Complete honesty? I had no fricken idea what goals I set for myself in August. I knew I had challenged myself to work out 31 times, but my other four goals? No clue! So it’s not very surprising that I didn’t do too well this month. I’m going to try to be better at tracking my progress throughout the month and doing weekly check-ins with myself to hopefully stay on task! But, alas, let’s recap August goals and set new intentions for September, shall we?
Recapping August goals…
Purge my closet and come up with my capsule wardrobe. PASS. I went through a huge closet purge in early August, getting rid of almost half my clothes! It was so needed and I feel so much better with what’s left. Only the clothes I really love made the cut. I made a list of my ideal capsule wardrobe, and I’ll be slowly adding new items to my wardrobe that more closely fit my style.
Work out 31 times. FAIL. I worked out 25 times in August. That’s still pretty darn good, though!
Complete the 28-Day Food Change Challenge. FAIL. Oh, I wanted this program to be a success for me, but for some reason, I just couldn’t make it work in the way I needed it to. I’ve got all the paperwork, though, so maybe sometime in the future, I can try it again.
Leave my credit card at home. FAIL. Super fail. This was not a success at all.
Stay away from fast food. FAIL. I just couldn’t quit Chick-Fil-A this month, I ate it maybe four different times. Darn!
In September, I want to…
Start using MyFitnessPal again. I complain about the monotony of tracking what I eat, but it’s one of the best ways to keep me focused on healthy eating. If I want to lose weight, I need to track!
Save 20% of my income. September is going to be a rather spendy month since I have three birthdays to celebrate. But I’m going to try to be strict with saving 10% of each of my paychecks, so I can watch that savings account of mine grow.
Go to bed by 9:30. I’ve been very lax on my bedtime lately, and I’m only getting around 6 hours of sleep a night. That is not enough for me! I need to really make a 9:30 bedtime a priority because proper sleep is an important part of healthy living.
Write 10,000 words in my novel. That amounts to about 2,000 words per weekend. Doable! I really need to be more motivated with my fiction writing.
Visit two new-to-me restaurants. I’m in a food rut – especially when it comes to eating out – so I’d like to visit two new-to-me restaurants this month and stretch my food comfort zones a bit. This goal also goes hand-in-hand with my Tampa Bay Project, as one of my goals on that list is to visit 10 non-chain restaurants in the area. A win-win!
What is your biggest intention for September? Mine is eating healthy 80% of the time!
I think 25 workouts is definitely great! I fit in 31 but it was challenging as I was gone one weekend and had a busy month in general. I’m doing one more 30 in 30 month and then will give myself a break after that and focus on getting 5 workouts in.
Someone did a post asking about 2014 goals and I had to go back and re-read mine as I did not remember what I had set for goals so I know the feeling of not really checking in on how you are doing… Besides the 30 in 30 goal, I don’t have too many specific intentions. But when I think about it, something I’d like to work on is saying no to more things as I’ve been over-loading my schedule. I’m not getting enough sleep so couple that with a busy schedule and it makes for an even more over-tired Lisa. Plus Phil and I have not had enough one-on-one tab as we both tend to say yes to a lot of things so I want us to carve out more alone time this month.
I can’t remember where exactly you live, but you need to check out Ciccio Cali. It’s delicious and fresh and healthy – 38th and 4th.
25 workouts is more than I did, but I’m going a couple different 30 day challenges this month, so hopefully I’ll be able to get more on the ball (although I didn’t do last nights, so I think I’m doing yesterday’s when I get home, and tonight’s an hour later). I think I’m making my September goal to smile more.
Can we be MFP buddies? I seriously need someone to keep me accountable because I HATE tracking my food. It’s the only thing that works! I’ve gained close to 10lbs in the last couple months and it’s definitely because of my food choices. I think tracking on MFP was one of my August goals that I failed miserably at. I don’t really remember my goals either – this month was a whirlwind and so busy. I haven’t even thought about September yet!!
Maybe we can try a new restaurant when we meet up in a few weeks? I’m up for whatever works for you (and our budgets, of course) =)
25 workouts is awesome; any number of workouts is better than no workouts.
I don’t really have any September goals; keep up my workouts and work on more cardio balanced with my strength training. Enjoy the trip that we are taking soon (FLORIDA!) even though it’s for work for my hubs and I’ll be working remotely for 3 or 4 days of the trip and then otherwise relax. I still feel like I’m so go-go-go lately…!
I have no goals for September, shame on me! Really, I’m a horrible goal-setter, so I’m amazed (and impressed) that you can set all these goals for yourself and put a pretty good dent in accomplishing them!
Maybe my goal for this month will be to practice more yoga. Since I started playing slo-pitch on the weekends my body is just TIGHT during the week. Some nice, gentle yoga stretches should help that!
You can do it, you can do it!
My biggest goal for September is to not stress out. There are so many changes happening and soon it’ll be easy for me to freak out and I just want to remember not to. To sit, organize and asses before jumping ship, ha. Also, to cut back on the brownies, because sweet mercy are they delicious.
25 workouts in a month is NOT a fail at all! haha. Visiting new restaurants is a must for me…it’s all about traveling in your own city!
My goal for September is all job related–I’m on the hunt again (or shall I say prowl?).
September is super busy for me between work stuff and gearing up to head to San Francisco at the end of the month. The busy-ness of life has really made me fall off the healthy eating train and the tracking my food train so I’d like to get back into that as I know I feel better when I do it. Other than that my only real goal for September is to survive!
Personally, I feel that only visiting Chick-fil-a 4 times a month is a win. Considering I’ve probably eaten there …. four times a week … in the last month …. 🙂
I am SUCH a closet purger. Sometimes I feel like I might over-purge so then I save a few items just in case. The truth is in the last two years or so my style has drastically changed and I can feel it because I always gravitate towards the same items. Now that I’m working and making a good amount of money I’ve allowed myself to slowly start adding a few new items and that makes me very happy. More purging of old clothes to come for me too!