Happy Wednesday, friends. I think we’re overdue for a quick Snapshot of My Day post, don’t you? This post idea was conceived by Torrie and I included a new addition this time around, inspired by NGS.
Here’s how Tuesday looked in my world.
Time I woke up: 6:20 a.m. My alarm went off right at 6am, but I snoozed it twice so I could snuggle Ellie, who was sitting on my belly.
First thing I did upon waking: I got dressed for a workout and then tried streaming a spin workout on my laptop (my spin bike is near my bed, so I usually prop my laptop on my bed and stream a Peloton workout from there), but I couldn’t get the Peloton website to work this morning. I contemplated going for a long walk instead, but my weather app told me it was lightly raining and that just didn’t seem fun. I also contemplated skipping my workout but I was already up and dressed, and that felt like a waste of an early alarm. In the end, I opted to stream a spin workout through my Peloton app on my phone. It’s not ideal since I can’t keep track of my cadence (I use an app on my phone to track my cadence during workouts), but I’m proud of myself for still getting in my workout when everything was against me! ALSO, I GUESS THIS MEANS I JUST NEED TO BUY A REAL PELOTON BIKE, RIGHT???
Today’s weather: Rainy and cold! The high is 57F and with the gloomy weather, it feels extra chilly for this Florida girl.
An out-of-the-ordinary thing that happened today: I had dinner plans today with my mom, my cousin, and my cousin’s daughter Mia, and I arrived a full 30 minutes early. We were eating at a restaurant in a big shopping plaza with a Target, so I meandered around there for 25 minutes, where I could do nothing more than window shop since I’m on a spending freeze for January. It wasn’t nearly as hard as I imagined to just look around and leave without buying anything.
Last thing I read (not on the Internet): The Banker’s Wife by Cristina Alger.
Last thing I read (on the Internet): I believe it was Nicole’s latest blog post!
Last text I sent: “Nice! Twinning!” which I sent to my mom.
Last text I received: A picture from my mom of her try at today’s Wordle puzzle—we both got it in four tries. I’ve gotten both of us hooked on Wordle after resisting the temptation for weeks.
Last website I visited: I think it was the workflow system my company uses to keep track of content projects. Fun, I know.
Last show I watched: Only Murders in the Building (<– which should come with a “dead cat” warning, FYI.)
Last thing I said: “Hi, my love. How are you?” which I said to Lila when she jumped up next to me.
Last thing I ate: A pizookie! (A pizookie is a cookie cooked in a deep dish pizza tin. It comes out hot and gooey and yummy.)
What I was doing an hour ago: Finishing up dinner with my mom, my cousin, and Mia! Mia sat super close to me throughout the meal, which was adorable. I love the way she loves me!
What I will be doing an hour from now: Hopefully, I will be snuggled up in bed with my book! I still need to run through my nighttime routine (clean the litter boxes, tidy the apartment, and brush my teeth), but that shouldn’t take too long.
Current whereabouts of other members of my household: Lila is eating a late dinner and Eloise is hiding in her tunnel. (I think she’s waiting for Lila to walk by so she can pounce on her!)
One thing I crossed off my to-do list today: I finished up one of my clients’ January content and sent it off to be proofed. That was a relief to cross off my list!
What’s the first thing you did when you woke up this morning?
I love these posts so much.
A pizookie – OH MY WORD – I’m down for that.
I love me some Wordle! I need more word games – I hate its just one word a day.
The one word a day thing is hard! But I also kinda like it? I have a tendency to become obsessed with phone games, so it’s probably good for me to learn to wait. Ha!
I love pizookies! I didn’t know they were a “thing” in other places as well (I wondered if it was maybe just a Utah thing since once of our pizza chains does them here).
I’m totally due for my own Snapshot post for this month…
Also, kudos on your spending freeze success thus far. I did a spending freeze once several years ago, and it really was a landmark milestone for my financial life—it totally “reset” our spending habits for YEARS after. I have it on my 101 in 1001 list to do another one, so I’d best get on that soon!
Ooh, I didn’t know they had pizookies in Utah! One of our restaurant chains does it here and I can never leave there without getting a pizookie after dinner!
The spending freeze has been so worthwhile! I definitely needed it.
The first thing I did this morning was probably…groan? I was NOT feeling ready to start the day, but it’s actually ended up being good so far.
I LOVE these sorts of posts and have only done it once (where I went through specific times of days). Maybe sometime soon!
The cookie looks amazing.
I just started Wordle yesterday and I can already tell I’m hooked. Thank goodness it is only once a day; if it was endless I likely wouldn’t let myself do it and that would be a shame because THIS IS MY SORT OF GAME.
I love regular day-in-the-life posts and these snapshots! The snapshots are much easier to put together, haha.
I’m a recent convert to Wordle, too, and every morning I get so excited to play that day’s puzzle!
Good for you for still doing that workout. And yes you need a Peleton! Treat yourself (in Feb of course)! You got that promotion!
Dinner sounds like a lot of fun, especially that cookie thing and Mia being so snuggly! And the window shopping before.
First thing I do every morning when I wake up is pet Khali. She is so sweet in the morning. And at night. 🙂
Ugh, right? I think I might treat myself to a sit/stand desk instead. I want one so much!
I love when our cats are snuggly before/after bed! Lila gets suuuuuper snuggly at night and in the morning, and it’s my favorite. She won’t let me pick her up, but she will let me snuggle her in bed.
Mmm, pizookie! So good! I haven’t had one of those in many years. I used to order that for dessert at a restaurant in Phoenix when I’d visit a friend who lives there. But that was so long ago, it was before I knew about my gluten intolerance!
The first thing I did this morning was help Paul get dressed. I woke up to him whispering “mom, my clock is green.” Well, it wasn’t. It was yellow, but it was close to when it turns green. And it’s not worth trying to get him back to bed even if the clock isn’t yellow (it turns yellow at 6, green at 6:15). But his little whisper was quite sweet.
That little whisper sounds adorable! Maybe not in the moment, as you were just waking up! That whole “clock turning a different color” thing for kids was such a genius idea!
Way to really stick with it and finish that workout! You should feel so proud of yourself for prioritizing it!!
I love seeing the photos of your girls. They look so happy to be with you!
That is such a sweet comment! I like to think that my cats actually like me. 🙂 I wasn’t prepared for them to be so sweet and lovey-dovey on me, before I became a cat mom!
Hi!! I’m glad you liked my post 🙂
That’s so great that you stuck with your workout and also, maybe you DO need a Peloton bike!
I love these posts, it feels like we are just having a nice friendly chat. Also, I’ve never heard of a pizookie, and that sounds very yummy.
I really, really need a Peloton bike! AHH. I am slowly being worn down. The bike I have is being a little creaky lately so maybe it’s time for that upgrade. 😉
This was fun! The first thing I do every morning is stretch out my foot before I get out of bed (stupid plantar fasciitis.). Then the cats start meowing loudly for breakfast (except on those lucky days where my husband gets up first and feeds them.)
i refuse to get sucked into Wordle!!! We’ll see how long that lasts. : )
Haha, I refused the Wordle obsession for a long time until I finally succumbed! It did just get bought by the NY Times, so I assume it will go behind a paywall soon. Womp!
These days the first thing I do when I wake up is complete the daily Wordle! Think I’m going to watch “Only Murders in the Building” when I finish “Yellowjackets”…
I really enjoyed Only Murders in the Building by the end! It was a fantastic thriller, and I’m excited for season 2!
I am the LAST person who would tell you to not buy a Peloton bike. I have not regretted it for one single minute. Also kudos for sticking to your workout when things went against you! That’s dedication!
Hahaha, you are the one who tempts me the most to get a Peloton – especially since you did the “regular” spin bike thing for a while. I waaaaant one!
Just going to jump on the bandwagon and say go for the bike! You’ve totally shown yourself that you’re committed enough – look at what you did this day! You persisted despite the roadblocks put in your way. I love the idea of not “wasting” the time in workout clothes – what a great mindset. 🙂
The first thing I did today? Hm. Stand up, and put on my own workout clothes! Then into the gym to warm up on the elliptical before my own (favorite) time on my (cheap, definitely not a Peloton) bike. It wasn’t cat snuggles but well, it woke me up.
I’m tempted to do one of these but fear you all would be bored to tears. 🙂
I promise you that we wouldn’t be bored to tears! My day wasn’t even all that exciting, yet I still found some things to talk about. I try to pick a day when I will at least get out of my apartment once, haha, but I have also recapped days where I do nothing but work and read and eat, haha, and it’s juuuust fine.