Time I woke up: 7:00 a.m. A “sleep in” day!
First thing I did upon waking: Lots of snuggling with the cats! Eloise was sleeping in the middle of my bed, which she hasn’t been doing lately, so I gave her lots of pets and told her how happy I was that she slept with me. And then because I was giving her so much attention, Lila jumped up on the bed to get petted and loved on, which I was very happy to oblige. Then I played the day’s Wordle (got it in 4).
Today’s weather: It was a pretty nice day today – sunny with a high of 81F. When I woke up, it was in the upper 60s and that was such a delightful surprise!
Something I spent money on today: $25 to restock the cats’ treats. They got a huge new carton of chicken-flavored Temptations as well as a new carton of tuna-flavored Greenies.
An out-of-the-ordinary thing that happened today: My apartment is right off a very busy highway and my desk faces this highway. Today, there was an undercover cop in a black truck parked on the highway who was pulling people over left and right for speeding. I counted 7 instances of the cop pulling people over in the span of a few hours. It was crazy!
Last thing I read (not on the Internet): Delilah Green Doesn’t Care by Ashley Herring Blake. This book is so stinkin’ cute.
Last thing I read (on the Internet): NGS’ blog post about what she wears during the spring to walk her dog. 🙂
Last text I sent: I sent my mom a picture of my bubble bath with three hands-up emojis. (I haven’t been able to take a bubble bath in two weeks thanks to my stitches. I got them out today and I’m so happy to have bubble baths back in my life!)
Last text I received: “Lol. If they’re made right.” From our book club group chat. We were talking about pizza in preparation for our frozen pizza taste test. (Our resident vegetarian Mikaela was talking about how Pizza Hut pepperoni was the hardest meat she had to give up, hehe.)
Last website I visited: Google. I was trying to figure out if there was a better descriptor for the highway I live off. (Aside from the actual name of it, of course; I just wasn’t sure if there was a better way to describe it.)
Last show I watched: My weekly episode of The Office so I can listen to today’s episode of Office Ladies when it drops!
Last thing I said: “Am I bugging you?” I said this to Ellie as I turned on the kitchen sink to wash some dishes. She was laying on a stack of reusable shopping bags near the kitchen sink. (The answer is yes because she immediately jumped down.)
Last thing I ate: A loaded baked potato! One of my favorite meals. (I add butter, cheese, bacon, and sour cream.)
What I was doing an hour ago: I was FaceTiming with my mom. We ended up chatting for 40 minutes!
What I will be doing an hour from now: Hopefully, I will be sound asleep. Or else I will be reading or listening to ASMR videos on YouTube.
Current whereabouts of other members of my household: Both cats are just moseying around the apartment and occasionally, one will try to pounce on the other. It’s their usual nighttime routine. 🙂
One thing I crossed off my to-do list today: I finally mopped the dining room and kitchen! That’s been on my to-do list for a week, I think. Oof.
*Snapshot of My Day inspired by Torrie
These snapshots of a day are fun. I really should do one sometime to record what life is like in this stage!
At first I read the three hands-up emoji to be ‘three hands” up. I was thinking – what in the world? 3 hands? And then I realized you meant 3 emojis, not an emoji with 3 hands. Hee hee.
You should definitely do one! I think it would be so interesting to read yours!
I meant to go back and figure out if I was using the emoji term correctly, lol, but I forgot.
I haven’t had a bubble bath in God only knows how long. I always shower! And now where I’m living I don’t have a choice because it’s a standing shower without a tub. I think the last time I even took a bath was several years ago on vacation in the mountains, LOL. But one of my like-to-haves if I’m ever able to buy a house in this wretched market is to have a separate tub and shower. 🙃
One of my must-haves ALWAYS is a bathtub. Once, I even put it in the hotel notes that I wanted a room with a tub because I knew I was going to be walking a lot and would want to take a hot bubble bath at the end of the day. Ha! Bubble baths are my FAVE.
I always say I’m going to do this post – I love it!
I hope you do! It’s a fun way to capture a random day. 🙂
I love that the first thing you did was cuddle with your kitties. That’s such a sweet thing to do! They are so cute and I love hearing how you interact with them all day long.
Aww, thank you! They’re my favorite little ladies. 🙂
I love these posts! So fun. Today is my birthday and I’m copying you on IG – I’m doing a “day in the life” which I’ve wanted to do forever, and I figured my birthday is a good day to do it!
Fun fact: I worked at Pizza Hut in high school and even the smell of it turns my stomach now!
I loved seeing your day on IG! How fun. 🙂
Sometimes I feel that way about movie popcorn since I worked at a movie theater in high school. Which makes me sad because movie popcorn is the BEST!
I would enjoy watching the cop pull all those people over. LOL!
And yay for having bubble baths back in your life!
Haha, I’m such a softie and I felt so bad about all the people getting pulled over! Mainly because it’s SO EASY to speed on that road.
Bubble baths 4 liiiiife!
I love these posts. Love them. Starting with cuddle time sounds like a wonderful start to the day, for all involved! 🙂
And I’m with Kim – I would have been mesmerized by the idiots getting pulled over. Ha!
Also, please send the 81 degree temps my way. We are back to “early” spring. Sigh.
Kitty cuddle time is the best way to start the day! Whenever I don’t get those early morning snuggles, I feel bereft!
I love these posts – random stuff, but makes me feel so much “closer” because I am getting a glimpse into random moments of your day 🙂
So glad you’ll be able to take bubble baths again – I know how much you love them (I am a shower person through and through LOL).