Oh, twenty-five.
I will always remember twenty-five.
Twenty-five was the year I quit a job I hated to start my writing career.
Twenty-five was the year I understood the power of girlfriends and finding your tribe.
Twenty-five was the year I started owning the person I am. The girl who covets early bedtimes, fiercely protects her alone time, and doesn’t apologize for her insane love of reading and cruises and dachshunds.
Twenty-five was the year I parasailed in Grand Cayman and ran around the streets of Cozumel in a pseudo-Amazing Race, interacting with locals and getting an authentic Mexican experience.
Twenty-five was the year I bought my first car and started standing on my own two feet, financially.
Twenty-five was the year I met a really great guy and laid my heart on the line for him. It was also the year I experienced a broken heart and still imagine what could have been.
Twenty-five was the year I began accepting the fact that my mom found love and accepting his place in our family.
Twenty-five was the year I didn’t lose the weight, didn’t get that tattoo, didn’t write that novel, didn’t get out of debt… but it was still a beautiful, crazy, wonderful year.
I enjoyed this past year so much. I learned so much over the past twelve months, about myself, about what I want from my life, about where I see my life going. I’m at this place in my life, now 26, and realizing it’s not turning out the way I envisioned it would, but that doesn’t make it any less amazing. A birthday always makes me nostalgic, and the fact that my birthday falls during a time when I’m already looking back upon my year and making plans for what I want to happen in the coming one makes me very introspective.
Plus, I’m participating in the Holiday Council again – so I am definitely in full-on soul-seeking, goal-setting, dream-envisioning mode!
And so, I’d like to talk about a few lessons I learned in my 25th year*, as well as my hopes for 26.
Lessons Learned at 25
1. Nobody deserves to be stuck in a crappy job.
My last job was awful. While I had wonderful coworkers, they were the only reason I stuck around for as long as I did. I had a terrible boss (different from my immediate one, who was amazing in all sorts of ways) who was condescending, forgetful, and made me cry more than once. The work environment was volatile and I am just so glad I was able to find my way out of that job… and into a job that is a billion times better. I am so happy at my new company. The lesson to be learned, if you are unhappy with where you are working, do your damnedest to get out of it. It took me a year to find this job so it may take a while, but find your way out. It can be done.
2. You will never regret laying your heart on the line.
I find it easy to be vulnerable and open on my blog, but it is incredibly hard for me to do so in real life. It’s hard to talk about my feelings out loud. But this year, I did this in a big way and sure, it didn’t work out and I still wonder if I came on too strong, but honestly? I am so proud of myself for stepping up and opening myself up, even when my heart was pounding through my chest and I wanted to throw up. The lesson to be learned, even when things don’t work out and possibly explode in front of your face, laying your heart on the line and being vulnerable to another person is so worth it.
3. You need girlfriends to get through life.
I’ve gone through the majority of my life without setting down roots with close girlfriends. I think it partly comes from not having good, supportive friends growing up so it was just easier to not put effort into making friends. It felt safer. But this year has shown me how amazing it is to have supportive girlfriends who want to help you through life. They make you feel good when you’re around them. They can laugh with you and understand your awkwardness and they don’t make you feel bad about yourself. I’ve made wonderful girlfriends locally, and have strengthened the bonds I’ve made through friends I met through blogging. You all mean so much to me and have helped me through so much. The lesson to be learned is that finding the girlfriends who get you is possible. I didn’t think it was, and sure, some of those friends are located hundreds of miles away, but distance doesn’t matter when it comes to finding your tribe.
My Hopes for 26
1. I want to be healthy.
We’re not going to talk about how this is my major goal every year, but here it is again. I want this year to be the year I really cultivate healthy habits – from the way I eat to the way I move to my emotional well-being. I found a picture of me from when I was at my thinnest and it just motivated me so much to get back there. I want to be happy when I look in the mirror. I want to be proud of my reflection. I don’t want to feel the way I feel anymore. It doesn’t feel good.
2. I want to strengthen my connections.
While I worked hard to strengthen the friendships around me this past year, I want to do better in the upcoming year. I still have a tendency to draw inward and to protect myself by not putting myself out there. And sometimes, I’m just lazy and I don’t feel like going out, even when I need to. In this next year, I want to work harder at being social and saying yes, even when I want to say no.
3. I want to be a better money manager.
I want to get myself out of credit card debt, start working towards getting my student loans paid off, and finally move out on my own. All three things are capable of happening, as long as I am smart about managing my money. I’ve never been great at my finances, it’s a point of contention for me, but I really want to be at the right place where I can move out and be on my own (my biggest goal for this upcoming year!). It won’t be fun or easy, but it is completely doable.
Twenty-five was a great year for me. So many good things happened and as long as I put in the time and effort, I know I can make twenty-six even better.
What is one life lesson you’ve learned over the past year?
*Yes, yes, yes. I know this past year was actually my 26th year. But I’m still calling it my 25th year because this is my blog and I can do what I want. SO. THERE.
This is fantastic Stephany! I hope you are so proud of yourself! You are such a beautiful person and I love that you are taking stock of what a great year you had and reviewing lessons learned, and setting goals for next year. Hugs!
Wow, what a great year Stephany! I remember having a wonderful 25th year as well. It must be something about that number.
I’m also on a mission to get out of debt next year. Do you read personal finance blogs? I just started subscribing to some and I feel like reading them has gotten me really motivated to pay off my debt! They also give me really good ideas how to do so, plus it’s nice to know I’m not alone when it comes to having debt. Let me know if you want some recommendations on PF blogs!
Cheers to a great quarter century! Cheers to the next!
This past year I learned that I can’t ignore the truth for forever even if I wanted to.
You definitely learned a lot of lessons in your last year! Life may not look like you pictured it looking, but it’s great that you can still be thankful for the life you’ve created. I have tried to stop having these ideas of where I should be at at each age because it tends to lead to disappointment and some of the things I envision (marriage, kids, etc) are out of my control really!
In the past year I have learned how important it is to have a strong support system. I knew this all along, but I REALLY realized it in the past year.
I love this post and (if I remember it in July) might just have to steal it. Thanks for sharing so much of your life this year. It’s been fun to watch you process, grow and learn.
I love this a lot. You had a really great year, by the looks of it! The one thing I learned this year was a biggie: I am not my anxiety. I am not defined by it or controlled by it. It’s still there, but it’s just something I have to deal with.
I think you had an amazing year!! Hope 26 is equally as amazing for you!
With being healthy, it’s one of those things that is honestly REALLY hard and if your natural inclination is to be not healthy (trust me mine definitely is! I much prefer sleeping or being lazy or eating delicious unhealthy food over good food) you have to really work at it. I really let myself go with eating over the summer and fall and now that I’m back to tracking on MyFitnessPal and trying to get it back in check it’s HARD. I have to think about it all the time and it’s a lot of work. So just be willing to put in that work, and don’t expect results immediately, and you’ll be fine! It’s also a lifelong process. I went on my first healthy living “journey” SIX years ago this coming January and I still find myself struggling with it from time to time and getting to points like right now where I need to recheck myself because I’ve let myself go way too much.
Good luck! Email me anytime if you want to talk about it. Healthy Living definitely does not come naturally to me!
These are great reflections and I am so glad you had such an amazing year! I’ll be 25 in January and I hope my 25 is as good as yours was! 🙂
I, too, get all nostalgic and retrospective when my birthday comes around. Mine is also in November, but 25th. This year also marked my first year at my current and first serious job. ever! While it’s not my dream job, I learned to be grateful for it; I learned that I really need to start living for more than for the week to end so the weekend can begin; I learned that if I don’t journal something regularly I get a bit lost; I learned that I need good, captivating, I-need-to-stay-still-while-I-am-reading-this books to be OK, or else… ; I learned the importance of good & friendly people at work. I learned a few more, but these are just some. Honestly, while I don’t get that excited about getting older, I am excited about what I will be able to learn during the coming year.
Wow this was such a big year for you!! I really LOVE this post. It’s been awesome to watch you grow through your twenties. I have a good feeling about 26!
I love this post! 25 seemed like one hell of a year for you, and I’m sure you’ll rock 26 as well. Learning the power of having great girlfriends is something I’ve been (re?)learning this year, too. You don’t know how important and awesome it is to have that until you do. And as always, I hear you on the money management; that’s something I’ll be addressing specifically in an upcoming blog post!
Happy Birthday! I love the feeling of coming into your own. Seems you’re really starting to feel that 🙂
“2. You will never regret laying your heart on the line.”
I love that. It’s not easy in the slightest bit, but no matter what, so worth it. 25 was really good to you I think. What a crazy year it’s been 🙂
Happy (belated) birthday once again girly <3