The high of my week was seeing the Barbie movie! I was so, so excited about this movie and it did not disappoint. It was funny and silly, but also heartfelt and emotional. America Ferrera is not getting nearly enough accolades as she should because she was sensational. The movie is super feminist and not for male fragility, that’s for sure, and we need more movies like it.
The low of my week was my blog being down for 36 hours! I am very grateful for two blog friends who reached out to me to let me know my blog was showing a weird “suspended” error. I contacted my hosting company and learned that my site had been infected by malware and they had taken the site down for security reasons. They informed me that I needed to remove the malware to get my site back. At first, I thought this was something I could do myself but I had to go through a third-party company. They were able to remove the malware fairly quickly, but then my hosting company needed time to scan the site and make sure it was fine before putting it back up. But she’s back and I missed her so much, and I will never take her beautiful little face for granted ever again. I have to figure out what I need to do to make sure that doesn’t happen again (other than changing my password, which I did the minute my blog was back online). I thought my blog was getting scanned frequently for stuff like this (I use SiteLock, which came with my hosting package), but maybe I need something more robust. Hackers are getting smarter and smarter!
One nagging task I marked off my to-do list was scheduling an initial consultation with a dietician. I am meeting with her in two weeks and I’m hoping it goes well. She seemed to say all the right things in her bio so I hope we can work well together. I will definitely keep everyone posted on my journey!
An article I enjoyed was ‘Sounds Like a Cult’ Podcast Host Sues Former Co-Host. The way I gasped when I saw this news! I am still listening to SLAC, even though I don’t really love it. I wish it were more research-based and factual. But they are still releasing episodes like everything is normal so I had no idea things had gotten so messy! I really hope the podcast can continue with Amanda and a new co-host because I think the weaknesses definitely lay with the other co-host, but we’ll see. Some juicy gossip for sure!
I’m currently reading three books. I am nearly finished with two of them—An Unwanted Guest by Shari Lapena and Something Wild & Wonderful by Anita Kelly—both of which will probably get 4 stars from me. And I just started (ironically) Cultish: The Language of Fanatacism by Amanda Montell (the same Amanda as referenced above!) on audio.
A podcast episode I enjoyed was A Look Back on Season 5 on the Currently Reading podcast. This was a fun romp through memory lane as the ladies wrapped up their most recent season. I always enjoy getting some behind-the-scenes tidbits about podcasting and how people produce their shows, and this one was really interesting to me.
The best money I spent this week was on some ergonomic accessories for my desk. My carpal tunnel pain has been terrible lately so I went and ordered a new mousepad with wrist rest, a funky-looking ergonomic mouse, and a wrist brace to wear at night. Here’s hoping it makes things feel better!
My plans this weekend include not much! It should be fairly low-key, which I am looking forward to. My mom and I may go see the Barbie movie together because a) she needs to see it and b) I need to rewatch it. Ha!
What was the highlight of your week?
I cannot wait to see Barbie! I am going with a friend on Monday the 7th!
I am so glad you were able to get your blog back. Things like that make me feel so overwhelmed and dumb. But like, why would we know how to fix those things? Has it being down made you rethink your August break at all?
Yay for seeing the dietician soon!
The highlight of my week was riding RAGBRAI with my Dad and sister!
You’ll have to let me know all of your Barbie thoughts! I loved it just as much the second time around.
You know, I really was thinking that I might not take a blogging break after my blog was down for so long. But I’m going ahead with it because I know I need it! I was so scared when it was down – it felt like being without a limb!
Congrats on another successful RAGBRAI!
I haven’t listened to SLAC in forever because I got really tired of it – but I am SHOCKED to hear this news all the same!!! The high of the week has been unpacking the last box! YASSSS
Hooray for unpacking the last box. That’s a major accomplishment!
I’ve never listened to SLAC, but I am following all of this gossip with great interest. How are they still releasing episodes like there’s nothing wrong? Do you think these are pre-recorded well in advance or do you think they’re still recording together? So weird!
I’m glad your blog is back up! That sounds very hard and I honestly would have no idea how to fix it if my blog went down!
I am assuming that those episodes were pre-recorded and they had to release them due to advertising contracts. But how far in advance were these episodes recorded that things devolved so drastically?! Not even that they decided to part ways, but one of the co-hosts is SUING the other! What a wild story.
So sorry you had to deal with blog woes this week. I know firsthand how frustrating that is. I am glad you got it fixed so quickly!
I have not yet seen the Barbie movie. I haven’t been to a theater in years. I might wait until it’s available to stream.
Blog woes are the worst! It was so scary not having my blog for so long. I’m glad she’s back, too!
That is scary about your blog- I would have NO IDEA what to do in that situation, and I would also be very, very sad not to have my blog working! I’m glad you got it fixed so quickly.
I haven’t seen Barbie, and everyone seems to love it so much! I just don’t really go to movies anymore, but I may have to make an exception for this one.
Dude, the blog story freaks me OUT! I hope you’re enjoying your break, though, and hopefully lots of time with Elizabeth and with your family. Love seeing your photos on IG.
I haven’t – and likely won’t -see Barbie. I’m trying to remember the last movie I watched and… yeah. Not coming up with anything. Oh! I think I watched the last HP movie the year I moved here? So 6 years ago? Maybe? (Sad…)
Arghhh my biggest fear that the blog gets malware and I am totally overwhelmed by what to do. While I do regular back–ups I don’t have any additional security in place. I just hope my provider is set up the right way…
I did watch the Barbie movie a week ago. While I was entertainment and enjoyed it I wouldn’t want to watch it multiple times as many people do. I am rather intrigued by the marketing machinery behind. Image wise this is smart thinking. I am sure sales are multiplying by the minute ever since it came out.