I knew this semester was going to be jam-packed, busy, and test every level of strength I possessed. What I didn’t know was how much it would try to break me.
I’m not good at managing my time. This is not a new fact for me. The truth is, I’d much rather spend my time blogging, catching up my DVR-ed shows, and sleeping than doing actual work. It’s the lazy American in me, you could say.
I managed fairly well, working a part-time job and going to school full-time, last semester. I managed to scrape by with A’s and an almost-A and didn’t feel as if my entire world was caving in at all. The last few weeks were intense but I managed.
I still have another two months to go and I’ve already had my fair share of cry-my-eyes-out meltdowns. My mom has witnessed way too many of these and I’m not a very nice person when these occur. I throw out F-bombs, snap at her for no reason, and just get ugly. It’s not pretty.
But I’m going to make it through this semester. I’m going to succeed, even if success comes in the form of a barely-passable C-.
In order to succeed, I need to put my priorities together. The only way I am going to make it through this semester without going crazy is by figuring out the placement of everything in my life.
Obviously, school must come first. I’m in the process of figuring out what I have due for the rest of the semester in all my classes and making sure I have a timeline to complete it all. The biggest thing weighing on my mind is a 16-page magazine I have to create from scratch. Original images, original designs, and original stories. I’ve come to realize design is not my forte and I know this magazine won’t be the best in the class. But I just want to create it for me and to be happy with my work – even if my professor isn’t.
Second on the list is my health. I’m on the Weight Watchers program and lost three pounds my first week. I want to keep my health in check and know this is the one thing in my life that I can control, even if everything else in my life is going to the crapper. And I know by eating healthy, drinking water, and exercising, I will keep my body happy. And a happy body means a happy mind, right?
Third on the list is my relationship with God. I need to fall back in love with Jesus and I need Him to help me make it through these days. I know I’m just going to falter if I try to do this on my own. And I need His help with the magazine I’m going to produce. I’m trying out a new small group on Sunday and I’m hoping this one works for me. I really have tried so many small groups that I just don’t enjoy, people-wise. I want to feel comfortable and I want my relationship with God to deepen through it.
Sitting lower on my list of priorities are my social life, blogging life, and job. My job isn’t something I’m willing to give up. After this semester, it should be smooth sailing for my last two semesters of college. And I want to keep my job throughout it. I love where I work and even if the pay is crappy, it’s better than no job. My social life is laughable so let’s not even talk about it. Suffice it to say, I know I need down time but those times will be few and far between for the next two months.
But blogging. I love blogging. I love writing blogs and reading posts. I love commenting and finding out I have new people reading my blog. And it hurts to know it’s going to have to go on the back burner for the next few months. My goal is to aim for 1-2 blog posts a week and keep up with my Google Reader as much as possible. But I do need to step away from the obsession I have over blogging until school has calmed down. Am I happy about it? No. But it’s necessary.
I’m already counting down the days until May. It’s going to be a rough, crazy, stressful two months but I will make it through. And I will succeed. Anyway, thanks for listening.
3 Pounds!!!!!! That's great!!!!!!! I only lost 0.2 this week but considering I ate half a bag (and yes, the big bag) of M&M's last night, I'd say it's a victory! Don't know if that'll show up next week though….Damn M&M's and their tasty, chocolatey deliciousness! I've been sick since Thursday and I just said FUCK IT! I want me some melt in your mouth not in your hand goodness!
3 pounds is awesome. I think time management is an ongoing lesson to be learned. Your goals sound great and I know you'll succeed, Stephany. Take good care of yourself.
I've been there/am there now, and I'm sure you'll do whatever you need to in order to get through it. Complaining is a must, at least for me, but the awesome thing is that there is an end in sight!
been there. done that.
i love your blog. i wish you can write more.
I remember having a few really rough semesters during my college years. There are so many pressures and so many things pulling you in so many directions. It's no wonder you reached your breaking point. I wish you luck. You'll get through the next few months, especially now that you have your priorities in order. Just remember, all you can do is your personal best! Some days that means getting 100s and other days that means 80s. My dad always used to say that to me when I was pressuring myself too much, lol!
Congratulations on losing three pounds already. What a great start for you!
I support your endeavors, but I gotta say, I'll miss ya.
Congrats on losing three LBs! I hope you keep it up!
Also, I just found out I might be in Florida in October, so I may just show up on your door step for family game night!
I love the new layout of your blog. And I see you got rid of Disquis. What made you decide to nix it?
I totally understand your frustration. I promise you I'm going through the same thing, and would much rather be reading, writing, blogging, and watching my favorite shows. However, I'm not so sure our problems lead to the same conclusions, because, you know, we're two different people with two different life purposes. I don't know if you were listing these in any particular order, but if so, maybe it would help if you put God above all, made Him your number one priority. Nothing could fail for you then with the two of you working together. Hope you everything works out for you, and good luck! ๐
You totally WILL succeed and we will all be here waiting when you come back to blogging. Good luck with everything, love! XO
I'm glad you're still going to make time for blogging – you need something you enjoy when life gets crazy (plus I would miss you!)
Let me know if I can help in any way with your magazine? I'm in design and if I could make things a little easier for you somehow let me know ๐
What is your magazine going to be about? Maybe you could tie it to blogging so then you'd get the BEST OF BOTH WORLDS!!! Good luck!
The awesome thing about bloggers is most of us completely understand (and are very supportive)when someone needs to step away for a while. Go out and conquer the world, we'll all be here waiting to hear about it when you get back. =)
*huge hugs* You will get there! I promise! God wouldn't have you do this if you couldn't handle it, just keep telling yourself that!
yet another layout! i love this one too. as creepy as this may sound, i have a big sisterly reaction to you and your posts your tweets. haha. i feel kinda protective.
now that i've scared ya, wanted to say I'm proud of you and am rooting on the sidelines for you! good luck
It's good for you to prioritize, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE remember that God should not be third in your life. He should be your number one priority. He is why you are alive, why you continue to live, and where you future is going. Everything else–school, work, even family, should come a distant second to serving God. Your life's purpose is not to serve yourself by doing well in school and getting a great career. Your life's purpose is to serve God. School and careers are means to sustain life in order to allow you to serve Him. Christ told people to leave their families, jobs, and even dead loved ones in order to follow Him.
"Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."
-Matthew 10:37-39
It's really hard to keep everything straight – you're a busy girl! But you're working so hard and in the end it will all pay off. In the meantime, blog as little or as much as you like and can fit in, and I will always come read you :o)
PS: LOVE the new design. Did you figure out your stats problems that you tweeted the other day? May need to re-add Analytics code to the new header if you haven't already…
Sounds like you have so many exciting things going on!
For what it's worth, what has really helped me is working in bursts- I'll do a ton of school work in a short period of time and then be able to walk away for a while. It helps me to know that I'm able to really live my real life too.
And after feeling too easily stressed, upset and off balance, I've started doing my bible study when I get home from work every day before dinner. I can never make time for it in the morning and when I need quiet time is when I get home. It has been really helpful it getting me into a more relaxed and quiet place where I can focus on what needs to get done without feeling harassed by everything =)
Good luck! I barely remember anything from my last semester at all. I sleepwalked through so much of it. You're nearly there!
Congrats on the 3 pound weight loss! I think it's a good idea to re-prioritize and lower your expectations for blogging. I love blogging and its definitely my stress release time but there are days where I just don't have time ๐ Good luck, only a couple of more months!
Congratulations on the 3 pound loss! ๐ We're all be here for you even if you blog once a week. I used to be so good at the time management thing but I think as I'm getting older I'm losing my mind.
For me I printed off my class outlines & colour code highlighted when a week has passed (pink), assignment missed (purple), and assignment done (green) & stuck it to the wall next to my desk. Its nice to have that visual reminder instead of holding it in my head all the time.
And as for the magazine, I'd say you have 16 pages worth of stories right here in this blog. I wouldn't stress out about writing new, original stories, esp. if you don't necessarily have the time. All the content on here is yours, and original, isn't it? Bingo, shortcut! (Or you could make your blog wedding themed and just have 14 pages of wedding dress ads. It'd be realistic, at least!)
Prioritizing is so hard. Looks like you got a lot on your plate. I hope you find a little time to relax. It seems everyone is busy lately. Must be the time of year? I actually have jury duty! Can you believe that? Try to have some fun in between all of that. ๐
Yup; reading this post has felt like reading a page in my diary. (If I kept a diary, that is.) ๐
Priorities, time management, falling back in love with Jesus, balancing it all…
Oy vey.
Well, we keep on keepin' on, and eventually we'll get it right ๐ (The learning's in the journey, am I right?!)
– Abbie ๐
Good luck! And I'll keep you in my prayers… Just hang in there!
Keeping priorities straight takes a lot of work. It feels like it's so easy to lose focus.
I love how you know exactly what you want to do with your life at any one time. The great self motivation and directional focus that sometimes I feel I really lack. Best of luck with EVERYTHING and keep us posted, eh? ๐
I am also so glad you have stuck to blogging. ๐ You are one busy lady… it will all pay off sooner then you know.
Yup; reading this post has felt like reading a page in my diary. (If I kept a diary, that is.) ๐
Priorities, time management, falling back in love with Jesus, balancing it all…
Oy vey.
Well, we keep on keepin' on, and eventually we'll get it right ๐ (The learning's in the journey, am I right?!)
– Abbie ๐
been there. done that.
i love your blog. i wish you can write more.
3 Pounds!!!!!! That's great!!!!!!! I only lost 0.2 this week but considering I ate half a bag (and yes, the big bag) of M&M's last night, I'd say it's a victory! Don't know if that'll show up next week though….Damn M&M's and their tasty, chocolatey deliciousness! I've been sick since Thursday and I just said FUCK IT! I want me some melt in your mouth not in your hand goodness!