all 10 seasons. They are the BEST.
Also yay, new job! I know what you mean about taking some time to get used to a new place. I feel the same way. I also understand the “honeymoon” phase and I think we all go through highs and lows at our job. But if you’re doing something you enjoy, you can make it work for a long time! Although my bookseller job is only my school part-time job, I don’t think I could ask for better. After 5 years I’ve definitely had my share of highs and lows, but in the end I stick it through because it’s worth it! I have every confidence that if this new job is the right one for you, the years will just fly and you’ll find your place in no time 🙂
Welcome back. 😉
Sounds like a big month for you! Glad you’re liking the job, even if it’s hard to get used to it. I need to start looking soon, I think, & am not sure where to begin!
I love how wonderfully life has been treating you! 🙂 Rock on, chickie!
I’m so excited about your new job. I can totally appreciate that you recognize The Honeymoon Phase, but I truly hope that it maintains a great deal of the magic it’s started with. 🙂
Sounds like a great month off. So happy for you about the new job and I would like to request a few outfit photos now 🙂
I LOVE Friends. I have watched the entire series start to finish at least 5 or 6 times. I pride myself on being able to quote Friends episodes for almost any occasion!