I recently discovered podcasts. It was probably five or six months ago that a blogger I read started one, which introduced me to the world of podcasting. After listening to her podcast, I started searching for other shows to listen to because I enjoyed it so, so much. And now podcasts are taking over my life! I can’t tell you how many times I say, “Oh, I heard about that on a podcast!” or “I was listening to a podcast and…” I listen to them when I’m getting ready, when I’m walking Dutch, when I’m exercising, when I’m driving, when I’m working, when I’m cooking, when I’m cleaning. They fulfill me.
So, I thought I would take today to go over some of my favorite podcasts, just in case you are looking for a new show to add to your queue.
> The Lively Show
This was the first podcast I ever listened to and it remains one of my favorites. It’s interview style where Jess interviews guests of all backgrounds. It’s not one type of niche, which I appreciate. One week it might be a life coach, the next it might be a financial expert, and the following it might be a food blogger. Jess does a fantastic job of moving the interview along, asking important questions, and digging in deep with her guests.
favorite show: Jess’s interview with Kelly Krause on how she lost 137 lbs (!)
> Joy the Baker
After a few weeks of listening to The Lively Show, I wanted to listen to more podcasts and I had heard of the Joy the Baker podcast before, so I began bingeing on that. Oh, guys, I love this podcast so much. It’s just so fun! It’s just two girls – Joy and Tracey – talking about random goings on. Every show is so different and I giggle my way through it. It’s upbeat and silly and just an altogether fun time. It’s basically like hanging out with your girlfriends!
favorite show: My Wheelhouse, where Joy and Tracey answer questions about blogging. It was really informative!
> Book Riot – The Podcast
GUYS. If you love books and reading, then you need to be listening to this podcast. I have Becky to thank for introducing me to this one, and it’s one of the few shows that I listen to the minute their newest episode comes available. I love the hosts, I love the content, and I love hearing about new books to read. Give it a listen!
favorite show: A Secret Bank of Uncomfortable Topics which delves into an interesting topic of author income and how most authors still have to work day jobs.
> The Jillian Michaels Show
And for this podcast, I have Amber to thank for introducing me! I’m a long-time fan of Jillian Michaels and she is so. much. different. on her podcast than she is portrayed on The Biggest Loser. Many people have “issues” with Jillian due to TBL, but this podcast has given me so much insight into Jillian the Person, not Jillian the Trainer. She talks about health and fitness (obviously), but also her marriage and kids, mental health, and just day-to-day stories about her life.
favorite show: This one where Jillian gives some really awesome insight into her Biggest Loser persona and how it has affected her personal life
> Stuff Mom Never Told You
This is a really interesting podcast that delves into a range of topics, all focused on women and feminism. I love the hosts so, so much. They are funny and make up the best voices and I am rarely ever bored listening to their show. They cover everything from women explorers to parenting to gaming to body issues to wellness. They even cover men-centric topics, like single-dad parenting, men and cars, male grooming, etc. I mean, honestly, if you are a woman (or a man, too, I guess!) and just interested in learning, this podcast is for you!
favorite show: Antarctic Women where the ladies delve into how hard it has been for Antarctic women explorers to get to the continent
> Stuff You Should Know
You can learn about basically anything on this podcast. History of sushi? Daylight Savings Time? Amnesia? Landslides? Fire breathing? Chess? Revisionist history? Handwriting analysis? Seriously, anything. I also adore Josh and Chuck – they have such a fun vibe and I love the way they joke throughout the podcast. Again, interested in learning? Listen to this podcast.
favorite show: How Temper Tantrums Work
> Freakonomics Radio
I love the news-y feel to this podcast, which is hosted by one of the authors of the book Freakonomics. I haven’t actually read the book, but now I really want to after listening to this podcast for a few months. It basically just dives into different topics to open listeners’ minds up to new ways of thinking. I also think I could listen to Stephen Dubner’s voice for hours and hours. It’s so soothing!
favorite show: Failure Is Your Friend
Do you listen to podcasts? What are your favorites?
I was really into podcasts this spring but haven’t been listening as much lately because work has been so busy! I LOVE Joy the Baker’s though!
I’ve never listened to a podcast but these all sound really interesting and like something I would want to listen to, rather than what I think of a podcast as (preachy, boring, etc.)
Thanks for sharing!
I have never listened to a podcast before! I am definitely interested in check out some on your list, especially Joy the Baker and Jillian Michaels!
The only podcast I listen to regularly is the Jillian Michaels Show, but you’re right, I just love it! It has made me really like JM and now I don’t have as much of a hate on for her when I’m doing her workouts! Haha
Have I already recommended Books on the Nightstand to you? I don’t know…they are more subdued than the Book Riot hosts (who I love) but I like that it’s not a news show. They just talk about a couple different reading-related topics and then recommend two books. They have great taste (both work for Random House) and I’ve really grown to love them. Plus it’s only 30 minutes long so very easy to keep up with!
Yes! So glad you love the Book Riot podcasts! Sometimes I get frustrated that they’re only once a week!
I’d also recommend the Sarah R Bagley podcast – she talks about how she’s a recovering perfectionist and she interviews a different person each week. Yours truly even made an appearance on there! 🙂
I actually have only listened to one podcast in my life! It was the podcast when Becky was interviewed so it was cool to listen to that. I think if I was in my car more, I would put podcasts on my phone to listen to, but I don’t spend much time in the car anymore… And my commutes are so short that it doesn’t make sense to try to listen to them on my 4 minute bike ride to work. But I can see the appeal of listening to them – and the book one sounds awesome!
Thanks for the recommendations! I used to listen to podcasts a lot when I lived in South Korea while I walked to work, rode the bus, etc. Now that I’m not a full-time pedestrian and have a car, I usually just put the radio on by default. This post has encouraged me to start listening to podcasts again!
Gahhhhh, now I just added a whole bunch of new podcasts to my listening list! My favorites right now are Smart Passive Income, The Suitcase Entrepreneur and The Lively Show!