Okay, guys, I have to come clean. I did terrible on my May goals. Is it just me or did this month fly by? It’s like I blinked and suddenly, it was the end of May. I can’t believe today is already the first of June! What? Are we seriously nearing the midpoint of 2018? I cannot handle any of this.
In any event, here’s what I hoped to accomplish in May:
1) Lose the cruise weight. Um, nope. I lost a pound! So, I mean, at least the scale dipped down and not up for me. There’s that, right? It was really hard to get back on track after the cruise, especially since I was sick for two weeks. Ah, well.
2) Make a file on my computer with my mom and stepdad’s engagement and wedding pictures. What do you think? NOPE.
3) Email two therapists. I bookmarked the name of one therapist. Does that count?
4) Write 1,500 words a week in my novel. COMPLETE. The one goal I managed to accomplish this month. Every time I hit a rough spot in my novel, I want to throw in the towel, and that happened more than a few times this month. But having this tiny goal helped me to continue to move along in my novel. It’s all about that shitty first draft, you know?
5) Go on a spending freeze for the rest of May. I forgot I even set this goal, oops. I don’t think my spending was out of control in May – I think I spent maybe $5 on books and bought a $5 makeup item. It’s really my food budget that I need to figure out more than anything else. I spend so much money on food!
6) Take my car in for a checkup. Okay, I didn’t complete this goal either, but I did that on purpose, ha. My car still has a good 500 miles before it’s due for an oil change, so I’m pushing this goal off until July.
*hangs head in shame* So it wasn’t a super successful month for me. Womp. Let’s try again with my June goals:
1) Lose 5 lbs. I know, I know. I shouldn’t set an arbitrary weight loss number but instead focus on making better, healthier choices. Alas, I like having a number to strive for so I’m going to spend June chasing after a 5-lb weight loss.
2) Make a file on my computer with my mom and stepdad’s engagement and wedding pictures. Well, maybe the sixth month of this being on my goals list will be the charm. Maybe!
3) Make a therapy appointment. I really hope I don’t have to transfer this goal to my July list. Say a prayer for me, will ya?
4) Write 2,000 words a week in my novel. I’m upping my novel writing game this month by 500 words. I can knock out 1,500 during my weekly writing date with M., and then I’m going to try to find time during the week to knock out the other 500 words. I really need to get myself on a better writing schedule with my novel, so this is my small way of implementing that.
5) Spend less than $150 on eating out/entertainment. This is going to be difficult, but I really need to be careful about my spending habits when it comes to eating out/entertainment. I just really like drive-thrus and Pub subs and not having to cook my own meals. But I also like saving money and not carrying a balance on my credit card so, Steph, you gotta make some sacrifices.
6) Spend an afternoon at my pool. Let’s round out this list with an easy, fun goal for June: going to the pool. I want to spend an afternoon just dipping in and out of the water, reading a good book, and enjoying the sunshine. Fingers crossed it’ll be kinda quiet; the last time I was there, there was a huge group of people having some kind of raucous party. And yes, I am 85 years old, why do you ask?
Do you have any goals for June?
Linking up with Feel Good, Dress Better’s Small Goals linkup.
I think it’s hard to achieve things during a month that includes a big vacation. It often takes awhile to hit my groove again when I get back. Here’s hoping June is a better month for you!
I’m nearing the end of my maternity leave so need to focus on my mat leave goals. I brought a box of clothes up from storage this week and went through them but there are 2 more boxes I need to go through. I also need to finish washing out the cupboards in our kitchen but I think I need to do this on a weekend when Phil is around to watch Paul because it’s tough to get things done during his naps since I never know how long he will nap!
It was definitely hard to get back into my normal groove after my vacation, especially since I was sick for most of the month when I returned. Ahh.
I can’t believe your maternity leave is almost over! The time just flew by. Are you ready to be back at work, or are you dreading it?
I think your one pound loss is great! Forward progress!
And yes, I will be thinking of you and that you make that therapy appointment! That is so important! Having a name to look up is a great start.
My goal is to survive the month! Ha ha, really though, we have a lot going on so it’s to try to not get to overwhelmed/turn in to super b*tch Kim. And to not gain any weight with all the social stuff we have going on!
Thank you! I still have not made the therapy appointment, but I have a goal to email a therapist this weekend. I can do it!
I know June is nearly over (howwww), but I hope you are surviving the month! It’s so hard to eat healthy when there is so many social events on your calendar. It’s something I always struggle with!
I wish I knew someone with a pool…. I need to befriend someone with a pool… haha 🙂
Good luck with your goals. I know you can accomplish whatever you (really!) put your mind to 😉
Haha – the one upside to living in an apartment is that there is always a pool to enjoy! It would be nicer if it was my own private pool, but alas, I’ll take what I can get.
Same on not wanting to go to the pool when there are other people there making noise or having any sort of fun. I want peaceful, reflective time with a book, and not getting splashed or smacked with balls by children or adults. Three cheers for being grumpy old women!
Yessss. I think that’s why I rarely go to my pool, even though I love spending time in one! I have Friday afternoons free, so I may try to go then when it may not be as crowded.
Hope your june goals go well for you! My main goal for June is to finish my yoga challenge. I am about 1.5 weeks into it and have about 1.5 weeks to go. It has been a big commitment and meant giving up a lot of my “me” time when Olivia is in bed at night or napping (though going to yoga is definitely still me time of course) but it’s also been nice to be getting so much yoga in!
I totally understand what you’re saying about the “me time” conundrum. I’ve never looked at exercise as “me time,” personally, because I feel like I’m so focused and have to be “on” in a sense. And maybe because I just don’t LOVE exercising as much as other people, sigh. But I’m glad you’re getting back into yoga and having some time to reconnect with yourself after having Olivia!