I’ve been using my CPAP machine for six months now, and I thought it was time to provide an update on how things are going. The short answer: Amazing! I love my CPAP machine so much. It has changed my life and while I hope that I don’t need to be on it long-term (weight loss could solve my sleep apnea, although that’s not a given), I am so glad it has brought so many positive changes. In fact, I now prefer to sleep with my mask because I know it’s going to ensure I get a good night’s rest and that I won’t wake up with a headache. (I almost always wake up with a headache when I don’t use my CPAP machine.)
Let’s dive into what’s been going well and what’s been a challenge over these last six months.
What’s been going well
Getting used to the mask
I was struggling with the mask in the post I wrote after one week on CPAP. I mentioned how it was pressing weirdly against my nose, causing skin irritation, and was genuinely awkward to sleep with. I’m happy to report that I have gotten used to the mask! I bought moisturizer that’s specific for CPAP patients, and I use it whenever I wake up with dry skin around my nose. It works like a charm! I don’t have to use it often, though, because my skin has gotten used to the mask and it doesn’t feel anywhere near as uncomfortable as it used to.
Improved energy levels
I started seeing improvements in my energy levels quickly. Even after just a week on the CPAP machine, I felt the difference. And those energy levels continue to improve! I no longer feel like I need to take a nap to get through the day. Now, I just take a nap because I genuinely love naps! Ha. What’s been amazing is that sometimes all I need is a quick, 30-minute power nap, which never used to do anything for me! I used to get really anxious if I was going to have a busy day where I knew I couldn’t take a nap, which is an awful feeling. I shouldn’t need a nap to make it through the day! But now a nap is just something I take if I feel like it, but it’s not a requirement to make it through the day.
Normal blood oxygen levels
The reason I did a sleep study in the first place is because I noticed that my blood oxygen levels (as measured by my Apple watch) were very low. Sometimes below 90%! I asked my mom to wear her Apple watch to bed one night because I wanted to see what her blood oxygen level was, and hers was 100%! So that’s when I knew there was a problem. It took a while for my blood oxygen levels to improve; I only started seeing normal numbers in the past few months, but I’m finally measuring with a normal level and that feels really good!
Sleeping like a baby*
*one of those magical babies who goes to sleep quickly and sleeps through the night
I sleep so well when I’m wearing my mask. I fall asleep quickly (usually within 10 minutes) and sleep deeply. My deep sleep measurement continues to improve, although I’m still not getting the recommended 90 minutes – 2 hours of deep sleep. I sleep so much better when I’m wearing my mask than when I’m not. I’ve gotten used to sleeping on my back (I used to be a stomach sleeper and I definitely miss those days!) and I think it helps that I can’t toss and turn into different positions throughout the night.
No more morning headaches
I used to wake up on a regular basis with a headache. I always thought it was because I grinded my teeth at night, but it was more likely due to the lack of oxygen my brain was getting when I was asleep. I’ve never woke up with a headache when I use my CPAP mask at night. It’s a pretty amazing improvement! It’s very nice to wake up refreshed and without my head pounding.
What’s still a challenge
My headgear
I’m supposed to replace my headgear (which is what connects the hose that delivers air to my mask) every four months or so, and the new headgear they gave me in January was different from what I was wearing originally. This new headgear is a little more awkward to use and I still wake up a few times a night to readjust it. It’s not annoying enough to do anything about, and I’m hoping I can get something different the next time it’s time for new headgear.
Being lazy about wearing the mask
I only need to wear the mask 21 days out of the month for insurance purposes, and most months I just barely reach that threshold. Even though I know I sleep better when I use my machine, there are so many nights when I decide I’ll go CPAP-free for the night. I just want to be able to sleep on my stomach and put my arms under my pillows and be less restricted! Ideally, the only day of the week I wouldn’t wear my mask would be the night after cleaning the equipment (since it needs time to dry), but this is a work in progress.
The price of using the machine
It is expensive to be a CPAP patient. Right now, I am still paying off the price of my machine. My insurance company paid a portion and I have to pay about $128 a month out of pocket until the machine is fully paid off. I also have to pay whenever I get new parts; those are not free! Again, insurance will pay a portion but I’m responsible for the difference. Having any sort of medical condition is very costly.
More apneas than I’d like
I was really happy with my apnea score at the beginning of CPAP therapy but lately, I’ve felt a little frustrated by the number. A normal apnea score is fewer than 5 events an hour and while my average for March is 4.6, there are some nights where I’m at 6 or 7 apneas an hour, which feels like a lot to have if I’m using the machine! It’s possible something may need to be adjusted, so it’s something I’m keeping my eye on to talk to my doctor about at some point.
Maintaining the equipment
It’s a bit of a pain to maintain the equipment. Once a week, I need to soak all of the parts (hose, headgear, mask, and humidifier tank) in warm, soapy water for at least 30 minutes, and then let it all air dry. Every morning, I need to dump out the humidifier tank with any remaining water and fill up the tank every evening. I also have to keep a jug of distilled water on hand at all times because I can’t use anything else in the humidifier. It’s not a lot of work, but it’s just an additional task in my life.
All in all, things are going really well with my CPAP therapy. I am more energized, sleeping better, and feeling more like a human. It was really hard to feel so tired all the time and think it was just a flaw with me: I wasn’t doing enough to get good sleep. I was lazy. Everyone is tired! Why should I feel like I’m special? Turns out, it was something more and now that my brain is getting the oxygen it needs throughout the night, surprise! I no longer feel exhausted every single day. It’s a really good feeling.
How is your sleep lately? Do you feel like you get enough sleep on a regular basis?
I get where you’re coming from about only using the mask for 21 days. You know you’ll sleep well if you use it, but I can see where you would need a night off to just sleep on your stomach. Hopefully some day that will be every night.
Sleep is such a crapshoot now. I’m not sure why, but I go through stages where my sleep is just terrible and nothing fixes it. Not even sleep meditations, which used to be my go to. I’m not sure what’s going on, but it sucks. However, I slept well last night so that’s all that matters.
This is all great news. I can’t imagine how horrible it was to wake up every morning with a headache and be tired all day! It does sound like an adjustment though- it would be hard for me to sleep on my back all night. But, you can get used to anything.
To answer your question… blerg. I’m working on my sleep, but in general I don’t think I get enough. Sleep really is important so I’m trying to make it a priority. I’ve gotten better, but sometimes I just don’t sleep well and I don’t know why. It’s frustrating. Anyway- glad you’re feeling so much better!
Okay…I did not realize that’s how much deep sleep we’re supposed to get each night. According to me Oura ring, but it’s a GOOD night if I get over an hour. Eeks. I have some work to do.
My husband uses a CPAP machine and hates it…but it really does help with apneas. Like you, the headgear and cord are what bug him the most. He never takes it with him when he travels, so he goes lots of days without it but always uses it at home.
He ran out of distilled water last night so guess what’s on our grocery shopping order!
That’s wonderful that the machine is working for you! Sleep is so important, I suffer from insomnia and my husband is a snorer (he’s had 2 sleep studies done, doesn’t have apnea so no CPAP indicated). Although we noticed he’s had some weight loss and he isn’t snoring as much.
Our Senior dog Cody keeps us up at night, all 3 of us seniors LOL. I’m still trying to get that elusive perfect amount of sleep.
I’m so very happy to hear that your blood oxygen numbers are up! I guess I don’t really understand how that works, I assumed that that number would improve on day 1 with your cpap. I guess I was thinking of the oxygen, rather than it being linked to sleep. Makes sense.
I go through periods where I do not sleep well at all. I used to be an excellent sleeper, then peri menopause threw me way off. Now if I don’t have alcohol (or have it earlier in the day) I sleep fine, but if I have it too late in the day or more than a glass or two, I start out OK but wake up at around 3 and toss and turn for the rest of the night. I guess my body doesn’t metabolize it as well as I used to.
I just love hearing how well you’re sleeping, that you are not needing (but still taking, love you!) naps as much, and that you wake up headache free. That makes me so happy. Solid sleep is so important.
Boo to taking care of all the parts and messes. Meh. LOL.
My sleep was bad last week! It’s better this week. I think it’s just a hormonal thing. I used to get enough sleep, but I think I will be an hour short each day with returning to the office full time. I have to get up super early to do that commute.
How amazing that your energy improved so much! This makes me so happy! What a great addition to your life and well-being; yes, it does sound like a bit of a pain at times and there is the maintenance/ cleaning involved, but I’m sure it’s well worth it. Both my dad and younger brother have CPAPS and they really helped them with sleep.
Yay! I’m so happy to hear that things are trending in the right direction. The expense of it all, though! CRAZY.
I should get 8-9 hours of sleep a night to feel well-rested, but I mostly get around 7. I don’t honestly remember what it was like to go through a day without longing for a nap. *sigh* Someday, right?